Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 29·Fourth Night·Underground Waterway

When Xia set up camouflage, alarm measures, and defensive booby traps in the abandoned subway station. Jiang Yu also mounted the heavy and huge Thunder Cloud mecha, and the high-power searchlight was immediately turned on, and the dark underground waterway of Raccoon City immediately became clear and bright enough.


America's unique large underground waterway is enough for behemoths like Thundercloud Armor to move through. The waterproof partition measures made in advance also prevent the reincarnations who are not equipped with full armor from scolding.

Well, that's right. That’s Zheng Zha—even Zhang Jie had to equip himself with a full-covered kashejin tactical configuration. He was the only one equipped with a heavy-duty exoskeleton that emphasized explosive power and frontal defense. And if Jiang Yu hadn't predicted this in advance and asked him to purchase a waterproof and insulated external full-coverage armor plate before leaving, he would now have to endure the suffering of one foot deep and one shallow foot in the sewage.

Of course, after realizing this, he couldn't help but cast a grateful glance at Jiang Yu. In the previous actual combat training, the result of a slight lead due to the advantage of close combat was also quietly erased in his heart.

A little aside, it's not important.

There was silence in the sewers of Raccoon City, except for the sound of water as the reincarnators walked through it.

Jiang Yu walked at the front, providing a light shield, vision, and also serving as a giant bunker to attract possible attack firepower. Before starting this return journey, he purchased detailed maps of many key places in Raccoon City on Xia's advice. After integrating into the Thundercloud Armor's auxiliary system, the sewers in front of him looked like the same as before. Just like my own back garden.

He is thinking.

"Xia." Jiang Yu contacted his closest partner in the private channel. "Are you sure that Raccoon City Elementary School has not been evacuated until now, and that Miss Angela is still ignorantly studying?"

Not using a public channel is not for confidentiality, but because you don't want to distract others in worthless discussions. After all, his Thunder Cloud Armor is strong and heavy enough. Even if something unexpected happens and he fails to react, he can still be caught off guard once or twice.

"Well, Ayu, I've already gone to confirm." Xia conducted the investigation during the day when it was inconvenient to carry out military operations. And she did bring back some precise information. "Raccoon City Elementary School is still in operation. Miss Angela is still in school, and a large number of Umbrella elite teams have entered the neighborhood. Centered on Raccoon City Elementary School, the surrounding one-kilometer area is under strict surveillance. under invisible control.”

Invisible control - all T-infected organisms appearing in that area are secretly screened and then eliminated. All intelligence from other urban areas is controlled and prohibited from dissemination. Unlike modern communities with advanced communications twenty years later, in Raccoon City, which has not yet crossed the second millennium, as long as the phone lines and shortwave communications are cut off, most city residents will become a bunch of blind people. .

Everyone in the city center has been evacuated, but the area on the outskirts of the city - close to the mountainous suburbs - still remains ignorant of the biohazard in Raccoon City. Even though the activity of the reincarnators has brought some variables, everything is gradually changing to what it was like at the beginning of the second part of the movie.

This can be understood as the main god controlling the plot at a macro level to ensure that the second biochemical crisis will inevitably occur.

But macro-control must also be implemented - on this planet, there should be certain prerequisite reasons for the activities of every large force. The situation in front of us looks like this, and it is obvious that Umbrella's driving force behind the scenes is indispensable.

So, what exactly is the reason?

Jiang Yu had an idea. A guess. After thinking over and over, he decided not to hide it from others, which was a precautionary measure, and he also wanted to rely on the wisdom and strength of other companions.

He took a few steps forward and made a tactical gesture to slow down. Kasumi began to pay more attention to the surrounding area to prevent any unexpected situations from happening when the reincarnations were distracted from their conversation.

"Kasumi has obtained some information. The doctor in the second movie, his daughter Angela is still in Raccoon City Elementary School. And the butterfly effect we created has already triggered Umbrella's actions. The doctor is not You may not know that an irrepressible biological crisis has broken out in Raccoon City. According to the character in the movie, as the creator of T, his original purpose was to cure Angela's congenital disease - he should be a good father no matter what. It is impossible to still put your daughter in the current danger."

There was still silence in the sewer, and occasionally one or two small mutated creatures infected with the T virus could be seen. But he was quickly killed by the reincarnations with silenced weapons. Every time Jiang Yu took a few steps forward, he released a low-power electromagnetic pulse. Several underground surveillance cameras that had long been abandoned were destroyed for the second time. This ensures that this area is still a blind spot in Umbrella's intelligence level.

The reincarnators were still moving forward, but they couldn't help but paused when they heard Jiang Yu's speech on the public channel.

"The Lord God controlled the plot?" It was Zhan Lan who said this. This was her first reaction as a creator.

"There are...some personnel changes within Umbrella?" Zheng Zha, as the office director, is more sensitive to another area.

"Well, both are possible. And in the movie, there is one point that I don't quite understand... Dr. Kane in the second part, as the creator of T, the power he holds is too small. Not only He was completely excluded from the 'Nemesis', or tracker, plan. He didn't even have the power to mobilize a tactical team to rescue his daughter, and Umbrella's regional director could kill him at will. And he was in the first scene of the movie. At the beginning, I didn’t stay in Umbrella’s research center, but stayed idle in a suburban villa.”

