Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 804: Fight again (third)

"It doesn't look right. I am afraid that this tombstone is made of an unknown special material." Guan Hengyan whispered: "It is so strong that even pig iron and steel are far behind. I really want to confirm what is strange."

"Forget it, don't think about these useless things first, let's talk about what Heinz explained first." Guan Heng thought of this, and strode out from behind the hiding stone, he cried loudly. "Hey, baboon, old friends are coming to visit you!"

"Oh ?!" The boxer baboon who was using the special tombstone in front of him as a sandbag to practice, suddenly heard this voice, then suddenly turned back, and when it saw Guan Heng, his eyes immediately became red!

Seeing the powerful enemy who once defeated himself, the boxer baboon is surprisingly, without issuing any irritable roar, it just slowly opened its posture in the face of Guan Heng.

At this time, the rest of the pink-nosed baboons all came around, yelling violently with Zhangya dance claws, as if trying to rush over to attack Guan Heng.

"You monkeys are really noisy ..." Guan Heng murmured to himself first, and then suddenly opened his eyes and yelled, "Did you see me confronting your boss? Give me some quietness!"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Guan Heng suddenly burst into a sharp-knife-like murderous body, and suddenly swept the surrounding baboon swarms. Now, one by one, roll your eyes and fall to the ground!

In just a few seconds, he was still standing within a few dozen meters of the circle. In addition to Guan Heng, there were boxing baboons.

"Huh, it's much quieter now." Guan Heng took a good rest, glanced around without hesitation, and then said to the boxer baboon: "I'm here this time, just to get something from the tombstone behind you, It ’s not specifically for you. "

"But ... you won't let me pass so easily when you want to come." Guan Heng said with a smile: "Go ahead, monkey!"

"Hoo!" Guan Heng's voice just dropped, his own figure suddenly disappeared in place, conscious of time constraints, Guan Heng didn't want to spend more time entangled with the boxer baboon, so he rushed to the baboon and shot it first!

The boxer baboon did not have the aggressiveness and urgency when Guan Heng first started. He knew that his strength was far from being an opponent of Guan Heng, but with the experience of the last battle, the baboon decided to give it his best. Make a punch to decide the winner!

"Giggle ..." The whole body's bones suddenly tightened, and the boxing baboon screamed a horrible roar, infusing his whole body with a punch, slamming the violent momentum that twisted the surrounding air to Guan Heng. This fist, once Killing the grizzly bear is a new force that the boxer baboon awakens after defeating Guan Heng!

Guan Heng, who came quickly, suddenly slammed a step forward, and the ground under his foot was immediately stepped out of the cracked footprints. At this time, he also punched out and collided with the full blow of the baboon!

"Bang!" The huge power produced by the double-fist collision erupted suddenly and sent out a fierce circle of intense energy ripples, shaking the pink-nosed baboon fainted around in a volley, but the victory and defeat were divided only in the blink of an eye. Come out!

"Click, slap!" The left arm of Boxing Baboon and Guan Heng Tiequan hit each other. Because they couldn't bear the opponent's fierce punches, they were turned into twists by powerful forces. The broken bones and bursting flesh suddenly turned into a sky. Blood Mist!

The boxing baboon who flew upside down didn't even have the time to make the sound of painful roar. He had fainted, and finally slammed into a stone monument in the distance. Then he suddenly landed!

"Hey, its boxing power is more than doubled compared to the first fight. Such a short time, it is called rapid progress."

Guan Heng's fist felt tingling and tingling. He sighed inwardly: "Sorry, I wanted to keep my hand, but I couldn't help but try my best to see you throw your fist in full swing, because If you have reservations, it is simply a contempt for your powerful enemy, I can't do it ... "

"Da Da Da ..." Guan Heng ran to the place where the boxer baboon fainted, and the bones of this guy's entire arm were already broken. If it is not treated in time, not only will the arm be disabled, it will even be a life. Can't keep it.

"For you to be a good opponent, and we have no deep hatred," Guan Heng murmured, "I'll save you once!"

After taking out only a little bit of the strong restorative agent and helping the boxer baboon to apply it internally, Guan Heng turned away. He thought to himself, "Oh, this splashing monkey is really interesting. I won't regret it if I saved it ... "

Walking back to the gray tombstone, Guan Guan was in doubt, knocked the tombstone with his fingers, and found that this thing was not stone or steel, but it was extremely strong.

There is no text on it, and it is not standing around the grave. It is also inappropriate to say that it is a tombstone. It can only be called "somehow".

"Hoo——" Guan Heng took a deep breath and slammed a punch on the strange monument. This punch was not fast, but it contained more than 80% of Guan Heng's power. Reaction, not even a trembling movement!

"Strange, this strange monument ... is absorbing my power!" Guan Heng was shocked, and suddenly understood why he and the boxer baboon could not cause damage when they hit the monument, this weird weird The stele has the function of absorbing external attack and turning it into an invisible one!

"It's strange and strange, too." Guan Heng looked at the monument, his hair secretly whispering: "What a weird thing, who made it stand in the tomb corps of the founder of the Rogue Guild?"

"If I take it away, will the old man of Heinz jump and scold the street?" Guan Heng, who had a sudden idea, reached out and touched the strange monument, but then immediately dispelled the thought: "No, no, Heinz Forget it, even in the face of Shani, I can't go overboard like that, let alone. "

Suppressing the curiosity of that strange monument, Guan Heng turned his head and looked for it carefully, and finally saw the tombstone of Master Zaku, not far from the left.

"Ah, here it is." Guan Heng stepped forward and saw some inscriptions on the tombstone, but it was not covered with dust and decaying leaves, and it was unclear.

"Oh, now that you've reached the gravestone of the senior man, scan the grave by the way." Guan Heng said to himself, then wiped away the dust and fallen leaves with his hand, and then slowly chanted the writing on the tombstone.

Mr. Zaku, the greatest and exclusive founder of the Thieves' Guild, has fallen asleep here. He is the first master to imitate the three enchanting suits of Luta.

—— [The third change of 2016.2.14, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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