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Li Shiming was on the route that Zhao Lingyu expected to go based on the ibmz15 analysis of his natal magic weapon. He cast 'Chi Chi Tian Ya', coupled with the invisibility effect of the color-changing cloak, it can be said to be silent.

Even if there is an eyeliner covering the Rizong in this area, his whereabouts will not be found.

Just as he passed a mountain peak, his figure froze suddenly.

He took out senior brother Zhong Qiang's life lamp, and the flame of the life lamp flickered abnormally.

"Eldest brother is here!" He murmured to himself with some surprise.

He looked towards the mountain peak, and as shown on the map, there was a low-level square city there.

This kind of low-level square market is as numerous as stars in the Eastern Qi Continent, and there will be such a low-level square city every certain distance.

The low-level square city serves casual practitioners, and casual practitioners exchange resources in the square city, which is the guarantee for the survival of casual practitioners.

Casual cultivators will sell processed or cultivated spiritual objects in exchange for spiritual stones or cultivation resources.

When Li Shiming's mind moved slightly, the 'color-changing cloak' transformed him into an early Jindan cultivator.

He came to the outside of Fangshi, and played a common formula with his fingers to enter Fangshi, and then the entrance of Fangshi's passage appeared.

He walked into the entrance of the passage, and saw that there were very few monks in this square market, and there were only five monks who set up a stall here.

This is normal, this kind of low-level square city is only lively for a few days every month, and the rest of the time the nearby monks are busy with survival issues.

Li Shiming watched as he walked, his brain focused on the situation of the life lamp.

The life lamp is very close to Senior Brother Zhongqiang, which allows him to find the actual location of Senior Brother Zhongqiang through the guidance of the lamp.

The monks who set up the stall looked at Li Shiming in awe. Even if Li Shiming suppressed his realm to the early stage of Jindan, it was not something they could handle for these monks whose strength was only in the Qi refining and foundation building stages.

Li Shiming walked and stopped in front of a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment.

In the early stage of foundation establishment, the monk's face looked very vicissitudes of life, and his age was about a hundred years old.

This age is only at the initial stage of foundation establishment, and it may be extremely difficult to break through the golden core stage.

In front of the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, there are two first-grade bamboo rabbits. Judging from the state of the bamboo rabbits, they have been domesticated.

Taming spirit beasts is not easy, in addition to having the means, you also need to have a strong affinity for spirit beasts.

Of course, only one grade of spirit beast can be domesticated, no matter how high the grade of spirit beast is, its intelligence will extremely reject domestication, making domestication impossible.

Li Shiming looked at the two first-grade bamboo rabbits, and then at the early foundation-establishment monks. Although it was extremely difficult to feel the Nascent Soul breath in his body after the Nascent Soul was seized, he only had the domestication ability of the two first-grade bamboo rabbits. It can be judged that this person is most likely the body of Senior Brother Zhong Qiang.

His spiritual consciousness swept across the body of the monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It seems that Senior Brother Zhong Qiang had no choice but to seize the house at the beginning. The talent of this body is very poor.

It is estimated that if the Nascent Soul with Senior Brother Zhongqiang was not integrated into this body, this body might not even be able to reach the foundation stage.

"Senior, what do you want?" the monk in the early stage of foundation establishment asked restrainedly.

He didn't think that the Jindanqi senior in front of him would be interested in the two first-grade bamboo rabbits, which made him extremely nervous, not knowing what the Jindanqi senior had in mind.

"I am familiar with your method of taming spirit beasts. I don't know where you got it from?" Li Shiming asked with a smile.

"Senior, this is a method I came up with out of my own imagination. If you are interested, I will give it to you!" The early foundation-building monk replied without the slightest hesitation.

This is the way of survival of casual cultivators. When they are unable to resist, they will take the initiative to show weakness.

"Hey, don't call me senior, clean up, and I'll take you to a place!" Li Shiming sensed the situation of the life lamp, and after a careful scan of his consciousness, he was 100% sure that in front of him was Senior Brother Zhong Qiang, So he said calmly.

In the early stage of foundation establishment, the monk's face tightened,

He looked at Li Shiming, fear flashed in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, this is..." The owner of the square city here, a monk at the early stage of Jindan appeared and spoke.

He just stopped talking halfway, because when he was speaking, Li Shiming turned his head to look at him.

As the owner of the square city, through the array in the square city, the Golden Core cultivator can perceive everything that happens in the square city.

Li Shiming's breath is at the early stage of Jindan, although the owner here does not want to intervene, but for the reputation of Fangshi, the owner here still wants to prevent Li Shiming from taking away the monks at the early stage of foundation establishment.

