Immortals At Hogwarts In Marvel

Chapter 126 Achievements Display

The little necromancers followed Luke to the middle of the Quidditch arena.

"The voice is loud!"

"Thank you again for watching this display of results, especially the representatives of the Ministry of Magic of other countries who came from afar."

"I think everyone has already heard of the mental training method. Maybe many people are very curious. What is the use of the method summarized by a little necromancer. Then my companions and I will show you this. The results of the training method."

"We will show the power of the mental training method by controlling multiple targets at the same time, accuracy, movement speed and success rate of casting spells. At the same time, another advantage brought by the mental training method is the ability to cast spells without a wand, please Everyone, watch it."

The first-grade necromancer casts fire curse mainly, other grades cast disarming curse, and Hermione casts freezing curse. New students who have not mastered the curse control the props prepared in advance.

In order to achieve the best effect, he casts the most proficient flame curse, and the flame curse can evolve into any form.


In an instant, more than 150 magical light clusters of various colors were formed instantly in the air, including orange fire curses, red disarming curses, blue freezing curses, and various color props, which were transformed by Luke's flame curse. A Firebird led the Flight around the field quickly.


Luke’s 22 firebirds were divided into four groups, and they turned into eagles, snakes, lions, and badgers to fly towards the four corners of the field. The other small necromancers also followed Flight according to pre-determined groups. Hermione followed the lion group. Lu Na follows the eagle group.

The 4 groups of magic curses shuttled across the audience stage, shocking many people. It was uncomfortable to be hit by so many spells, even if it was cast by the little necromancers.

Luke didn't remind everyone that he deliberately clicked on the audience by the curse, so that it could better reflect the precise control.


All the cursed light groups speed up again, moving rapidly in the Quidditch arena.


4 sets of spells bombarded at 4 preset positions.

Boom~ boom~

After one round of bombardment, the display did not end, but four consecutive rounds were cast to verify the success rate of the spell.

Although the little necromancers showed the four advantages of practicing mental training, their coherent demonstrations ended soon.

The audience was silent on stage, and before many people had reacted, the show was still over.

"I think everyone has seen the effect of the mental training method. This is only the result of two months of practice. The spells cast are only the fire-making spell and the disarming spell. If the spells can interact with each other, they can even develop a compound spell. curse."

It is a new term again.

"Mental control spells can greatly improve the accuracy, and they are faster and more flexible. Through long-term practice, you can get rid of the shackles of the wand and use more clever wandless casting skills. The feature of controlling multiple spells at the same time is not traditional. The way is comparable."

It was the first time that most necromancers saw this way of casting spells.

Luke saw that Lucius was also talking to necromancer beside him.

The small necromancers in the venue are also very excited. Today's demonstration may be recorded in the annals of history, and their names will be remembered by everyone.

Fudge on the audience stage said after speaking a few words to the people around him: "Mr. Kirk, please continue to the next event."

The demonstration of the booster wand is the simplest. The 7 little necromancers who obtained the booster wand used the original magic wand and the booster wand successively to cast the cutting spell and the disarming spell to attack the preset target points, and finally compare the effects of the spell. And Luke didn't participate in this project, because he tried all the buff wands he made, but they didn't work perfectly.

Mr. Ollivander speculated that it may be that Luke's magic contains some other quality, which has happened in history, but it is extremely rare.

The comparison result is very significant, and the power of the booster wand is much greater. However, the only problem is that the prerequisite for using the buff wand requires a strong mental power, which makes it basically impossible for the adult necromancer to use the buff wand.

There is only the last item left, the display of the new Golden Snitch and the new flying broomstick-Bolide.

The bolide produced by Luke not only has a great improvement in Flight speed, but also a highlight of the control performance of the broom in the Flight state.

Relying on the precise control of the mental power, it can better manipulate the internal magic changes of the bolide, and it has excellent performance in rapid acceleration, emergency stop, and rapid rotation.

This project has two links. In the first link, the small necromancers complete a series of classic Quidditch tricks, and then Cedric uses the bolide to chase the old-fashioned golden snitch to demonstrate the powerful performance of the bolide .

Cedric easily caught up with the Golden Snitch while driving the bolide. Many Quidditch-loving necromancers were shocked. The speed of the new flying broom can be so fast.

The second part is a short exhibition game. The professional team Chadley Artillery uses the old flying broomstick and the necromancer uses the bolide. This game will use the new Golden Snitch for the first time.

Luke's original plan was to play a complete Quidditch game. However, after he completed 16 bolides, there were only two weeks left. Everyone did not have enough time to familiarize themselves with the performance of the new flying broomstick. Wood and Cedric both recommended him to adjust. The arrangement could only be changed to an exhibition match in the end.

The Chadley Artillery Team was invited by Ludo Bagman, the director of the Department of Magical Sports.

In the players' lounge

"This game is up to you. Wood is goalkeeper, George and Fred are the batsmen, Cedric the seeker, Luke Katie and Drian are the chasers. You are our strongest lineup." Lee Jordan said.

"Although the opposing team is a professional team, the performance of their flying broomsticks is far inferior to Luke's design and manufacture of bolide, especially this time using the new golden Snitch, their seeker speed is not enough." Penello is also encouraging everyone. .

"Yes, everyone, don't be stressed. Our goal is to test the performance of the Bolide, and it is normal to lose to a professional player." Katie also felt that he didn't need to care too much about the score.

"Don't worry, I have confidence in the performance of the Bolide, but my goal is to win the opponent." Luke said astonishingly.

Little necromancer wins the professional group? If it is such a result, the bolide will definitely be famous.

"Don't look at me like this, you will see the powerful performance of the Bolide in a while, well, get ready to play." Luke said.

The guests on the audience stage did not expect that there would be a professional team to play and let the little necromancers play against the professional team? This is not a good idea.

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