Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 56: You can call me honey

   After the chief had left, Leng Feng sat on the ground leaning against the wall, holding the special bullet in his hand.

  According to the regulations, it is impossible for inmates in prison to have bullets. But Leng Feng kept holding the bullet and didn't let go. The chief greeted the warden and let Leng Feng hold it first.

   It took Leng Feng three days to sit.

   Within three days, without eating or drinking, motionless.

   just held the bullet and sat on the ground blankly.

   The sunlight in the cell came in, but he didn't notice it;

   The sun disappeared again, he didn't notice;

   The light is on, he doesn't notice;

   The lights went out, and he didn't notice it.

   The warden was distraught. If this continues, something must happen.

   And if something goes wrong in your prison area, you will be in trouble.

   Especially this cold front is not an ordinary person, and the leaders of the military area take great care of him. If something happens to him, he will be in great trouble.

   He also reported to the head of the military district several times, but the military district leader said in one sentence: "He is a wolf of war and can survive."

   The warden said in his heart that you don’t have a backache when talking while standing, so try it yourself.

   After much deliberation, unable to think of a way, the warden suddenly remembered Lin Yilai: The master said he would come, why didn't he come?

   So in the next few days, he waited for Lin Yi anxiously.

   On the fourth day, Lin Yi finally came.

   He came directly to the prison door and said to the guard at the door: "I'm looking for the warden."

   The guard glanced at Lin Yi and said, "The warden has been very busy these days and has no time to meet guests."

   The warden said before that he was waiting for an important guest and everyone else would be gone.

   From the guard's point of view, Lin Yi obviously would not be an important guest.

   Lin Yi smiled and said, "Isn't I like an important guest?"

   The guard was a little surprised. How could this kid know that the warden was waiting for important guests?

   When he was wondering, the phone in the guard box rang suddenly.

   The guard picked up the phone and listened to the other end of the phone. The warden’s voice was very anxious: "Xiao Wang, he is the guest I am waiting for, please come in quickly. I said I have been waiting for him for several days."

   The guard listened, and didn't dare to doubt any more, so he let it go.

   Looking at Lin Yi's back, he said in his heart what this person has to do with the warden.

   Listening to the tone of the warden, it seems that he respects this guy very much.

   Generally only those chiefs come, the warden will respect so much. This kid is so young, it is impossible to be the chief.

   Who is he?

   Let’s also say that Lin Yi hasn’t gotten downstairs. The warden has already come downstairs to greet him. As soon as they meet, he said, “Master, you’re here, I’m so anxious...”

   Lin also waved his hand to stop him from continuing, acting like an expert: "I know all about it, now take me to see Leng Feng."

   The prison director was overjoyed and quickly led the way.

   passed several iron gates along the way, and the guards beside the iron gates were secretly surprised.

   Only when the chief of the military district came, the warden would personally accompany him.

  Who is this kid who can be accompanied by the warden?

   And it seems that the warden still respects him, what is going on?

   After passing through the three iron gates, the warden personally took Lin Yi to the outside of Leng Feng’s cell-originally outsiders came to visit the prisoners, it should be in the reception room. But Leng Feng has been motionless, can't let people put him out?

   The warden also heard about Leng Feng and respected Leng Feng.

   If cold front is taken out, he thinks it is an insult to cold front.

   So I can only bring Lin Yilai outside the cold front room.

   Lin also watched Leng Feng sit on the ground against the wall, watched the bullet in his hand, said nothing, and didn't notice their arrival.

   Lin Yi feels a little distressed.

   In the "Wolf Warrior" series, Leng Feng is definitely a hero.

   But such a brave hero can only sit here leaning against the wall, staring at the bullet that killed his fiancee Long Xiaoyun, enduring such pain alone, but can't do anything.


   The warden sighed and said to Lin Yi: "Master, please help him."

   Lin also thought for a while, and said to Leng Feng: "You are a few years older than me, I will call you Brother Feng."

   Leng Feng still stared at the bullet and said nothing.

   didn't seem to hear Lin Yi at all.

   Lin also glanced at the warden next to him, and the warden smiled bitterly: "Today is the fourth day, and it has been like this."

   Lin Yi turned his head and continued to look at Leng Feng, and said, "Brother Feng, if you believe me, you and Sister Yun will meet again."

  As soon as he said this, Leng Feng was stunned for three seconds, and then stood up, looking at Lin Yi, his eyes burning.

   Lin also nodded and said, "Brother Feng, I know what you have experienced these past few days, and I know why you are like this. But I use my life guarantee. If you miss you, you will meet."

   Leng Feng stared at Lin Yi, as if he wanted to see through Lin Yi.

The warden next to him listened and said overjoyed: "Leng Feng, don't look at this man because he is young, but he is a master. He can know many things, and most importantly, he can predict the future. He said that you will meet each other. It must not be wrong."

   Leng Feng obviously didn't believe these words

   He is a firm materialist, how could he believe such nonsense.

   Lin is also in front of Leng Feng, unwilling to pretend to be a magic stick, he said: "I can't predict the future, but I am good at observation and reasoning. Based on many details, I can reason about things."

   The warden had a black thread, and said to his heart that you talked a lot of yin and yang in our house that day. Is it all bullshit?

Lin also knew that the warden was complaining at this time, and ignored him, and continued to say to Leng Feng: "Even if you don't believe me, don't you have some hope in your heart? Think about it if you can really meet Sister Yun, then it should be. What a wonderful thing. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you can never see each other again, you should wait for you to use this bullet as a clue after you get out of prison to find the enemy and avenge Sister Yun!"

   Leng Feng finally raised his head when he heard this, and said, "Do you know something?"

Lin Yi said: "I know these at present, but in these three years, I will continue to look for clues. When you are released from prison, I will tell you everything I found. But in these three years, you You must maintain your physical condition, it might be of great use then."

   In Leng Feng's eyes, his gaze was not as sluggish as before.

   He didn't have the feeling of sinking that he had before, but gradually became fighting spirit and hope.

When the warden next to    saw Leng Feng's change, he was overjoyed, and he admired Lin Yi more and more.

   It was useless to persuade so many people, the master gave Leng Feng back with a few words.

  Master is indeed a master.

   Leng Feng stared at Lin Yi, and after a moment, he asked, "Who are you? Why do you do so much for me?"

   Lin Yi said with respect: "Brother Feng, I am your number one fan. You can call me honey."

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