Fangshi's reputation is life, and Li Shiming's aura is at the early stage of Golden Core, so the owner here has the confidence to suppress Li Shiming.

But when Li Shiming turned his head and glanced at him, he felt a terrifying thunder and lightning from Li Shiming's gaze, which was a kind of lightning that could make his soul tremble.

Li Shiming has a strong control over the energy in his body, and the trace of Lei Xiu's coercion he exuded did not spread out, but only aimed at the owner here.

He didn't show too much coercion, otherwise, with the coercion of Lei Xiu in the early stage of Nascent Soul, the master here would fall on the spot.

"Old Zhang, you can go with this senior, I think this senior will not be in trouble!" The master here immediately changed his mind and persuaded the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment.

In the early stage of foundation establishment, the cultivator knew that he could not change it. From the attitude of the master here, he knew that the Golden Core cultivator in front of him was extremely powerful, so strong that the master here dared not say anything.

He put away two first-grade bamboo rabbits. Although it may be dangerous to leave with Li Shiming this time, the two first-grade bamboo rabbits are considered a fortune to him, and he is not willing to let them go.

"Thank you!" Li Shiming nodded to the owner of Fangshi.

With a wave of his hand, a wave of spiritual consciousness lifted up the monks in the early stage of the construction period and flew towards the outside of the square city.

The owner of Fangshi kept a humble smile, watching their figures going away, and heaved a long sigh of relief when Li Shiming left Fangshi and never saw them again.

"This is definitely not a cultivator at the early stage of Jindan, but he just hid his identity for some reason!" He murmured to himself.

But soon he realized that he was talking too much, he quickly looked around and found that there were no monks nearby, so he was relieved.

Li Shiming left Fangshi with the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment. He looked at the drone satellite system and found that this delay would mean that Zhao Lingyu would pass nearby within a stick of incense at most.

"What's your name?" He asked the early foundation-building monks.

"Senior, the younger one is called Zhang Hai!" Zhang Hai replied honestly, supported by his divine sense, making him restrain his hands and feet.

"Zhang Hai, I want to do something here, I will arrange a formation, you stay in the formation and don't move around!" Li Shiming said with a smile.

When he was speaking, the fourth-grade formation flag in his hand had been thrown out, and when it landed on the ground, a concealment formation was formed.

Zhang Hai didn't dare to refuse, nor did he have the ability to refuse.

Li Shiming put Zhang Hai in the concealment formation, and casually blessed Zhang Hai with a defensive spell.

Zhang Hai felt the magic light on his body, even though he was only in the Foundation Establishment Stage, at this moment he also understood that Li Shiming would definitely not be a Golden Core Stage monk.

Although the casual cultivators of the Eastern Qi Continent were of a low level, their knowledge definitely far surpassed that of the casual cultivators of the Northern Shu Continent.

Loose cultivators in the Eastern Qi Continent can see Golden Core cultivators from time to time, and even Nascent Soul cultivators can see them every few years.

So Zhang Hai knew the difference between spells. These four defensive spells reflected that Li Shiming was a Nascent Soul cultivator.

This idea instead made him less nervous. To be honest, if Li Shiming was really an early Jindan monk, he would have thought that Li Shiming would do something to him.

But Li Shiming is a Nascent Soul cultivator, which is different. He, a cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment, is of no value to a Nascent Soul cultivator, and it is not worth the effort of a Nascent Soul cultivator to deal with it.

Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that he should be in no danger.

He looked at the fourth-rank defensive spells on his body, and at the fourth-rank formations outside his body, and his heart became more stable.

Li Shiming summoned four fourth-rank puppets, and using the speed of 'Chi Chi Tian Ya', arranged the four fourth-rank puppets four hundred miles away.

Although he had the record of killing mid-stage Nascent Soul monks, he did not underestimate any mid-stage Nascent Soul monk, not to mention that Zhao Lingyu was still a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk who concealed the Rizong.

Zhao Lingyu was able to severely injure Senior Brother Zhong Qiang in the battle, so his combat power must be very strong.

You must know that Senior Brother Zhong Qiang is the eldest disciple of Brother Hu, whether it is the cultivation method or the magic weapon, he is the top existence among the monks in the middle stage of the Yuanying of the Wanshouzong.

It goes without saying that Zhao Lingyu, who defeated senior brother Zhongqiang Qiang, had combat power.

If Li Shiming hadn't had various means to save his life, and his current attack power was extremely powerful, he would have gone around long ago when he encountered a powerful existence like Zhao Lingyu.

Zhao Lingyu was holding a 'Thousand Miles Inspiration Plate' in his hand. He was in a good mood, and he would be able to deal with his mortal enemy Zhong Qiang immediately, and Zhong Qiang retrieved the thing from his hand.

