
When Jiang Yu's feet touched the last step of the stairs, his whole body relaxed slightly, and he breathed out a breath and broke out into a sweat. At the same time, he heard an explosion from far above.

The erasure process has been implemented, but Auntie and Xiaopang still have no names left. And considering that in the original work, except for this one annihilation, the main god directly annihilated the target through actinic annihilation, the abnormal deaths of these two people may also be indispensable for Zhang Jie's behind-the-scenes guidance.

After all, there is basically nothing to interfere with in the content after the main god's shield is lifted-the mercenaries have no interest in communicating with a group of Umbrella security personnel, and the heroine Alice is still in a trance caused by nerve gas. This group of well-armed warriors also broke into the hive in silence and brief tactical exchanges, and discovered that the elevator had been cut off by the Flame Queen.

The elevator is broken, so you can only use the fire escape. There may be a hundred flights of stairs to a fire escape, but it's not that difficult to cross them in ten minutes.

And Auntie and Xiaopang died there—perhaps they fell too fast and bumped into something. Maybe they were joining the group to keep warm and comfort each other so much that they missed time. Jiang Yu chose to give up when he found that their figures were left far behind, because he could not turn around and climb up, but would push himself into danger.

——It's a pity. They obviously looked very capable before setting off.

——But I can't change anything. It's still too difficult for me to pull them off the top of the stairs like the protagonist. After all, I am not a super instructor with my own martial arts, nor am I a strange creature with supernatural powers.

Breathe lightly and relax. The mercenaries searched for a way to the center of the hive as the normal plot unfolded. The heroine Alice stood blankly in the middle of the platform, looking left and right, but no one came close.

The mercenaries won't come near because they are busy.

The newcomers will not get close because Zhang Jie has already given a warning not to affect the plot.

As for the original male protagonist and supporting actors... well, with so many people around, they probably had no interest in interacting with the beauty in the red dress. Even if Alice at this time, or Milla Jovovich, is so beautiful and tender that you can squeeze out water, it is the same.

Jiang Yu noticed one thing - that is, at this time, the mercenaries were not actually hostile to the new reincarnations who were acting as security personnel. Indeed, old, weak, sick and disabled people like Xiaopang and Big Mom will make people feel that there is something wrong with Umbrella's personnel when signing the contract, but if Umbrella's security is not really so stretched, why would it cost a lot of money? Let their professional team handle the problem?

Tigers will not be afraid of old and weak sheep. The mercenaries only need to take a look to see that most of these new reincarnations neither carry weapons nor have any physical training in military training. Therefore, they did not conduct body searches on the newcomers, but Matt, the male protagonist in the original film and a victim of pirated subtitles, was handcuffed by the mercenaries because he lied about being a police auxiliary.

——The plot will only proceed after the laser channel, and the mercenaries who are on alert and panic may become vigilant and suspicious of us. And even if they really want to attack, Zhang Jie, who is carrying weapons, must be targeted first.

- So, until then. Do more and make more mistakes.

"Hey, brother Jiang Yu, let's discuss it together?" Zheng Zha's voice suddenly came. Jiang Yu turned around and saw the surviving newcomers subconsciously pulling him into a group. Zheng Zha, who was good at socializing, could easily The ground became the hidden core, and Zhang Jie stood a little further away with an indifferent expression, looking like he didn't care about anything.

Several people's faces were a little pale. It was obvious that Zhang Jie had completed his intimidation with the death of Xiaopang and Auntie. Before the critical moment of life and death arrives, perhaps no one dares to take the initiative to create some changes.

But they at least had the energy to introduce themselves.

"This is Zhan Lan, a writer. And this eldest brother is Mou Gang. He can drive a truck and is very strong. As I have introduced before, I am Zheng Zha, an office director with some experience. ——”

Zheng Zha introduced Zhan Lan and Mou Gang to Jiang Yu. The former showed a forced smile, while the latter's mouth twitched, and in the end he still looked arrogant.

Very good, it is only during this period that Zheng Zha will show his long-sleeved, good-dancing, all-round appearance.

"And I am Jiang Yu, a university student. I just finished my military training not long ago." Jiang Yu took over Zheng Zha's words, and nodded with the other two people, thus joining this temporary small group. And he spoke his thoughts first without waiting for Zheng Zha to start any topic. "I suggest that we talk less and do less."

——Well, the nearest mercenary is still quite far away from here. It should be possible to say.

A little further away, a hint of surprise quietly flashed across Zhang Jie's brows.

And Zhan Lan subconsciously retorted——

"But we..."

"We're dealing with a bunch of foreigners, aren't we?"

"Yes, so..."

