Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 24·Directed cultivation

Of course, Mr. Jiang didn't know about this. He has no way of knowing. He just intuitively felt that this future muscle gorilla, which finally got the ultimate beggar's version of the Sky Axe. Although it was very handsome, it was essentially a ruthless man. At this moment, its combat power became more reliable. To brush up on the original Alien, let’s not say it’s chopping up melons and vegetables, at least it’s an understatement. And this perfectly met his needs.

"Significant combat power... I believe you can do it, Zheng Zha." Jiang Yu nodded and said: "Then, the main configuration is complete, and next, we have to prepare some auxiliary weapons for combat. There are other people’s tactical configurations.”

"Regular firepower? Rifles, pistols, grenades, rocket launchers, etc.?" Zheng Zha understood and began to check the exchange list.

"Would you like to buy a Desert Eagle with infinite bullets? It's very handsome..." Zhang Jie interjected in a confused tone.

This may have been a joke to liven up the atmosphere - although the atmosphere was not serious, just weird. However, Jiang Yu nodded seriously.

"I really recommend everyone to buy an unlimited bullet pistol with 100 reward points. Because although it is a general-purpose modern weapon, its firepower is negotiable."

Two projections hang down - they are two revolvers, with both the sophistication of post-modernity and the ruggedness of the Wild West era. One of them is slightly slender and has a silver body. The other one is slightly shorter but thicker.

"Smith \u0026 Wesson M500, loaded with five rounds. A powerful hunting revolver. One shot can kill a rhinoceros." This is the slender, silver-white one.

"Colt's Special Python was loaded with six rounds. Only a small part was produced because the recoil was too strong. As long as it successfully hits the target, even an elephant will fall." This one is thicker, and the python is The coating has a dark matte finish.

Jiang Yu introduced two heavy-duty hunting revolvers respectively. They have three flaws. The first is that the recoil is too great, the second is that the ammunition capacity is too small, and the third is that the sound of the shot is too loud.

"Now that we have all been injected with T original solution, physical problems are basically not a problem for everyone. We don't have to worry about breaking the bones of our hands when we fire a gun, and we don't have to worry about the crosshair floating in the sky. The infinite bullet version can solve all our problems. The second problem we face is that the most troublesome thing about the revolver is reloading. But the stability of the revolver is much better than that of a conventional pistol."

The key is not to get stuck. The new recruits of the Reincarnator... probably don't have the flexibility to deal with stuck situations.

"As for the sound...Looking at our equipment, I don't think we are good at sneaking." Jiang Yu explained that anyway, reincarnators have good ways to sneak, and they don't necessarily need the traditional tiptoeing. "At worst, buy some invisible boys from the radiation world view, or DND's invisible scrolls. Under normal circumstances, we don't need them."

"After overcoming these shortcomings, we will enjoy the remaining benefits-first of all, this heavy-duty hunting revolver can definitely deal with what we need to deal least most of the enemies we need to deal with when returning to Resident Evil . Their power is absolutely excessive for unarmored small and medium-sized biochemical monsters. Secondly, this type of unlimited bullet pistol can effectively exercise our shooting ability before we go out... Because I think among us except for the eldest brother Zhang Jie Most of them are military-illiterates."

Zhang Jie looked at the hunting revolver in the projection, and then at the Infinite Desert Eagle in his hand. Suddenly I feel that my ability to show off is declining significantly.

There is no way, the Desert Eagle is an antique from 1980 after all. But times are progressing. The Smith \u0026 Wesson M500 and Colt's custom-made Python, which were put into production only after the millennium, are naturally stronger in terms of lethality and appearance - Zhang Jie, who is too old-school, does not know the desert. Eagle subsequently launched many new era improvements.

"So ugly." Zhan Lan wrinkled his nose and expressed some dissatisfaction. "I don't think this is suitable for me."

"Without affecting the design function, the main god provides fine-tuning of the appearance of the redeemable items. You can also add girly pink coating to your weapons." Jiang Yu shrugged. Said: "I actually prefer another weapon, but it's a pity that this guy's unlimited ammunition version requires a D."

Another projection landed. It was a futuristic weapon with a Slavic style, like a revolver, but there was no bullet chamber visible. And the specifications are as huge as a small electric drill. It looks like a bolt pistol from the Warhammer world.

"Comrade's Hammer, a single-shot super-heavy revolver in the game. Loaded with high-explosive armor-piercing bullets, it can penetrate the wall and then blast the mecha behind the wall with one shot - unfortunately, the single-shot light firepower in reality is either bolted The rifle is either a flare, and since we choose to use the unlimited firepower version, we must at least take advantage of the 'ammunition is free' and 'ignore capacity' provided by the Lord God."

"Of course, small-caliber semi-automatic pistols are also a feasible strategy. But considering the problem of friendly fire, I think we should not use semi-automatic firearms at least at the beginning when practicing."

Zhan Lan had nothing to say this time.

Mou Gang had nothing to say.

Zheng Zha came back to his senses. When he was retrieving the items, he apparently also paid part of his attention to listen to Jiang Yu's thoughts.

