In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 227 225. Memory

"Can you tell what this bottle of medicine is? Professor Johnson."

Sir Stoker said solemnly.

Jon was not good at potions, and for a while he couldn't think of any potions that were silver.

But the gems in the ring contain more than half of the forbidden books in the entire Hogwarts library. As long as this potion is not a private and exclusive secret recipe, then there is a high degree of confidence that clues can be found in those forbidden books about potions. Come.

He considered his words carefully.

"I also have some superficial understanding of potions, but as for potions, you should know Sir, there are too many types, and the differences are huge. For a while, I can't think of any potions that match. But as long as the potions are still Now, we can slowly study it and deduce its effect."

Sir Stoker nodded.

"Yes, I also have some books about potions in my study. They were left behind by my family and collected by me when I was on land. We can use these materials to do some research."

He didn't know whether his words were intentional or unintentional, but they blocked Jon's original intention to take the silver potion away and find out what it was in private.

Jon is more inclined to think that he did it intentionally. Although Sir Stoker is simple, he is not naive yet. He will definitely not trust Jon unconditionally. At this time, it is also necessary to be on guard.

And he had actually given enough trust. Instead of taking the potion away directly, he said that he would study the effects of this potion with Jon.

This was a method that Jon could accept. After all, he had already obtained the contract signed with Voldemort's real name in advance. He had a hunch that the biggest problem would lie in this contract.

There weren't many people on the ship who knew French. Fortunately, Hermione had taught herself French for a while, and now that she was in the tower, there was no need for her to translate all the contents of the contract, as long as she could give a rough idea. .

Jon and Sir Stoker did not stay at the top of the tower. They returned to the study with the silver potion.

The majority of the books in the study are related to astronomy, but there are also some books related to magic potions.

However, Jon could tell from just looking at the covers of these books that these were basically ordinary potion books that could be bought in the world. There were no records on the slightly obscure or taboo potions.

So Jon's attention was not on the potions books that Sir Stoker took out. He was staring at the bottle of potions placed in the middle of the desk, constantly searching for the forbidden books about potions in the ring.

Silver potions are very rare. Even if he quickly browsed through all the forbidden books about potions, Jon could only find four or five kinds.

And the manifestations of the potions recorded in these potions are very different from the bottle in front of me.

The liquid stored in the glass bottle is indeed liquid, but the silver color is floating like smoke, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Naturally, Sir Stoker couldn't find any results from those ordinary potion books. He frowned deeply and suggested.

"How about we open the bottle, take out a few drops of the medicine, and find something to test its effect?"

There is nothing wrong with this proposal. Before we can find accurate records of potion data, we can only work backwards through the effects it shows.

"Let me do it. After all, I still have experience in preparing potions, so I should be more cautious when I start."

To be on the safe side, Jon took the initiative to take on this job, and Sir Stoker also nodded in agreement.

He took the glass bottle and carefully opened the cork.

And just after Jon opened the bottle, the silver smoke that was originally floating in the liquid in the glass bottle suddenly flew out from inside!

The smoke separated from the liquid and condensed into a silver thread in the air at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then rushed towards Sir Stoker's head with a clear target!

Jon quickly drew out his wand at the beginning of this change. When the silver smoke flew out, he pointed the spell in front of himself and Sir Stoker without hesitation.

"Protect them all!"

A variant of the Iron Armor Curse that can protect an area rather than an individual person.

However, after the silver thread condensed and formed and rushed towards Sir Stoker's head, Jon suddenly felt an extremely bad premonition in his heart!

This thing had been stored in liquid before, and Jon's inherent impression was that it could only be stored in a pensieve, so it never went in that direction.

But now, he finally understood what it was!

This is not a magic potion at all, but a ray of memory!

A wisp of memory pulled out of Sir Stoker's mind!

The Iron Armor Curse is used to resist spells, but of course it cannot prevent the memory from returning to its owner's mind.

That ray of silver rushed into Sir Stoker's mind smoothly, and at that moment, Sir's eyes showed a blank look.

Jon quickly opened the distance between him and Sir Stoker, but he did not rashly point his wand at the Sir who had just studied with him what the bottle of memory was. Instead, he held his breath and asked extremely seriously. road.

"It's a memory, isn't it, Sir Stoker?"

The confusion in Sir Stoker's eyes did not last long, and soon his expression became a little gloomy, and then changed from gloomy to thoughtful. Finally, he calmly met Jon's eyes and said with a smile. .

"Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? Professor Johnson, this is just an ordinary memory. I am still me and will not let me become another person."

Jon did not relax his tense body, but the expression on his face no longer became so serious.

"Yes, memory will not change a person in most cases, but since the memory in the bottle is yours, Sir, does that mean that the stone slab was put there by you? Is it just that you forgot it?"

Sir Stoker seemed to have no change in his personality from before he got that memory back. He raised his eyebrows and said tactfully.

"This memory, how should I put it, is a bit involved in my personal privacy, so I'm sorry that I can't answer your questions, Professor Johnson. But this does not prevent me from thanking you. Thank you very much for your kindness to me." If you need any help, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help."

Jon didn't speak immediately. He looked into Sir Stoker's eyes, and the atmosphere remained quiet for half a minute.

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