Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and seventy-seven closest to Moscow

Next to a collapsed building, in a Soviet machine gun position, a German assault squad was sorting out its ammunition.

They were already close to the innermost circle of the Soviet suburbs, very close to the city.

From here, if you do not count the blocking of the Soviet army, they may reach the Kremlin in less than 2 hours by car.

Beside the ruins, there are also the bodies of Soviet soldiers lying on the ground. They have just been wiped out, and their bodies are still steaming.

Bullets passed through them, turning them into corpse after corpse. Now they lie quietly, as shelter and the mud beneath their feet.

"For a while... The machine gun team suppressed the Soviet machine gun on the left, and the others went around the right side of the ruins, passed here, and reached the barn in the distance!" Leaning on the edge of the ruins, through the gap in the wall, the commander pointed The barn building in the distance that hasn't been blown up yet.

"There must be someone over there!" Glancing at the quiet barn, the veteran in the commando retracted his head and said to the officer.

"Maybe there's a headquarters... maybe a platoon of Soviet soldiers." He was reluctant to attack there, because the barn was almost 50 meters away from them.

In this kind of battle, running a distance of 50 meters in an open area is obviously not a sane decision.

"We don't have time to take care of the bunker situation. After occupying the barn, we have a stronghold to advance! We are the main force of the regiment behind us. Once we are close to the building, we are relatively safe." The commander rejected the veteran's words. , gave the order to attack.

"Block the line of sight with smoke bombs! The fire team is ready to cover and open fire!" He pointed to the barn in the distance and commanded: "Attack! Smoke bombs! Throw!"

Several soldiers pulled out smoke grenades of different colors and shapes from their waists and threw them hard in front of the barn.

Soon, the smoke bomb began to diffuse out the smoke, and it spread into the air little by little, forming an indistinct white mist.

"Crash!" The machine gun team covering the shooting pulled the bolt on the machine gun, then aimed at the Soviet machine gun position where the fire had just been suppressed on the side, and pulled the trigger.

"Tutu! Tutu!" The head of state's saw fired violently, with a dense and unique sound. The bullets flew like raindrops to the vicinity of the Soviet machine gun positions, which were also filled with smoke.

"Rush! Rush! Rush! Get out of the bunker! Guys! Run! Hurry!" The commander shouted loudly while standing beside the bunker, waving his arms.

The German soldiers with rifles rushed out of the ruins one by one. They ran forward in an orderly manner, changing their speed from time to time to avoid bullets that might fly towards them.

Running in a hail of bullets is definitely an exciting sport. Feeling the bullets fly past your ears must be heart-wrenching.

After two or three soldiers with rifles rushed out of the ruined bunker, the soldiers who rushed out were soldiers with MP-40 submachine guns or STG-44 assault rifles.

One by one, they bravely rushed out of the ruined bunker where they were hiding, and ran fast in the direction of the barn.

The whirring of the wind rang in their ears, bullets flew over from time to time, and hapless soldiers were hit and fell.

The shouts and the voice of the medics after being shot came into the ears, but no one stopped, they still ran forward quickly, and left this empty place in the fastest time.

"Grenadiers! Drop bombs!" While running forward, the first to rush out, the German soldiers with rifles, suddenly turned the other arm.

The M24 offensive grenade was thrown out and flew in the direction of the barn. After the bomb was dropped, they didn't stop, and continued to run forward, desperately running forward.

"Boom!" "Boom!" The grenades exploded near the barn, one at the door of the barn and one in the clearing outside the wall.

Because of the smoke bombs, the attacking Germans could not see the situation in the barn. They could only hear the shouts of the Soviet soldiers and the random fire of gunfire in the chaos.

It was impossible for the Soviets to aim their shots. They just fired blindly out of fear and for the purpose of scaring people.

The Germans who attacked the door of the barn stopped. They leaned against the wall, then ripped off the egg-shaped grenade from the H-shaped tactical harness on their chests and threw them into the barn.

"Grenade!" After throwing the grenade, the German grenadier at the door loudly reminded his companions.

The companions who rushed over all bent down and stopped, waiting for the sound of the grenade explosion in the room.

The Soviet soldiers inside were also shouting, and they could hear that they were very nervous, as if they did not realize that the German army had rushed to their side.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded in the barn, and the smoke inside rushed out of the gate. With the coughing and shouting of the Soviet army, a Soviet soldier came out staggered.

His face was covered in dust, and he had no weapon in his hand, and he walked out the door, fiddling with the dust on his face, coughing loudly.

"Bah!" The German commando soldiers who were ready to fire pointed at the Soviet soldier with a Mauser rifle and shot him through the chest.

The Soviet soldier staggered and fell. At the same time as he fell, several German soldiers rushed into the barn with their submachine guns.

"Tutu! Tutu!" There were continuous gunshots, dense and without However, the gunfire quickly subsided, because the Soviet troops inside had been completely wiped out.

The commander, who was leaning against the door with a submachine gun, made a gesture to the ruins, telling the covering troops that they had captured this place.

"There is a command headquarters. They burned maps and documents... There is no survivor. The top commander is a division commander, but he has already committed suicide." A soldier stuck his head out and reported to his commander. situation inside.

"There were about 30 Soviet soldiers, most of them wounded. They retreated here from all directions. We caught two wounded survivors." The soldier continued to report when his superior didn't speak.

"Let the guys all withdraw... The Soviet army may shoot and blow up here... After all, they have shooting coordinates, and the barn is not safe." The commander glanced at Moscow in the distance and ordered.

Now they are the people closest to Moscow, less than 7 kilometers away from the city... In the distance is a residential area, similar to a small village, that is their next target of attack.

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