In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 199 197. Sense of Belonging

It was quiet in the cellar.

But the dementors blocked outside the entrance became more and more restless.

Different from the other dementors, the leader of the dementors, who was the tallest and had the oldest cloak, was staring at the silent Jon behind the increasingly dim green chains.

"Who do you think you are at Hogwarts, Jon?"

Nick's voice slowly became calmer, and he stared at the boy in front of him who still maintained the appearance of an Auror and asked.

Jon seemed a little at a loss for what seemed like an easy answer to his question.

He opened his mouth, and an answer seemed to come out of his mouth directly, but he couldn't spit out a syllable.

"I'm part of Hogwarts, aren't I?"

"Everyone is a part of Hogwarts. So am I, so are Fred, George, Neville and the others, and so are the other professors, including Dumbledore himself."

Nick said earnestly.

"But they play a different role in an organization like ours. Some are the hope for the future, some are the pillars of the present, and some are the only leader. And you, Jon, you always feel like you're here What position is a person in this school?"

Jon said softly, not thinking much about the question.

"I'm the same as Neville and the others, there's no difference between us."

"Then what are you doing now? If there is no difference, why are you on this island? If there is no difference, why aren't you on the boat waiting for others to come back? Counting the years of death, I don't know how much I have seen in this world Man, although we have only known each other for a short time, Jon, I actually noticed something wrong with you from the beginning."

The cold atmosphere has begun to penetrate into the cellar, and Nick's voice is also echoing in it.

"You have never made your position clear! You have the same identity as Neville and the others. You are both students of Hogwarts. But if there is really no difference between you, then why did Dumbledore want to Let you lead this ship?"

"You always want to use your best to help other people in the school, and you even always take the most dangerous tasks on yourself. Why is this?"

Jon took a deep breath.

"Professor, since they can risk their lives to protect us, if I feel that I can do this with my ability, of course I will take the responsibility. The education I received since I was a child is that I cannot get the contributions of others for nothing. Since they can Protect me, and I can protect others as well.”

"But they are professors, and it is their duty as professors to protect students. Who are you Jon?" Nick looked at him, "You said you are no different from other people, so why should you become a professor?" What to do?”

"Because I have this ability. If I can do it, why don't I do it?"

“People who are capable can do more, but when taking on more responsibilities, you must also recognize your own identity.

If you were in normal Hogwarts, with Dumbledore and other professors around, you would indeed be no different from Neville and the others. You would be a student who needs to be protected. But now, others have to be protected. If you protect, you are the leader!

Why are those students unwilling to leave? Don't they know how dangerous it would be to stay on this island? Because they know that no one on this ship can do without you. What they need is no longer your ability, but you!

You just want to do your best to help them. It feels like you are just pitying them and want to lend a helping hand to a group of people who have nothing to do with you. You try to be nice to Hogwarts as a whole, just because the professors are nice to you and you want to reciprocate. I'm not saying this is wrong, but have you ever thought that having you on the ship, or having you by their side, is actually the greatest help to them? "

Nick finally asked loudly

"A sense of belonging! Jon, you have done so much, why do you still not feel a sense of belonging to Hogwarts?"

His question left Jon speechless.

Because until Nick said it today, Jon seemed to suddenly understand what he was lacking.

From the moment he came to this world, he was like a bystander. Even if he was in Hogwarts, he always subconsciously believed that this was not the place he was supposed to be.

He is a person who has traveled through time. Every time he sees a name he has seen in a book, it always feels novel.

He felt pity for these people's current situation and lamented that they should have lived a comfortable and happy life. Every time he was touched, he was actually moved by a story from the perspective of a bystander.

Of course, these emotions are all positive, but they don't really belong to him because he has never integrated himself into them.

It was like he was reading another book from one book. What started out was a fairy tale, but what came later turned out to be bloody reality, so he showed mercy and wanted to help these people as much as he could.

But this kind of help is like a passerby who, when traveling to a certain place, pulls out a sword to help when encountering an injustice. He knows that he will not stay and will eventually return to his original place.

But is he really just a passerby to this world, or to Hogwarts?

When he thought about this question, Jon's face showed contemplation, but he subconsciously clenched the chestnut wand in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a sound like something breaking.


At the entrance, those green chains that had dimmed to the extreme could no longer be maintained!

The coldness of deathly silence and despair, like the cold wind at the mouth of the valley, surged out. The jailers, who had already been impatient, rushed into the cellar from the entrance, and the dense crowd completely blocked any exit that could escape!

Nick's face became anxious. He was a dead man himself, and the Dementors certainly had no effect on him, but Jon was different.

However, Jon's hand holding the wand did not move at all. He seemed to be asked by Nick's question. It was not until the leader of the dementors came to him with great anger and pleasure that he Finally reacting and waving the wand.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

The same spell sound sounded as usual, and the standard casting action did not change at all.

But this Patronus Charm is completely different from the previous ones.

The previously gentle silver light actually shone so brightly that it illuminated the entire cellar as if it were daytime!

Those chaotic light filaments began to flutter in an unprecedented trajectory, gathered, and finally condensed together!

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