"Engineer group, report the damage to the fortifications, and be ready to repair it urgently!"

"What, it can't be fixed anymore? Damn!"

"Medic, pull the wounded to the rear for treatment!"

"Logistics supplies keep up, don't ~ stop!"

In the outpost command post built by the improvised shed, Billy, the commander of the guards, kept giving orders, and his eyes showed a deep-deep tiredness.

The mist cleared, and the sun rose in the sky.

It was noon.

The Scorpion Legion has already fired ten rounds of volleys.

Every round of shooting, out of their range.

Concrete blasting shells alternate with high-explosive grenades, which are difficult to prevent.

The fortifications of the front line, which had been badly damaged, could no longer take on the duty of bunkers.

Even the best sappers are helpless about it.

And the combat vehicles that rely on bunker defense are exposed!

In this case, it has completely become a live target of the other party, as long as it is caught, it will be named by the other party one by one, and the casualties will be great!

Forced to desperation.

They had no choice but to shrink the line again, come to the fortress, dig anti-tank trenches, pull up horses and barbed wire.

Billy was furious, dreaming of organizing a counterattack and trying to rush within range to engage the opponent.

But the experience of the commando car has proven that this method is not feasible!

As long as they leave the bunker, they will not be able to lift their heads from the beating!

Billy, and all the commanders, felt the same way.

This battle was fought.


Extremely aggrieved!

They only have to be beaten obediently, and they have no room to fight back!

And the Scorpion Legion did not rush to attack.

Under the command of Blake.

On one side, they weakened the defense of the fortress.

On the one hand, a small number of tanks were sent out, and at the edge of the range of the fortress defense units, they repeatedly jumped sideways.

Every time you just slightly enter the opponent's range, you immediately retreat.

The purpose, naturally, is to consume the ammunition of the fortress troops!

With different calibers and models of artillery, the logistical supply will become very chaotic.

As long as they grasp this point, sooner or later, it will become their Achilles' heel!

And as a hunter.

He is far more patient than his prey!

"They're in range again!"


Bang bang bang!

Above the fortress position, the smoke of gunpowder filled.

Once again, the Scorpion Legion was within range of them, and everyone couldn't wait for a volley.

They need some results so badly to boost the morale of the army!

The rumbling of cannon fire continued.

At the edge of the range of the Wehrmacht, the ground had been plowed many times and had become charred black.

"Damn, they're back again!"

"Did anyone hit?"

"It's a pity, as far as I've observed, no...."

After an unknown number of rounds of shooting.

The commanders on the front line were numb, and the fatigue on their faces could not be concealed.

"I'm running out of shells!"

"Mine too, what about logistics?"

"I need a 30mm grenade!"

"I'm a 25mm steel-core armor-piercing projectile!"

"Is there a 37mm steel core bullet?"

"The caliber of my artillery is 45 mm, which is relatively rare, is there a corresponding ammunition?"

Just as Blake expected.

Due to the large number of artillery calibers, they are not unified with each other.

logistical replenishment, soon fell into chaos!

For the logistics of Rust Town, it is not only difficult to produce supplies, but also to distribute ammunition!

"I have repeatedly stated that the caliber of my ammunition is 40 mm, how can I be given 45 mm shells?"

"I also sent the wrong shot, I need 23mm rounds!"

"It's useful, the caliber of the cannonball is wrong, you won't take a file and file it along the cannonball?"

"Am I frustrating you? Should this game be frustrated casually? You have watched too many dramas and your brain has been broken?"

"I don't want your supplies, give me gunpowder and metal, and I'll produce it myself!"

In the corner of the position.

Park Dae-geun and the stick commanders, who received Blake's orders and carefully observed the state of the position, did not let go of this detail.

They immediately came to their senses and informed Blake of the situation.

"Lord Black, you're really clever, their logistics are really wrong!"

"Very well, your intelligence is valuable. "

"Then, what about us joining your legion......."

Before Park Dagen finished speaking, there was a snap, and the communication hung up.

Seeing this, instead of complaining about Blake, the other sticks blamed Park Dae-geun.

"Paoba, Mr. Black is very busy now, why are you mentioning joining the Legion at this time!"

"You're just going too far! As long as our contribution is enough, he will naturally take the initiative to invite us to join!"

"I believe in Mr. Black's character, and when you say that, aren't you telling Mr. Black that we don't trust him?"

"yes, yes, you say that, it seems that we are too utilitarian!"

"In case Mr. Black has an unnecessary misunderstanding of our image because of your words, you must take full responsibility for it!"

Faced with the criticism of his compatriots, Park Dagen's face suddenly darkened!

