When did anti-entropy have the black technology that can repair all the injuries of a person in half a day?

However, although it felt that something was wrong, the researcher did not question anything.

After all, not long ago, Cocolia was seriously injured for the sake of taking on the mistakes of all anti-entropy members. It is obviously not a human thing to ask what to ask at this time.

"By the way, what are you doing with these troops?"

The replicator looked around again, and then suddenly found that there were a lot of mechas around.

Probably because he just woke up, the replicators said a lot in order to understand the situation.

After watching the previous battle video, I was clearly told that the enemy has the ability to replace inorganic substances to a certain extent.

Honestly, the replicants felt like they were thinking of an arrogant declaration of war.

- Those trash fish are useless to us. If you want to fight with me, give me the trump card.

Replicants appreciate this.

He felt that such an arrogant and powerful enemy had the value of being crushed into pieces.

However, Cocolia seems to have a different opinion.

"I'm thinking that the replacement ability should not be unsolvable."

"The distance to the target, the quality of the locked target, the prelude and frequency of activation, the energy intensity on the target... should be able to affect that power."

Without too much hesitation, Cocolia explained the reason. Then he sighed.

Only talking about the ability, not the upper limit, is obviously playing a rogue.

After being shocked, Cocolia once doubted her life, but soon realized it.


It was too late by then.

Bronya, who didn't dare to bet on the Reloaded Rabbit, was defeated.

"On special occasions, if these armies attack together, it may be a little strange—"

"Mortals just like to use this boring idea to measure the apostles of God."

Before she could finish speaking, a cold drink came from a distance.

It was accompanied by a huge roar.

The terrifying gravity shrank unrestrictedly, pulling the drone in the sky to the ground and smashing it.

That scene caused the pupils of Cocolia in the distance to shrink rapidly.

That's Watt!

After a long time without getting a response from anti-entropy, he called!

The moment he saw the replicant and Cocolia, the viciousness in the eyes of Watt, who had turned from an alliance leader to a spy, was like a raging flame.


Without hesitation, Cocolia gave orders to her subordinates.

She brought these troops to guard against the sneak attacks of the little thieves, not to participate in the battle between the two clones.

"Hehe, do fakes actually dare to appear in front of me?"

During the time when the anti-entropy employees were evacuated, the replicator remained motionless and sneered.

Without any process, the terrifying collapse can surge up in them like a storm.

The same terrifying gravity distorts the surrounding environment, destroying the surrounding terrain like pinching plasticine.

"Give it to me and die!"

Grandpa is so cute.jpg

Chapter 23 The Conspiracy of the Travelers

Apricot is in a bad mood.

Xing's family was originally a wealthy family, Xing and her parents lived in a luxurious villa and lived a fairy tale life.

However, one day, a robber broke into Xing's house, he killed Xing's parents, under the brutality of the robber, Xing awakened an incredible power and killed the robber.

That power is powerful, and can even control time to a certain extent.

However, the price was her vision problems.

She can see the sin of man.

In a world full of sins, Xing spent a long time blankly in the sight of Chaos. She always lived alone and even forgot her feelings.

At this moment, a young girl named Bronya broke into her world, a beautiful gesture she had forgotten for a while, a sinless human soul.


Now Bronya has...

The girl with the left blue and right golden eyes, who looked quite boyish, recalled the figure that was gone forever, with a gloomy expression that seemed to be dripping water.

Bronya is no longer there.

The girl who existed here as the guardian of Cocolia retreated with her adoptive mother, her expression gloomy like a cloud on a rainy day.

In order to avoid the battle between the two guys whose strength is definitely not weaker than the normal S-rank Valkyrie, they chose to leave.

As long as this battle is won, will Bronya come back?

Xing Xing's heart, unprecedented mania.

According to the monitoring, she could see that although the leader of her own alliance was pressing on Watt, she did not gain overwhelming power.

the reason is simple.