"Using the Lord God's rules to maximize profits - this is indeed the right strategy. However, I think we should also combine our respective areas of expertise instead of adopting a general-purpose enhancement like a big-head soldier." Perhaps it is an illusion, Zheng After completing the enhancement, Zha's brain is obviously much better than in the original work. "For example, Mou Gang, I don't think it's necessary to spend too many resources on light firepower like a pistol, which is ultimately insufficient, because Mou Gang's strength and physique are very strong, so I think using some more tough-guy weapons will be effective. better."

His words were accompanied by a projected light. That's... a 1.5-meter-long multi-barrel minigun!

"M61A1, Vulcan multi-barreled cannon. 23mm caliber heavy firepower, gun body 120kg, plus ammunition backpack weighs exactly 300KG. It is naturally unbearable for ordinary people. But for the strengthened Mou Gang, I think it is not a big problem. This kind of heavy firepower is enough to solve most long-range problems. As for close defense... first of all, it’s painful to hit someone with a 120KG gun barrel. Moreover, I also found another recommended weapon.”

Another projection, this time of an avant-garde chopping knife.

"A monomolecular bladed titanium alloy saber. It is strong, cuts through iron like clay, and can self-repair. This weapon is perfect for use in close combat. The cost of the cannon is 150 points, but this knife only costs 80 points. I feel that after they are combined, the infinite pistol you planned...may not be very useful."

After all, he didn't say the word "useless" because Zhang Jie was already very embarrassed.

Jiang Yu nodded and shook his head.

"You are quite thoughtful, but have you ever considered it? This Vulcan cannon is as eye-catching as my Thundercloud mecha. And it is different from the fact that my Thundercloud mecha comes with its own power. Mou Gang brings it with him It may be able to move normally. But once high-speed maneuvers, transfers and indigenous social interactions are required, such equipment will become a hindrance."

"Obviously, it cannot be placed on Mou Gang all the time. Even if it is used, it should be equipped with one or two external mechanical arms to assist in generating force. It is usually stuffed into my dimensional ring until Mou Gang himself purchases storage equipment. Until then. Under normal circumstances, portable light firepower is still a must."

Behind Jiang Yu, more projections appeared.

"Generally speaking, the AK series is the most durable and suitable for novices. However, considering that all general-purpose rifles have the same price, you can naturally choose to buy the most expensive and high-end model. AK103 and HK416, these two rifles are Millennium rifles respectively. The Soviet Union and the German style will be the flagship products in the next year. seems that everyone is more concerned about their appearance."

Sure enough, the Hk416 immediately attracted the attention of reincarnators with its good looks and high performance after its appearance - a maximum firing rate of 900 rounds per minute, triple shooting mode of speed and slow machine, left and right hand balance, high scalability, and even It can mount howitzers and silencers - these advantages obviously outperform the AK series, which has always been stupid, big and black. After all, reincarnations don't need to consider large-scale purchases, so of course it's better to go higher-end.

Of course, there are higher-end scars, but they were put into production later, so they are not included in the list of general-purpose weapons with the same price. As for the ar15 series... these are not very in line with Jiang Yu's aesthetics, so I didn't say anything about them.

——It’s a pity that in this case I really can’t show off my AN-94. I’m not very fond of guns like the 416...

——Tsk, by the way, how many years will it take for Yu Yuzhong to make Girls’ Frontline?

"In addition, I think it is necessary to purchase armor - Kevlar. Body armor such as Dragon Scale Armor is relatively reliable in modern society, but for us, even if we go to the Resident Evil It’s too reluctant. Therefore, I think we need to purchase some more high-end products so that they can provide effective protection.”

All the projections behind him dispersed, and what appeared next was a set of half-breastplate that combined a helmet, shoulder armor, hand guards, and knee pads. The main color is military green, and there is an eagle pattern on the breastplate.

"Carapace armor - originally from Warhammer 40000, the equipment of the Imperial Astra Militarum. Its main body is plastic steel, an overhead material. It is tougher than alloy steel and lighter than plastic. A one centimeter thick armor is as thick as a piece of armor worn on the body. It’s the same as Qiu Yi. The cost is 100 bonus points, but I recommend the 150-point Kashezin version.”

The military green turned into lead gray, and a base layer was added. Moreover, the half-body armor has also become a full-body covering type. There are many hanging points on the edge of the armor, and there is also a structure for hooking ammunition boxes on the back.

"The full-coverage heavy-duty carapace armor, after meeting the basic performance, has added windproof, dustproof, and acid-proof effects. At the same time, the helmet integrates a wireless communication and sighting system. It can also effectively resist relatively primitive EMP interference. That is, It says that it can still maintain good communication after I release the electromagnetic pulse - I personally recommend buying this, at least you don't have to worry about the bites of zombies, and the lickers' claws are also difficult to be effective."

"And..." He looked at Zhan Lan. "Now that Zheng Zha has planned out Mou Gang's direction, if Zhan Lan doesn't really care about you, I have some suggestions for directional development for you."

"I'm listening." Zhan Lan may be imagining girly pink paint in his head.

"Well, in the T-virus fusion, it is mentioned that only those with mental potential can awaken telekinesis. You have awakened, and I checked some content related to those with mental potential. I found that there seems to be a series of enhancements, only Only those with potential like you can redeem it. Moreover, there should be corresponding needs within the team."

"We may need a spell caster." Jiang Yu said, staring at Zhan Lan seriously. "And there is a high probability that you are the best candidate at the moment."

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