But after thinking about it, he also felt that his compatriot was right.

It's really not appropriate to say this kind of thing at this point in time.

I hope that Lord Blake has a lot of them, and he will come to apologize in person in the future!

Just when they were wishful thinking about a better life after joining the Scorpion Legion.

The other side of the battlefield.

Scorpion Legion positions.

"Boss, do you really want these traitors to join our legion?"

Inside the command car, next to the radio.

After hanging up the communication with Park Dae-geun, the communication soldier turned his head and asked suspiciously.

Then, he was punched in the face by Blake, and his nose bleeded.


"Although my scorpion army is short of manpower, it is not a cat or a dog, and they are all qualified to come in!"

Blake looked gloomy.

The people of the Scorpion Legion are all ruthless!

The heart is not black, and you have a loss!

If you don't have a ruthless hand, you can't stand steady!

As for Park Dagen's insiders.......

Hehe, what's the inside line.

That's the zealous masses who offer to provide information!

Blake licked his lips a little bloodthirsty, then grinned.

It's time to attack!

"The first company, the second company, all have orders. "

"Assault, break this fortress for me!"

Hear the commander's orders.

The soldiers of the Scorpion Legion were also excited!


"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Woman, woman, hey, hey, little darlings, I'm coming!"

After the defeat, they marched for several days in order to get out of the battlefield.

There are no supplies, no resources, this time is simply too!

When I think of a town with abundant materials and fat people, I put it in front of me.......

It's like the scantily clad and defenseless girls in the pink field.

It makes people can't help but surging with evil fire!

I have long wanted to loot and slaughter, and ravage it wantonly!

Blake's voice fell, and the drivers of these "wolf scorpion" tanks couldn't wait to kick the accelerator and drive the engine to the maximum!

The majestic sound of engines resounded in the plains, and they formed a goose-shaped formation commonly used for assaults, and rushed straight towards the defense line!

The commanders of the defensive line panicked.

"It's a big deal, the scorpion army is charging!"

"Why are you stunned, hurry up and fight back!"

"I'm out of shells!

"Damn, they've fallen for the tricks of this old thief!

Seeing this, the commanders immediately understood the intention of the Scorpion Legion!

So began to scramble for the shells!

After all, when facing the enemy, no one wants to be unarmed and unable to resist even resistance!

"Alas, fighting with these stupid X's is really bloody mold. "

Hiding alone in the corner of the battlefield, Wu Shoude, who has always been gentle and elegant, couldn't help but want to curse when he saw this.

His tank was reequipped with Su Yan's SU-76, the caliber of which was not compatible with the tank of the Guard Regiment.

So the ammunition is all prepared by yourself.

Since learning about the difficulty of this war, he has been working overtime these days to produce ammunition. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the war space, 10 bases of 76-mm armor-piercing shells were prepared!

It also includes 2 cardinal tungsten core bullets in case you need them!

Look at this group of commanders.

Not only did they not prepare ammunition, but they cooperated with each other.

At the moment of life and death, there was even infighting![]

Such behavior is in the hands of the poisonous scorpion army.

Caused even more chaos!

Make supply delivery less efficient again!

Wu Shoude held his forehead with his hand and couldn't bear to look at it directly.

If he looked at it again, he was afraid that he would have high blood pressure on the spot.

Not only did he miss the days of working with Su Yan.

Follow Su Yan, let alone cooperate.

That kid handled almost every detail imaginable on the battlefield to perfection!

Even if your head is empty, you don't want to think about anything.

Do exactly what that kid commands, and you can do it like a cloud!

Until this time.

Wu Shoude realized.

The taste of being taken away by the big guy, that's really cool!

Seeing that the situation is about to spiral out of control.

Wu Shoude knew that it was time for him to appear.

"Attention SU-76 crew. "

"Shoot at the Scorpion tank at the front!"

"Pay attention to concealment, don't expose our target, once the situation is not right, don't fall in love, evacuate immediately!"

"Yes, sir!"

Perimeter of the defensive line, deep in the bushes.

A pile of grass that no one would notice suddenly moved.

The SU-76 crew, which had been on standby for a long time, received Wu Shoude's order, and their expressions became serious and they immediately took action.

They did not choose to join the rest of the commanders, relying on the bunkers of the fortress.

Instead, he set up an ambush alone in a bush on the outside of the defensive line.

After all, for a convertible like the SU-76, concealment, is the best cover.

But it's dangerous.

Because the enemy is very strong this time, it can be said that it is unprecedented!

They also have to be cautious.

In order not to expose themselves, they even covered the body of the car with a thick layer of dirt and weeds as a camouflage!

