Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 10 Hanguang Cooking Wine, Discussing Heroes (3000 words)

Li Hanguang smiled gratifiedly.

Fool the matter of cultivation, and start to pretend to be serious!

He took out the cups, rinsed them briefly, and poured a cup of rice wine for each of them.

Li Hanguang said with a smile: "This is the rice I planted with my own hands, and it is brewed."

"It's not as good as jade liquid, but it has a special taste."

"Try it!"

Chu Xiaolian picked up the rice wine and drank it down.

He opened the mouth and said: "Eldest brother, I will retreat for a month, and my cultivation base is..."

Li Hanguang said with a smile: "Junior brother has improved a lot in cultivation, I am very pleased, here, let me offer you a toast."

Chu Xiaolian:? ? ?


A person like senior brother has already embarked on the road of transformation.

My breakthrough, to him, is like turning a small ant into a bigger ant.

Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!

Chu Xiaolian laughed at himself, and suddenly wanted to drink away his worries.

What he didn't know was that Li Hanguang didn't even realize that he had broken through the seventh layer of Qi refining.

After all, Li Hanguang is only at the third level of Qi Refining, and if the omniscient insight doesn't show, he can't see through Chu Xiao's practice at all.

If only I could see through...

Well, maybe Li Hanguang is the one who suffers!

The fire was rising, and the aroma of wine filled the air. The three young men had their own thoughts.

After a long time, Li Hanguang smiled and said, "Brother Chu, what is your dream?"


Chu Xiaolian asked, "What is a dream?"

Li Hanguang explained: "Dreams are things that you want to achieve even in your dreams."

"Or, this is your way!"

"Looking for immortals to obtain the Tao, if you want to obtain the Tao, you must first understand the Tao, and understand your own Tao.

"Why do you not hesitate to endure humiliation, loneliness, and pain, but also set foot on this road of cultivating immortality?"

Why cultivate immortals?

In Chu Xiaolian's mind, a domineering girl appeared.

He gritted his teeth and said: "To become stronger, to avenge shame. To one day climb to Yaochi and Zhan Yuehua!"

Li Hanguang smiled and said: "It's small, the layout is small."

"Wishful kindness and hatred can be regarded as a real man, but not a great hero."

"Have you ever thought that if defeating Mu Yuehua is the Tao, what will happen after defeating Mu Yuehua!"

"Where will your way be then?"

"When you set your path on beating someone, you've already fallen short."

"A small amount is not a gentleman, but a large amount is not a husband."

"You can go to Yaochi to Zhan Yuehua, but a mere woman is not worthy of your persistence."

"She is just your sword sharpening stone, not your way."


She is just sharpening the sword stone, not the Tao.

Chu Xiaolian's eyes were burning, as if pushing open a door.

The state of mind that had been depressed and anxious all the time became much clearer in an instant.


Is Mu Yuehua worthy of being my way?

Chu Xiaolian got up abruptly, and saluted Li Hanguang respectfully: "Brother, please show me the way!"

Li Hanguang smiled and shook his head: "The Tao cannot be pointed out."

"Everyone has their own way, you need to listen to your inner voice."

Chu Xiaolian showed doubts: "The inner voice?"

Li Hanguang nodded: "Ask yourself, what kind of person do you admire the most? Is it the swordsman who helps the world, the overlord of the immortal dynasty, or the free and unrestrained immortal?"

Who do I most admire?

Chu Xiaolian pondered for a moment, then asked curiously: "Senior brother, I wonder if I can disclose it."

"What kind of person do you admire?"


What kind of person do I admire?

The corners of Li Hanguang's mouth slightly raised, and he finally got to this point.

He drank a glass of warm wine: "There are only two and a half people in the world that Li can admire."

Two and a half people?

Chu Xiaolian was slightly taken aback: "Sword Master Hanhai, can you be in this list?"

Li Hanguang smiled and said, "He is not worthy."

Chu Xiaolian: "..."

Ye Chengying helped her forehead helplessly: "..."

Li Hanguang said: "I respect him, but I don't admire him."

"Give me enough time, and I can surpass him."

Chu Xiaolian smiled and said, "Even the Sword Master Hanhai can't be admired by the elder brother. Could it be that the one you admire is the Holy Master Tai Cang?"

Before Li Hanguang answered, a sneer sounded in Chu Xiaolian's mind.

"Hmph, Jiang Xuanyu, that despicable villain, is also worthy of this kid's admiration?"


It was Old Yan who spoke.

He doesn't seem to be very cold about the Holy Lord of the sky.

On the other side, Li Hanguang was nodding.

"Jiang Xuanyu, the holy lord of Taicang, has dominated Tianguan and guarded the main roads of the southern border for 700 years. Millions of monsters dare not take a step beyond the thunder."

"He can barely be considered a half-hero."

Jiang Xuanyu, the Supreme Existence of the Taicang Mansion!

Such a giant can only barely be regarded as half of the person that the senior brother admires?

What kind of characters must the other two be!

Chu Xiaolian became more and more curious.

As for Old Yan, at this moment he kept thinking: "This kid has bad eyesight! To actually admire Jiang Xuanyu, he is really blind!"

"I reckon that the remaining two people he admires are not good things."


Chu Xiaolian asked, "Sacred Master Taicang counts as half, so where are the remaining two?"

Li Hanguang drank another glass of rice wine and sighed: "The second person is the strongest sword cultivator in Tai Cang Mansion seven hundred years ago."

"Maybe you haven't heard his name, but Li has seen it in ancient books."

"This person's name is Yan Chixiao, and his title is: Grand Sword Master!"