At the same time as Watt, there is a young man who uses two knives like running water.

The youth proficient in all martial arts, the replicants who drive gravity, and their alliance leaders are at a stalemate, and it is impossible to tell the winner.

To decide winners and losers in a short period of time, new variables must be added.

In fact, Xing, who really wanted to rush over to fight the kidnappers to the end, finally left the battlefield and looked at her adoptive mother.

That was the person she wanted to protect, and the person who prevented her from going to help in the battle.

After the beautiful blonde woman stopped, she was also looking into the distance.

"Mother Cocolia, Bronya, what will happen."

The girl who appeared beside Cocolia as a bodyguard had a dry voice.

The fate of the loser has always been tragic.

"Bronya won't die."

In this regard, Cocolia said in a rather relaxed tone.

Cocolia copied many of Joyce's clones.

There are also differences in the abilities of different replicators.

Compared to Watt, her newly released clone has more than three times the combat power.

Now it seems that he is only one line stronger than Watt, entirely because he has not completely liberated his power.

His full strength should be three times that of a watt.

However, if that power is released, his already unstable genes will collapse.

And he didn't know it himself.

He would continually approach the genetic primarch in battle and then die.

In the future, the woman who once copied the new Lili had cold eyes.

It's a bit of a waste for such a precious replicator to die like this.

However, although replicators are precious, they are only consumables.


Enemies are valuable.

Cocolia's eyes flickered as she recalled the incredible abilities displayed by her enemies.

If you can tame them, it doesn't matter if you die a few more replicants.

The beautiful woman who was kind to her child calmly analyzed the situation towards her daughter.

"Until you don't attract the attention of the Bishop of Heaven, the leader is invincible."

"As long as the leader of the alliance can defeat the enemy, then the dominance of the battlefield will return to our hands, and they can only use my daughter and Raiden Mei as bargaining chips and are forced to negotiate with us."

Hearing these words, Xing Xing's heart calmed down a little.


No one can resist the power of the "Alliance Leader".

Even Watt, who is also a replicator, is the same.

As long as their side can win, then they can push the enemy to the negotiating table.

At that time, Bronya will be back.

So, is it okay to just wait patiently?

I got an answer from my mother, but Kyo's heart became more and more irritable.

Obviously, the end of this battle is already doomed.

"So, shall we just wait?"

Anko couldn't help but murmured a question.

The enemy's peak combat power escaped from his side, which is far inferior to the leader's Watt.

The seemingly inexplicable replacement ability of the enemy can also be cracked by long-range sniping.

In theory, if it wasn't for the enemy holding Bronya and Raiden Meiyi in hand, he could even use bombing to deal with all the enemies.

"Yes, we have won."

After going through a series of calabash baby sending incidents, a little happiness flashed on the face of the officer who brought all the soldiers and horses to push him.

Yes, go all out to crush it.

Smash the enemy with absolute power.

"However, the enemy is actually very strong."

As if she had a premonition, Xing looked at the forest that was bathed in the setting sun by the side, and muttered.

Under the mighty old trees, the shadows are like tangled snakes.

She felt that the enemies of this trip were like the shapes of those shadows.


A bleak, deadly, focused snake.

It's a weird feeling.

After all, the behavior of those who kidnapped Raiden Mei and Bronya didn't seem logical at all.

If they want to prevent Cocolia's mother from taking the lead in the anti-entropy family, they should rescue the Thunder Dragon and use the Thunder Dragon to restrain her mother.

If it is to avoid the Great Collapse, the Raiden Meiyi should be taken away, imprisoned or executed in an unoccupied area.

If they just wanted to get a piece of the pie, they should have sent messengers to negotiate with their side by now, rather than deadly fighting with their own side.

So, what are they doing this for?

Apricot looked bewildered.

What's the point of their actions other than forcing the strongest combat power of Mother and Anti-Entropy into the laning line here?


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