Infinite Battlefield: Ten Times the Points

Chapter 29 The people trapped on the twentieth floor

This diffused white light is like a magical broom, sweeping away the flaming flames and the ubiquitous black mist nearby, sweeping away the pungent smell and high temperature in the air.

This area surrounded by flames turned out to be cool and comfortable.

Su Yang took off the oxygen mask and took a deep breath.

Just like after the rain in the mountains and forests, the fragrant fragrance made his body relax and his spirit doubled.

Everyone in the room also saw this white light, and they were uneasy because they didn't know, but they could clearly feel the decrease in the surrounding temperature.

"What's going on? What light is that?"

"Is there anyone outside?"

Su Yang put on a mask again, this time to cover his face.

The wooden door could not be opened, so he punched it.


He punched the complete wooden door into several large pieces and fell to the ground in the room.


There were several high-pitched screams in the room immediately, and those who were closer to the door subconsciously took a few steps back and looked in the direction of the door in horror.

When they saw a guy with an oxygen mask floating in, they were even more scared and backed away, and some people even fell to the ground.

"Wu... armed!?"

"A player who can fly??"

When their eyes noticed the bead in his hand that brought them comfort, they suddenly realized that this man should have come to save them.

"Are you here to save us?" A man in the front asked, when he suddenly noticed that there was no flame in the corridor behind Su Yang, and said in surprise, "Are the flames out outside!? "

Su Yang nodded and shook his head, and said, "Follow me."

Then turned and floated out.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and one by one happily ran out.

"Oye, saved, saved."

"There is no fire, no fire, the crisis is over!"

As soon as these cheering people went out, they were frightened by the firelight on the opposite side. They hurried to the guardrail and looked down.

Like a stove, the ferocious flames burned the floors below, scorching the fine white walls with terrifying high temperatures, and the lack of moisture caused obvious cracks to appear on the walls of the floors below.

The dark smoke rose, but it rose in an arc at a distance from everyone, as if there was an invisible spherical protective cover to protect everyone.

Seeing this, everyone still didn't understand: it wasn't that the fire was reduced at all, but that the bead in the man's hand resisted the flames and smoke.


They looked at the evil spirit bead in Su Yang's hands and exclaimed.

Su Yang took them all the way to the end of the corridor, and under the puzzled eyes of everyone, he punched the wall.

boom! !

The huge sound spread throughout the entire floor, and there was an obvious fist mark and dense cracks where Su Yang attacked. The crack range was huge, almost filling the entire wall.

Everyone was stunned by Su Yang's behavior.

"That... boss, why are you attacking the outer wall?" someone asked cautiously.

Su Yang shook his red fists and said, "I want to send you all down."

He looked back at the two hundred people, and when he found that almost all of them were young and middle-aged, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

"I now have a prop to send you down safely, but I need your help!"

he shouted to the crowd.

"Are you willing to help!"

When everyone heard that there was hope to go back, their eyes shone with light, their emotions were high, and they all responded: "Yes!"

Su Yang smiled slightly, turned to reveal the outer wall to them, and said loudly, "You only need to do one thing, and that is..."

"Destroy this outer wall!!!"


The crowd raised their fists in agreement,

His face was filled with joy that he was about to escape.

at the same time.

Building 20th floor.

This is the center of the flame, and every part of this floor is ruthlessly occupied by flames - except for a transparent square glowing with a faint blue light.

This square is ten meters long and wide, and three meters high. It stands in a company hall that was originally the "Overlord Creature".

This out-of-the-ordinary square is obviously a prop for Infinite Battlefield.

[Convenient space (C)]: Create a space. The size and hardness of the space depend on the user's spirit. It needs to consume a small amount of physical strength of the user every second to maintain the existence of the space.

Through this transparent square, you can clearly see more than 20 people who look like researchers. They wear white coats and are relatively old. The youngest is at least forty years old.

Although they were in Sifang's body, there was no joy on their faces. Instead, they were filled with the decision to die. Some even explained the funeral to their relatives through their mobile phones.

On the opposite side of this group of emotionally sad middle-aged and elderly people stood a young and beautiful girl alone.

The girl stared at the endless fire outside with her icy blue brilliant pupils, her extremely beautiful face expressionless.

"I can only last three more minutes."

Gong Baixue said calmly.

Arming ended three minutes later, when the props were forced to stop, and all of them would be quickly engulfed by the terrifying fire.

She glanced back at the scientific research group with a more sad atmosphere, her silver teeth clenched.

Everyone present didn't realize that she was the one who should be saddened the most.

Obviously she just came to change the wrong research direction of this organization.

In the previous life, this organization created a biochemical monster because of the wrong research direction, which brought huge damage to the city.

In order to prevent this incident from happening again, Gong Baixue rushed all the way to Danjiang from above.

Although there are many scientific madmen in this organization, they are essentially good people, so the process is very smooth, and she planned to go to her best friend's house next.

But I didn't expect...

‘In the past life, this building didn’t catch fire at all! ! ! ’ Her expressionless face was roaring wildly in her heart!

‘What the hell is going on with this TM! ? ’

‘Why am I so unlucky! ’

She looked out silently, expecting to see some changes.

But unfortunately, although she knew that someone might come to save them, it was definitely not within three minutes. What's going on outside.

‘Am I going to die again as a reborn? ’

She dug up treasures everywhere and found a lot of props, but this is the only one that can be used now.

Gong Baixue sighed heavily, a trace of loneliness appeared on his face.

As if feeling a little cold, she folded her arms and tightened her clothes.

...hope others don't bury her ashes as sand.


Outside the building, more and more people were watching.

Zhao Hong, an old reporter from Danjiangtai, rushed to the scene and started reporting.

"It's seven forty-five in the evening, Shangdu time, and fifteen minutes have passed since the Suzaku Building caught fire."

"My colleague Qin Siyu happened to be trapped in the building. From her live broadcast, I can confirm that most of the people have already run to the higher floors to take refuge."

"Only a small number of people were trapped on the 25th floor because the stairs to the 26th floor were broken."

Speaking of this, the experienced Zhao Hong appropriately showed a sad face. He looked back at the building, and the camera moved to the building.

"According to the building property, there is a fireproof layer between the 24th and 25th floors. The original design was to block the fire for five minutes. Just now, the fireproof layer was finally burned through."

The camera moved to the top of the building, and there were five airships going back and forth on it, and each time they could safely take hundreds of people away.

After successfully changing the topic, Zhao Hong felt that he had done a good job.

Therefore, if you are a careful audience, you will find that his words are not very coherent.

"Let's interview the audience at the scene."

That being said, Zhao Hong has already found a few audiences who seem to be better interviewed.

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