Old Yan:? ? ?

Chu Xiaolian asked curiously, "Awesome Sword Master? Could it be a saint?"

Li Hanguang nodded: "It is said that Haoran Sword Saint Yan Chixiao and Taicang Holy Lord are brothers."

"His talent, talent, cultivation, and appearance are all above the Holy Lord of the sky, and he is the most powerful contender for the position of the Holy Lord."

"But he has no interest in the position of the Holy Master, and he has no desire for fame and fortune in his life, but only wants to be a swordsman."

"The sword master has killed countless monsters and saved thousands of people in his life."

"Someone gave away all their wealth to repay, but he refused. He just took a jug of dirty wine and drank it away."

"Therefore, some people jokingly call him the Wine Sword Master, or the Wine Sword Immortal."

As he spoke, Li Hanguang poured himself another glass of rice wine and drank it slowly.

"There are poems to prove it:

Yujian rides the wind to eliminate demons from heaven and earth. There is wine and joy, but without wine, I will be happy.

Drink all the rivers and rivers, and then swallow the sun and the moon. A thousand cups can't get you drunk, but I am the sword fairy.

In Li Mou's view, such a person.

He is even more worthy of the name of a hero than the Holy Lord.

If there is a chance, I would like to drink with him and let him taste the rice wine I made. "


Jiang Xuanyu, the holy master of the sky, can barely be regarded as half of the people Li Hanguang admires.

Haoran Sword Saint Yan Chixiao is qualified to be alone!

In Chu Xiaolian's mind, Old Yan, who had been thinking about it, suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, Old Yan's voice sounded again.

"Yu Jian rides the wind to slay demons from heaven and earth. A thousand cups won't make you drunk, but I'm the sword fairy!"

"Good poetry, good poetry! Well, it's mine."

Could it be!

Chu Xiaolian suddenly thought of something.

He tentatively said: "Old Yan, just said that the Holy Master Tai Cang is a despicable villain?"

Old Yan said angrily: "Why, can't it?"

Chu Xiaolian seemed to be sure of something, and tried again: "Old Yan, your surname should be Yan!"

Old Yan's mouth twitched slightly: "What are you talking about!"

Chu Xiaolian tried for the third time: "Teacher, you just said that there are only two people that the elder brother admires, so it must not be a good thing..."

"Shut up," Old Yan interrupted Chu Xiaolian, "or I will castrate you!"

Well, it seems a little embarrassing.

In Chu Xiaolian's mind, he almost confirmed his guess.

He muttered: "I think you, teacher, must be very happy now!"

Old Yan laughed and said, "Who do you think this old man is?"

"The admiration of a mere brat can make this old man happy?"

"Besides, Jiang Xuanyu is not qualified to be compared with this old man!"

"To count him half a hero is to flatter him!"

"Hmph... ho ho ho ho ~"

Chu Xiaolian: "..."

I always feel that if the senior brother praises for a while, the teacher will not be able to help showing up to accept apprentices.

However, I really didn't expect the teacher to be so big!

It turned out to be a sword master!

No wonder, dare to say let me defeat Zhu Yan Sword Master within twenty years!

Chu Xiaolian became more and more curious: "Who is the third person that senior brother admires?"

What kind of person can be as famous as the sword master?

Li Hanguang sighed leisurely: "He does not belong to this piece of ancient history."

Does not belong to this piece of ancient history?

What's the meaning!

Chu Xiaolian showed curiosity, and even Old Yan was quite interested.

Li Hanguang walked to the edge of the field and picked up an ear of rice.

He put the ears of rice on the table and said with a smile, "Look, how different this rice is."

Rice ears, what's the difference?

Chu Xiaolian was even more puzzled.

He looked at the ear of rice carefully.

This ear of rice is growing well, and the golden-yellow grain has bent the rice stalk.

And the grains are plump, much better in appearance than the shriveled rice grown by most common people.

"Is this Lingmi?"

"No, the aura here is so thin that it can't provide the growth needs of the spiritual rice."

"And there is not much aura in these rice grains."

"If it's not Lingmi, why is it so full?"


At first, Chu Xiaolian didn't pay attention to this rice field.

He believes that the reason why Li Hanguang devoted himself to farming the fields was only to transform into ordinary people.

At this time, under the reminder of Li Hanguang, he really discovered the extraordinaryness of these rice.

Living in poor mountains and bad waters, but can have such a growth!

I have to say that this kind of rice is very special.

But, it's just special.

Chu Xiaolian didn't think there was anything special about this kind of rice.

After all, this kind of rice contains too little aura.

For monks, eating this kind of whole grains is not only useless to practice.

Even if you eat too much, you need to fast to get rid of impurities.

It can be said that it is equivalent to garbage.

If the big brother hadn't brewed it himself, Chu Xiaolian wouldn't even want to drink this rice wine.

Therefore, Chu Xiaolian was even more puzzled!

Li Hanguang smiled and said: "The highest goodness is like water. Water is good for all things without fighting for it. It is hated by everyone, so it is worse than rice."

"The person Li admires the most is a supreme existence in another piece of ancient history."

"In his whole life, he never fought for fame, didn't pursue profit, wasn't brave, and didn't fight fiercely."


Chu Xiaolian was slightly taken aback: "What's the use of cultivating high-yielding rice?"

He couldn't understand the logic of the elder brother.

Since it is a supreme existence, shouldn't it be possible to breathe out spiritual energy while eating Xiaxia and drinking dew?

Obsessed with farming, or farming Fangu.

This thing is meaningless!

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