You have obtained the Ghost Path Spell: Doomsday Roar King

[Ding!Your [Doomsday Roar King' rank has been upgraded to the Honorable Rank].

[Ding! Your [Moon Wheel Cover King] grade has been upgraded to the Supreme level].

[Ding! Your [Yin Thunder King' rank has been upgraded to the Honorable Rank].

[Ding!Your Way +14765].

In the next second, endless ghost qi poured into his body, and the ghost pressure around Lin Yuan was surging, shaking the sky and the earth.

After a long time, Lin Yuan took a long breath of turbid qi, and finally turned all the ghost qi into refining.

"The hawks are really my nobles!".

Lin Yuan sighed from the bottom of his heart.

If it weren't for the sacrifice of the hawks, his strength would not have been able to run so fast.

He can have today's achievement, and the hawks can be said to have contributed greatly.

After all, you get more by eating hawks than eating ghosts.

No, he's got a new spell.


"We must make persistent efforts to live up to the love of the hawks. "

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan took out his mobile phone again and began to inquire about nearby cities to see if there were any other strong hawkish organizations.

Don't say it, I really found one for him.

Tangmen, located in the four cities of Sichuan, is the strongest hawkish organization after the whole sex.

The head of the Tang Sect has the strength of a half-step ghost venerable.

Moreover, there are seventeen ghost king-level inner disciples, as well as hundreds of ghost general-level outer disciples.

Not only that, according to the grapevine, Xu Xin, one of the 36 elders of the whole sex, did not die, but changed his name to Tang Xin and hid in the Tang Tomb of the Tang Gate.

If this rumor is true, then this Tang Xin's strength is likely to have reached the Ghost Venerable level.

Ghost Honor!

One step away from a saint!

"Ghost Venerable... It's worth eating!".

A flash of appetite flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes.

Then he rose into the sky, turned into a blue light and went straight to the four cities of Sichuan.


"Lin Yuan is planning to do something to Tangshan!"

Na Ruhu and the others couldn't help but feel a pang in their hearts.

From the beginning of Lin Yuan's inquiry into the information of the Tang Sect, Na Ruhu guessed that Lin Yuan was probably preparing to attack the Tang Sect.

He just didn't expect Lin Yuan to be so impatient, and as soon as he finished destroying the Medicine Immortal Society, he would immediately go to destroy the next hawk organization.

"That's... Are we going to report to the national teacher?".

Zhang Wei was a little unsure.

"Of course, we have to report! This makes it easier for us to support, even if we don't need support, we will always need to deal with the aftermath!"

Na Ruhu said it soundly on the surface, but in fact, he wanted to wait for Lin Yuan to destroy the Tang Sect, so that he could occupy the territory as soon as possible.

Anyway, Lin Yuan doesn't want territory.

Rather than waste it like this, it is better to let the doves take over.


The other side.

Lin Yuan's flight speed is very fast!

In less than half a day, he had already crossed thousands of kilometers and came to the four cities of Sichuan.

And as soon as Lin Yuan arrived, he discovered a ghost domain.


Silent Hill!

"Huh... Blue ghost, there is a ghost king approaching. "

"What's going on?Why is the ghost pressure released by this ghost king so terrifying?".

"Damn! I recognize this ghost, it's from Lin Yuan in Dongguang City. "

"Lin Yuan! is the leader of the Yuan Alliance that has been circulating on the Internet recently?"

"Oh no! he's coming at us!"

The Wudang faction, which was attacking Silent Hill, was overjoyed when they saw Lin Yuan approaching.

And those ghosts are different, one by one they are scared to the point of jumping up.

After the fermentation of public opinion in this period of time, Lin Yuan's murderous reputation has spread all over the country.

Any ghost rider from the Eagle Sect will not be able to escape his sanctions.

No evil spirit that brings calamity to the world can escape his devouring.

Although they are both powerful ghosts, they are also afraid of super fierce ghosts like Lin Yuan.



"Get out of here!".

Seeing Lin Yuan approaching, the Silent King roared in horror.


But as soon as it finished roaring, a terrifying ghost pressure swept over, instantly submerging the entire Silent Hill.


After a burst of screams, the vast blue ghost pressure did not stop, but continued to sweep forward.

"It's... What happened?".

After the ghost pressure completely disappeared, the ghost riders of the Wudang Sect were all glazed-eyed, looking at the scene in front of them with disbelief on their faces.

In ruins!

The Silent Hill, which had been fine just now, turned into a ruin in the blink of an eye.

What's even more terrifying is that all the ghosts in Silent Hill have disappeared in an instant.

In other words, Silent Hill was taken by Lin Yuan who was passing by.

"Shhhh Don't you want to be so exaggerated!".

There was a chill in the hearts of the people of the Wudang Sect.

If only the second was the Silent King.

They will be shocked, but at least they can barely accept it.

But as soon as he made a move, the entire Silent Hill was killed.

They don't know how to describe it!

And this... It was just a warm-up exercise for Lin Yuan to enter the four cities of Sichuan.


The other side.

Everywhere Lin Yuan went, all the ghost domains that stood in his way were all in ruins in seconds without exception.

There are four king-level ghost domains!

Just because they happened to block Lin Yuan's flight path, they were unfortunately destroyed.

[Ding!Your Tao Xing +9632].

The four ghost domains were destroyed, and Lin Yuan frantically filled the vortex with energy while devouring the Ascension Dao Xing.

The current vortex has a huge amount of energy in reserve.

Once released, the power caused was so great that even Lin Yuan couldn't estimate it.

This can be regarded as one of Lin Yuan's killer features, which can turn the tide of the battle at critical moments.

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