The excellent performance of the SU-76 gives them the confidence to face danger.

If they were in other tanks, they wouldn't have come to this kind of place if they were killed!

The engine starts and switches to a less noisy idle state.

The body turned slightly, and the muzzle of the 76mm gun with a black hole slowly pointed at the wolf scorpion tank at the front of the insect plague!

After calculating the shelling position and the amount of advance.


A shell came out of its chamber!

In just over a second, it crossed a distance of nearly a kilometer and hit the diagonal side of the wolf scorpion tank that took the lead!

Sparks burst and cannonballs pierce!

The sudden attack caught the Scorpion tank by surprise.

They had thought that the only troops of the fortress defense force were those chariots that were broken and tattered.

I never thought that there was an ambush in the shadows, which could penetrate the existence of the wolf scorpion tank!

By the time the commander of this tank reacted, it was already night.

The 76-mm armor-piercing projectile easily pierced the side armor of the Scorpion tank, shattered and exploded after entering the compartment!

Driver, gunner in two turrets, loader, and even signal man.

Killed on the spot!

The commander used his last strength to pick up the walkie-talkie and reported:

"Zizi... Lord Black, please note that there are... There is an ambush!"

Receiving the communication, Blake looked up.

Sure enough, at the front of the line, a wolf scorpion tank was billowing in smoke and incapacitated.

This made Blake slightly surprised.

It seems that he underestimated the other party.

Ju then hid weapons capable of dealing with the Scorpion tank.

Where did the shells come from?

What caliber?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

He soon stopped thinking about these details.

The Scorpion Legion is not a legion that can be frightened like this.

Other wolf scorpion rumbling tanks passed past their wrecked companions.

There is no mercy or sympathy, no fear or fear.

Yes, just the frenzy of fighting!

Greed for wealth!

Just like a deadly scorpion!

As long as life doesn't stop, killing, won't stop!

As long as he can break through the defense line of the fortress.

All the defenders here.......



Among the panicked defenders of the fortress, there were also commanders who noticed the anomaly in the enemy camp.

After careful identification, they got an incredible piece of news.

The tanks of the Scorpion Legion have been destroyed!

The powerful and unbeatable Wolf Scorpion tank is not really invincible!

The news quickly spread.

After being confirmed by more people, the crowd suddenly boiled!

"Oh my God, that's true!"

"When was it wrecked, and why didn't I see anything just now?"

"Who fired the cannon, who did it, and can you leave your name?"

"You don't have to think about it to know that those who have the courage to fight back against the scorpion army must be our brave Ganges people!"

"Bah, you warriors of the Ganges country, didn't you go to see Lord Shiva together, and you didn't even touch a single hair!"

"It doesn't matter who it is, it's just a fluke, good luck won't always favor him!"

"There is no hope of holding the fortress anymore, and I don't want to die yet, so I must evacuate!"

"Although I still want to fight, unfortunately my tank has broken down and I can't participate in the battle!"

While some are excited, many more are pessimistic.

They only dismissed it as a coincidence.

So I still chose to back down.

These include the Western League, the Neon People, and the Black Continentals.

But the most of them are the Ganges people who keep saying how brave they are!

It can only be said that it is worthy of the five constants.

Boasting is invincible, and combat effectiveness is always at the bottom!

However, at this critical moment when the defenders of the fortress were about to retreat.

With a loud bang.

Another Scorpion tank, destroyed on the way to the charge!

This kind of slap in the face on the spot seems to be telling everyone strongly.

This is no coincidence!

At the same time, Wu Shoude opened the communication channel and sent a message to all the Longxia commanders.

"Hello to all of you in Long Xia. "

"I am the front line commander of the First Armored Regiment of Longxia, Wu Shoude. "

"I hope that everyone can come together and stabilize the situation first. "

"Although the enemy is strong, it is not invincible, and we Longxia people are precisely the most warlike people!"

"Don't be presumptuous, and don't be afraid!"

"Think of our martyrs, do you want to disgrace them, do you want their spirits in heaven to see that their offspring are a bred seed!"

"Attention! This is not for you to be sent to death, what you have to do is just to maintain the current situation and ensure that the fortress is not breached! As for the scorpion army, someone will naturally deal with it!"

"We still have a trump card, and we're on our way!"

Then, a picture was attached to the bottom of the message.

It was the SU-76 hidden in the bushes!

The muzzle of the gun is still smoking!



For all Longxia people.

There is no more convincing and impressive existence than this vehicle!

And at the moment of seeing this picture.

All the Dragon Xia commanders immediately boiled ten!.

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