"So, why can we understand every word and sentence they say? Even if there are no subtitles, there is no understanding error?" - Jiang Yu is talking about the basic functions of the Lord God, which are inherent in the reincarnation. Linguistic in both directions. He is able to make both newcomers and veterans alike suffer from foreign languages ​​or local dialects, unless there is power in the language.

"What do you mean-" Zheng Zha's eyes widened and he was the first to react.

"Yes, we have some ability to understand languages. This allows us to understand foreigners, and foreigners can naturally understand us - now we are regarded as Umbrella's security personnel, they He has not shown any hostility towards us. But do you think that if we gather together for a small meeting, will there be someone watching and observing?"

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, he shut up. Zheng Zha and others immediately realized the seriousness of this problem, and quickly walked away to the left and right sides, no longer talking, and at the same time were filled with gratitude and fear at Jiang Yu's eyes.

Being recognized by a group of American armed men who are about to face a crisis and are not bound by rules or laws as a small group engaging in conspiracy - you can even think of how unhealthy this kind of thing is with your ankles. The stronger the desire for expression here, the greater the probability of being unlucky.

Jiang Yu pointed out this matter - if someone who was supposed to die survived because of this, then it would be considered as saving the other person's life.

No matter what the outcome was, at least for the moment, the meager moral sense in his heart was satisfied.

——I should be a kind person.

——But not very kind.

Jiang Yu lowered his eyes and felt another person approaching him.

It's Zhang Jie.

Zhang Jie leaned against a pillar, a little far away, but his voice reached Jiang Yu's ears clearly.

"I haven't seen someone as smart as you for a long time." Zhang Jie's voice was the same as before, nothing unusual could be heard.

"I'm not smart, I just stand on the shoulders of those who came before me." Jiang Yu replied, he knew which level he was in.

——When facing Tinker Bell, I can survive until the second round even if he loses his head. If I hadn't read so many infinite novels and subsequent additional settings, I would be a headless fly now.

"Maybe, but you did find a lot of valuable things." Zhang Jie snorted softly. "But have you ever thought that by sharing this information, you will put yourself in danger? Those people may not care about Zheng Zha's small discussion at first, but when you walk over, they will let them know with just two words After you walk away with a cautious look on your face, you will become the object of focus."

——Pig teammate...Forget it, I didn't expect it myself. But are you really not behind this incident, Mr. Zhang Jie?

"I know." Jiang Yu curled his lips, but he didn't regret it very much. He knew the difference between taking risks and seeking death, and he was mentally prepared accordingly before taking action.

"Don't you regret it? In the past, you must have deliberately reminded others to correct their mentality."

"In an unfamiliar and dangerous environment, helping others is helping yourself. Someone has to be the first to break the ice, and someone has to pay the price for their actions." Jiang Yu replied, having done everything, there is nothing left to hide. .

He received a moment of silence.

Silence lasted for several seconds. With the sound of a lighter, the smell of cigarettes came from where Zhang Jie was.

"Look at your watch." It was still difficult to discern any changes in Zhang Jie's tone.

Jiang Yu's eyes narrowed the moment he turned around.

Matthew Addison, the name and the distance restrictions behind it, disappeared. Except for a constantly beating countdown, the black watch is empty.

—I see... The purpose of the distance restriction is to ensure that we must enter the hive. Instead of trying to stay in the train without entering the plot area... Yes, the mercenaries did not have any malicious intentions at the beginning. If someone deliberately broke their feet or caused other injuries that affected their movement, then there is a high probability that they would not Refilling the gun will not force the wounded to follow, but will slow down the action.

—— their employer.

Jiang Yu raised her head and glanced in the direction of the train. Solving a puzzle can make you feel good, but it doesn't make the situation better.

"You can really tell." Zhang Jie stood up, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out. "Well, I wish you a safe journey."

he left.

And Jiang Yu knew this was a warning, a reminder.

Because soon, the mercenaries found their way to a deeper level. After passing through the array of research rooms that were flooded. The famous B restaurant area arrived immediately - countless huge standing cabinets stood in the air-conditioned hall, and before they were de-cooled due to the power cut off, no one knew that countless Umbrella's biological weapons 'Lickers' were in full swing Packed in batches here.

The plot characters don’t know.

Therefore, when the mercenary captain followed the script and left the two soldiers and the cuffed actor in Restaurant B to guard against accidents, he paused unexpectedly.

"You, stay here with them." He pointed at Jiang Yu and said. Then it seemed that because the tone was too strong, I added something extra. "Something doesn't look right here. If something unusual happens, please help me deal with it."

He nodded towards his two subordinates. Turn around and leave.

I don’t know if it was something I encountered during a previous routine investigation, or if the Flame Queen who secretly monitored the entire hive made a decision. In a remote corner among the countless standing cabinets, under an inconspicuous standing cabinet, the indicator light quietly turned from red to yellow!

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