Jiang Yu said that this was indeed something he didn't understand. T-Virus is Umbrella's fist...or core support product. As the lead developer, Dr. Kane really shouldn't have such a low status. This can of course be explained by the patch made in the fifth film - the real Umbrella executives are sleeping under the hive, and the ground is full of clones. However, the World Reincarnation Plan should not operate at that time. And an ordinary regional leader shouldn't know so much information.

"Indeed." Zheng Zha nodded and said as he walked. "Dr. Kane's performance at the opening can only prove that he has been excluded from Umbrella's core power circle before the beginning of the second part. And coupled with the current intelligence, perhaps it is that Umbrella has already internally Prepare, and even decide to deal with his signal...Using a project that is destined to go wrong to get rid of the obstructive senior executive is a very common operation in large companies."

"So..." Zhan Lan blinked. "Rescuing Dr. Kane is also an optional side mission for us? But Jiang Yu, this is not included in the schedule we prepared in advance. Are you planning to revise the action plan?"

"I don't have this plan, I just have a guess." Jiang Yu shook his head, but others could not see his actions inside the Thunder Cloud Armor. "You should have noticed. Dr. Kane, and his daughter Angela, have a special last name - Ashford."

Ashford, in the Resident Evil game. This surname does belong to one of the founders of the T-Virus. Alexander Ashford, who was infected with the Progenitor Virus more than ten years earlier in the game's world line, turned into a monster. Of course, compared to his ordinary background, the holder of this surname is more famous, and his name is Alexia.

She is the final boss of "Veronica" and the perfect carrier of the T-Veronica virus. Even in a game world filled with monsters and monsters, they are still among the top three super powerful monsters. Even the protagonist of the game can't find a way to defeat her, so he can only rely on the plot of the magic weapon descended from the sky to kill her.

Of course, this is the world line of the movie. There's not even a G virus in the Resident Evil movie. Naturally, let alone super virus variants such as Abyss, Ouroboros, and Veronica. However, there are some correspondences between the settings of the game and the movie. Kane corresponds to Alexander, so naturally Angela can also correspond to Alexia.

"Alexia." Zhan Lan frowned. "We have discussed this issue before. Alexia in the game fell into a frozen sleep when she was twelve years old, and her mental age after waking up coincides with Angela's physical age. It is indeed possible that the two are in the same place in another world. However, no matter how powerful Alexia is in the game, Angela, who is not independent and has not participated in any research in the movie world line, will not have any impact on our action plan."

"Yes." Jiang Yu did not deny it, but gave another perspective. "But what if she's not Alexia?"

"...I don't understand what you mean, Jiang Yu."

"Alexia slept for fifteen years in the game in order to fuse with Veronica. But in the movie world, there is no research direction for T Veronica. Then, there is a detail. At the end of Resident Evil 2 At that time, Jill, Chris and others who escaped death rescued Alice from the research base by relying on Umbrella's high-level authority. At that time, they undoubtedly had the real Umbrella authority——

——What’s even more coincidental is that Angela disappeared without a trace, and Umbrella found the crash site where the protagonist group escaped from Raccoon City in just two hours, but except for Alice’s wreckage, they found nothing. Nothing was found. "

"...Alexia." Zheng Zha stopped. He didn't stop just for the name.

"Yes, the real Alexia who lived to be 27 years old and has her own faction and power within Umbrella. In the original plot, she might be at a disadvantage in the internal fighting among Umbrella's top leaders, so that even in the end After making a response, she only had time to transport her sister away from the hostile faction. Before the plot of the third part started, Alice was rescued by the protagonist group and had undergone internal transformation. Defeat or even assassinate... This explains why Alice is alone at the beginning of the third film. Because she has no face to face her former comrades."

Jiang Yu raised the lightning pulse cannon in his hand.

"Of course, until now, this conjecture has been just a logical inference without actual evidence. But since such a possibility exists, we should be mentally prepared in advance - the changes in Raccoon City will change because of our actions. It becomes increasingly impossible to hide it. And if Alexia really exists, then she is likely to throw her power into Raccoon City in the next few days."

"But that's not something that needs to be considered now." Zheng Zha tightened his grip on his ax, and the huge ax blade lit up with a blazing red light. Not far in front of him, a biochemical beast with a red body, a huge mouthpart that could cover the entire entrance of the passage when opened with four petals, and looked like a giant walking frog, was revealed in his sight.

Predator-Gamma, a predator in the sewers that only appears in the game, an abandoned biochemical weapon. Their existence somewhat corroborates Jiang Yuna's speculation about the correspondence between movies and games. And there are more than one of them.

So, fire away.

Before the thermal ax hits its first target. Blue thunder and lightning as thick as a water pipe had accurately struck the huge, angry mouth of a biochemical monster. Along with the burnt stench and the splashing of the water, the Lord God's announcement was also heard on the behemoth. The sound of falling echoed in Jiang Yu's mind.

[Kill the Hunter-γ in one body and get 50 reward points. 】

A bit more expensive than Lickers.

But still stingy.

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