Immortals At Hogwarts In Marvel

Chapter 193 Fighting against Slytherin

When Hagrid returned from cleaning the Quidditch field, Hermione, Penello, Cho Chang and Katie were all in front of the castle. Several people were besieging Luke. Luke ducked left and right, fluttered up and down, counterattacking from time to time. Hagrid liked watching them practice fighting, and he would watch them for a while every time.

At first, all the people practiced were fists and kicks, and after they changed their weapons, Filch discovered the ping-pong-pong player. Although they came out earlier, they did not violate the regulations. After several observations, Professor McGonagall stopped paying attention.

Later some small necromancers also found out. They thought it was a fight. After seeing it clearly, they realized that they were practicing fighting. There are also a few small necromancers who said they wanted to learn together, but Luke tactfully refused. The small necromancer who did not take Xisui Pill had difficulty keeping up with their progress, and his energy was limited now.

After a long time of smearing the soul milk, the effect has been revealed. Luke was severely beaten by the troll at the beginning, only vomiting a little blood, and there was not much trauma. He was also very fortunate that the exercises that he cultivated had its own body-rehabilitation effects, and his body had its current strength through his own hard work.

In the auditorium, the smell of food was permeating, Luke was getting ready to have a good meal, and Wood found him.

"Luke, can you stop using your new flight method for a while, I know it's a bit unfair to you, but you're already fast." Wood said gently.

"If you don't let Spinnett come on, I will continue to substitute, and with Harry here, it should be no problem to win."

In fact, Luke didn't have much interest in Quidditch, he just liked Flight.

"I didn't mean it, that's it, it's up to you, anyway, there is no rule that you can't use this kind of magic." Wood didn't know how to persuade Luke, and he could also see that Luke had almost no interest in Quidditch. I don't usually pay attention.

"Is that okay?" Hermione looked at Luke.

"These may be the only games I have. I will withdraw from the team next year, and there is no guarantee that the next two games will be played. There is too much to learn now."

"You often say that I only read books, and I don't know who is studying all the time." Hermione said in a frantic voice. Luke often asked her to combine work and rest, relax, and rest, but he didn't know it secretly. Learn a few points.

"Although I like to learn magic, but I don't want to be so desperate. Who makes my strength weak now? Only when I become strong in the future can I take you out to play."

"Ah~ You two are here to eat breakfast or to feed the dog food." Katie has been by her side all the time, a little unbearable, completely ignoring us.

Luke often popped new terms in his mouth, and everyone followed suit and spread quickly.

"Hurry up." Hermione blushed a little when said.

Riche, who was diagonally opposite, listened silently all the time, not talking, not talking...

Other Quidditch players were called by Wood to discuss tactics. At present, the three chasers Luke, Katie and Angelina are the most leisurely, because the opponent goalkeeper Miles Black is absolutely unstoppable. Luke's offense.

At eleven o'clock, it seemed that all the teachers and students of the school came to the stands around the Quidditch Stadium, and many students brought binoculars.

There is a strange smell between Slytherin and Gryffindor. The two academies have never been in harmony with the exception of Luke, a special character. Especially after the arrival of Master Malfoy, they are even more harmonious. Frowning, Ron was still blowing his pillow, making Luke's hard work almost in vain for a year, but fortunately, "good guy" Snape helped him get revenge.

In the locker room, Luke and the other players are changing into their bright red Quidditch robe.

"Everyone can follow the established tactics. After all, we have a player outside the rule." Wood said helplessly.

The players all laughed and looked at Luke.

"Captain, you don't have to be like this. It's the same for Luke to participate in the World Cup. Opponents and teammates will cry without tears."

"He came to spoil the game."

The Weasley brothers didn't want to let Luke go for a moment.

"Actually, it wasn't my limit speed last time. Why, do I want to show it."

What is the speed of Yujian, although he can't reach the instantaneous thousand miles now, it is definitely much faster than Bolide X, and the Newton boss can't stop it when he jumps out.


He really scared everyone.

"Okay, or just play by yourself, we'll all be the audience."

"Yes, Luke Quidditch individual match."

Luke directly ignored the two brothers.

"You can figure it out by yourself, well, it's time to play." Wood has given up his illusions.

"Good morning everyone, I am the commentator of this game, Li Jordan. The first game of the season is Gryffindor vs. Slytherin."

Luke walked out of the locker room with his teammates, and then walked towards Roar's crowded stadium.

Ms. Huo Qi is the referee. She stood in the middle of the court, holding her flying broomstick in her hand, waiting for the players from both sides.

"Please ride on the flying broomstick."

Ms. Huo Qi blew her silver whistle vigorously.

"Luke... uh, sorry, what happened just now." Li Qiaodan just wanted to compliment a few words, and found that Luke had reached the scoring zone, the others had just taken off, and the ghost ball was gone.

No one knew what was going on, and the little necromancers in the stands began to discuss each other.

The two players who just flew didn't know what was going on, only Katie saw Luke suddenly disappear next to him.

Ms. Hooch blew the silver whistle. She did not see the situation clearly. The ghost ball seemed to be thrown into the Slytherin goal, but this was not the reason for her whistle.

"Mr. Kirk, please come down." Ms. Hooch yelled.

Luke got next to Ms. Hooch, and Ms. Hooch looked at his flying broomstick, which was a standard bolide.

"What happened just now, Mr. Kirk."

"After the whistle sounded, I grabbed the ghost fly ball, and then went to the scoring area and threw the ghost fly ball in. That's it, Ms. Hooch." Luke explained very simply.

Ms. Huo Qi didn't know what to say at the moment, and called the two captains down.

"It seems that what just happened is not easy to deal with. The referee needs to discuss with the two captains."

On the audience stage, Che patted Hermione, "Hermione, do you know what happened just now?"

"Luke Flight's speed has exceeded the limit that the eyes can catch, so everyone did not respond, Luke has already scored."

"What? Scored it?" Richie didn't expect this to happen. Started to call the commentator Li Jordan, "Luke has scored just now."

After discussion, Ms. Hooch forced to limit Luke's Flight speed, but the score was valid.

Luke curls his lips, then let you see the advantage of power. He flew to Katie and Angelina, "I want to change to a new game."

The two have an expression of being defeated by you.

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