The incident that happened in Greenshade Town was quickly reported to the alliance and attracted the attention of the alliance.

At the same time, from the alliance, Yuga also knew the identities of the group of people hired by Edward.

The name of this group of people is the Wicked Group, and everyone in the group is as the name suggests, all of them are desperadoes, and they all committed crimes in their hands.

The leader of the team is the tall man called Xiong Boss who was caught by Yu Jia.

Boss Xiong, whose real name is Busan Xiong, has been on the most-wanted list of the alliance for many years, and has been named in various organizations of the alliance. Many alliance trainers know that this person exists.

But this person is a trainer at the level of a heavenly king, and he is usually cunning. It is not easy to find him, let alone catch him.

The alliance even sent a king-level trainer to hunt him down, but he still let him escape.

Speaking of which, he was originally from a small town under Yinyu City, and later joined a small local gang.

Through this gang, Busan Xiong became a trainer.

It was only later that this small gang was wiped out by the local police because of crimes.

By chance, Busanxiong escaped the police's pursuit and lived a life of fleeing here and there.

After working outside for a few years, Busanxiong became stronger and stronger, so he formed a team by himself.

At first, the team was helping some people in private to deal with things that were inconvenient for them to come forward, and most of the transactions they did were in gray areas.

Gradually, Busanxiong's vision became higher and his strength became stronger, so he was no longer satisfied with just doing these things.

They have turned from the secret to the open, helping people to kill, set fire, rob, etc. As long as they can make money, they will do anything.

The more crimes they committed, the greater the reputation of their group, and more and more people would ask them to do things. The alliance had a headache for a while because of this group.

Originally, their team was not called the villain group, but later, Pu Shanxiong probably knew that he had done a lot of bad things, so he changed it to this name.

However, once this person does more bad things, he will have more enemies.

Others couldn't do anything to Busan Xiong, so they found his hometown.

Busanxiong is not an orphan, he has a father, a mother, and an older brother. He disappeared by himself, and his family suffered.

Overnight, his parents, brother and sister-in-law were all killed by the enemy, and only one nephew survived because he was away to study.

Busanxiong has done all kinds of bad things outside, but he never thought of harming his relatives.

Knowing that his relatives were all killed after being implicated by him, he took his nephew by his side.

The league doesn't know much about Busanxiong's nephew, because he rarely showed up after being picked up by Busanxiong.

Busan Xiong's nephew is called Busan Ming, and most of the alliance's information about him is from when he was still in school, so there are not many sent to Yujia.

However, can Busan Ming and Busan Xiong really get along well?

Yuka has doubts about this.

From Busan Ming's point of view, the reason why he became homeless and became a desperado was all caused by his uncle.

Was there no resentment in his heart?

Yuka thinks it's impossible.

If it were me, I'm afraid I would have hated Busan Xiong to the bone.

Even if he is his uncle.

Busan Ming was not among the people arrested this time, and Yujia felt that maybe Busan Ming left his uncle and ran for his life.

Yu Jia didn't really care too much about the fact that Busan Ming ran away, as long as he didn't come to trouble himself, Yu Jia didn't want to trouble him either.

If he really came to seek revenge, Yujia would not be afraid of him, and he would not even be able to deal with a small Busan Ming.

Now that his strength has improved, he still needs the confidence he should have.

For the capture of Busanxiong, Yuga was once again rewarded by the alliance.

Together with the incident of annihilating the Water Fleet Division last time, Yujia's achievements were displayed on the official website of the alliance, and it was also hung on it as a role model for all alliance trainers.

Of course, the alliance did not announce what happened to Bridges. This is not something that the public can know. It is a scandal of the alliance.

Two Heavenly King-level trainers were captured in a row, and now Yujia's strength was determined to be at the Heavenly King level by most people, and his reputation rose for a while.

Even if there are a few people who are skeptical about this, they are drowned in the voices of the majority.

Everyone in the world worships the strong, so Yuga became a star trainer.

He has even been compared by some to Mikri, who has become famous in recent years. (Although Dawu, who is in the Supervision Bureau, is powerful and has a high status, his reputation is still not obvious.)

Because of this, Yoyo Breeding House's business is getting better, and basically Quan Fangyuan knows the existence of this Breeding House.

There may be a secret to becoming a king-level trainer in the breeding house opened by a king-level trainer.

Many people have this mentality more or less.

However, the products of Yoyo Breeding House are really good. Even if some people bought the products of Yoyo Breeding House for special reasons, they are not dissatisfied after using them.

But being famous is not necessarily a good thing, because more and more people come to the Green Gym to challenge, and sometimes Yujia can't handle it.

Later, Yujia restricted the conditions for the challenge of the gymnasium.

First, you must make an appointment in advance, and those who come directly to challenge will not be accepted.

Second, only five challengers are accepted at most every day, and those who are less than five will not make it up to the next day.

Third, challengers need to have three or more badges in order to challenge the Green Gym.

As soon as these three rules came out, Yujia immediately relaxed a lot.

Although some people were dissatisfied with these three regulations, no one said anything. Who made Youjia strong?

If a Heavenly King trainer can be challenged casually, the Heavenly King is too worthless.

Some trainers who have already obtained the badge of the Green Gym are congratulating themselves for being wise at the moment.

If it were changed to the present, they might not even be qualified to challenge the Green Gym.

However, no matter how hot a thing is, it will slowly drop over time.

About a week later, the number of people who challenged the Green Gym gradually decreased, and Yujia even increased the challenge difficulty of the Gym, and many people failed.

There is no way to easily obtain the badge, and the number of people who challenge it gradually decreases.

At the same time, the results of the interrogation and trial of Edward and Busanxiong finally came down.

The first is the great villain Busanxiong.

His death was inevitable.

Based on the crimes he committed over the years, even if he had ten lives, the Alliance would have to kill him ten times.

Edward's fate will not be good.

The first is that his breeding house was confiscated by the alliance.

This is the breeding house he inherited from his father, and it is now in his hands.

The second point is that although he is not guilty of death, he cannot escape from prison for decades.

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