After the intelligence personnel of Wan Beast Sect sent back the news about Zhong Qiang in Guangyang Prefecture, he immediately accepted the task and rushed to Guangyang Prefecture with two subordinates.

The reason why he came here before Li Shiming was mainly because Li Shiming was in retreat at the beginning, and Brother Hu didn't find a reassuring monk to come and take Zhongqiang back.

With Zhong Qiang in a state of amnesia after seizing the house, if monks with ulterior motives are sent over, it is very likely that Zhong Qiang will be killed to seize the treasure.

Even if Zhong Qiang escaped from Yuan Ying, he would at least keep one talisman, not to mention that if he escaped with space items, Zhong Qiang's net worth would be even richer.

Hastily sending monks to fetch Zhong Qiang back is not saving him, but harming him.

Brother Hu was also planning to let Yue Shan or Lu Heng go to Guangyang Prefecture to pick up Zhong Qiang when they had the opportunity. It happened that Li Shiming was leaving the customs, so this task fell to Li Shiming.

Zhao Lingyu has another method that is more convenient than Li Shiming, and that is the 'Thousand Miles Inspiration Disk'.

He obtained Zhong Qiang's corpse, which made the Zhong Qiang's aura that could be placed in the "Thousand Miles Inspiration Disk" stronger, making it easier to track Zhong Qiang's location.

Although the 'Thousand Miles Inspiration Disk' claims to be thousands of miles away, that is without any cover.

If Zhong Qiang is in the formation, it will affect the effect of the 'Thousand Miles Inspiration Disk'.

Zhao Lingyu was flying, and the pointer of the "Thousand Miles Inspiration Disk" in his hand moved, pointing in one direction

"Zhongqiang, let's see where you go this time!" Zhao Lingyu said happily.

The direction of his flight is exactly the direction of the hidden formation arranged by Li Shiming.

Of course, this is also the vicinity where Li Shiming arranged an ambush. Zhao Lingyu's whereabouts are not hidden, and he is under the surveillance of the drone satellite system.

When Li Shiming saw Zhao Lingyu change direction, he couldn't help but patted his head, thinking of the "Thousand Miles Inspiration Disk", he had been positioned by the "Thousand Miles Inspiration Disk", and he was very impressed.

It seemed that Zhao Lingyu had found Senior Brother Zhong Qiang's position. If he had come late, Zhao Lingyu would have found Senior Brother Zhong Qiang first.

I can only lament the luck of Senior Brother Zhong Qiang, who was found by Li Shiming first.

Li Shiming got in touch with the four fourth-rank puppets through the drone satellite system. In order to facilitate remote contact, he installed signal receiving and sending devices in the four fourth-rank puppets.

The UAV satellite system can transmit data in a timely manner. Of course, if the distance is too far, there will be a delay, but the distance is only four hundred miles, and there will be no delay at all.

Not to mention that there is the natal magic weapon ibmz15, ibmz15 is constantly calculating the distance of Zhao Lingyu. With Li Shiming's "Shen Mushen", he can see Zhao Lingyu's figure clearly, which is convenient for ibmz15 to calculate accurately.

Zhao Lingyu looked at the 'Thousand Miles Inspiration Plate', getting closer and closer to the target, but he felt a sense of danger in his heart.

His spirit is very strong, and he can be regarded as the top existence among the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

It is also because his spirit is strong enough that he has a sense of danger.

If the spirit is a little weaker, it will not be able to perceive being targeted by four fourth-grade puppets.

The reason for this is that the four fourth-rank puppets are too far apart, beyond the perception range of most Nascent Soul cultivators. With a distance of four hundred miles, there is rarely such a long-distance attack method in the world of cultivating immortals.

With a wave of Zhao Lingyu's hand, a magic weapon of a fourth-rank high-rank shield appeared in front of him, completely covering his body.

He let go of his divine sense, and carefully inspected everything around him, not letting go of every inch.

He trusts his spirit very much, and his early danger perception has allowed him to avoid many crises.

In order to improve his spirit, he practiced a lot of extremely cruel magic skills and secret techniques, which also allowed him to always take advantage of the battles among his peers.

Li Shiming was also taken aback suddenly, this was the first time a monk had sensed the aim of a fourth-grade puppet.

He didn't launch an attack immediately. If he launches an attack under such circumstances, the possibility of being resisted is extremely high. He doesn't want to do useless work.

He was waiting, he knew that it was impossible for Zhao Lingyu to find four fourth-grade puppets within four hundred miles, and Zhao Lingyu couldn't be so vigilant all the time, as long as he showed a flaw, it was time for him to attack.

On the contrary, he observed Zhao Lingyu with his 'magic eyesight', which did not arouse Zhao Lingyu's reaction.

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