I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 1

I'm really not an NPC Author: Prince of Destiny

After waking up, Su Mu found himself in a Three Kingdoms game beyond reality, and became a low-level farmer NPC who was recruited by the player's village.

The Three Kingdoms were in troubled times, and the wars were endless.

The safety of the farmer NPC cannot be guaranteed in the slightest.

Fortunately, with a unique talent, Su Mu, who was adopted by Bai Fumei players//raised, can change jobs infinitely!

Turn 1 [Militiaman], turn 2 [Archer], turn 3 [Spearman], turn 4 [Heavy Armored Sword], turn 5 [Xuanjia Cavalry], turn 6 [General], turn 7...

Unlimited career transfers, unlimited enhancements!

When the game and reality are connected and the supernatural comes, Su Mu has already become a mythical general who can beat the world, unifying the game and reality, and creating his own supreme fairy garden!

001 I am a refugee npc?

【Name】: Su Mu

[identity]: refugee

[Occupation]: Farmer

【Level】: Level 1. Experience: 0/20

[Attributes]: Commander 2, Force 5, Intelligence 8, Politics 6

[Skills]: None


"Is this really a game?!"

Taking another look at the attribute panel that appeared in his field of vision, Su Mu couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

When he woke up, Su Mu found that he had time traveled.


He didn't travel to the past and future, nor did he travel to parallel worlds or different worlds, but he traveled to a game!

Two simple thatched houses, a council hall for the village chief, and a circle of sparse and low fences... These are all the buildings in the small village where he was born.

At this time, Su Mu was standing outside a thatched cottage... a folk house.

A few seconds ago, he who had just regained consciousness walked out of this private house behind him!


Glancing at the other nine farmers who just came out of the private house just like himself, Su Mu couldn't laugh or cry: "I am one of the ten farmers given by the system at the beginning of the game?"

"A... a refugee npc?"

Su Mu does not reject time travel.

He had no worries and no worries in his previous life, and he had been baptized by various online novels, so he liked to hear about such things.

But it's not good to travel to a game.

And his identity is still the lowest farmer in the whole game! Except for some life skills, he has no combat power at all! As long as there is a war, a farmer like him can be said to be powerless to protect himself!

Players can be resurrected when they die.

He is dead... It is very likely that his body and spirit will be destroyed, and he will completely disappear from the game world!


After straightening out the information he had, Su Mu said to himself with some headaches: "I hope the identity of the npc in this game is not fixed... otherwise it will be really troublesome."

While Su Mu was thinking hard, there were new changes in the small village.

Not long after the ten farmers, including Su Mu, came out of the residence, a fair-skinned, beautiful, childish and cute girl who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old jumped up and down from the village chief to discuss the matter. ran out of the hall.

Also wearing a short shirt, the material of the soft and cute girl's clothes is obviously much better than the short shirts worn by Su Mu and others.

This soft and cute girl is the lord of this village.

That is, players.

When the soft and cute girl ran out of the village chief's council hall, other nine farmers besides Su Mu saluted at the same time: "Grassman Zhao Da (Wang Er, Zhang San, Li Si...), pay homage to the lord! "

When the nine farmers saluted, the soft and cute girls also responded one by one: "Hello, Zhao Da, hello Wang Er, hello Zhang San, hello Li Si..."

Respond step by step.

When all the nine farmers had finished responding, the cute girl just happened to walk up to Su Mu.



The soft and cute girl was stunned for a moment, and her exquisite face carved with pink and jade was even a little dazed: "Su... Hello Su Mu, do you have any dissatisfaction with our village..."

"Dissatisfied?" Su Mu frowned, "No."

"That, that..."

The soft and cute girl groaned for a long time, and choked out a sentence: "Then why don't you want to join Fengwu Village?"

"Fengwu Village, is this the name of this village?"

Saying a sentence silently in his heart, Su Mu looked at the cute girl's dumbfounded look, and couldn't help laughing: "Will joining Fengwu Village do me any good?"

"Join Fengwu Village..."

The cute girl hesitated for a moment, as if she was thinking about something: "Join Fengwu Village, you can get food and shelter, you don't have to be a refugee wandering around, starving and freezing. When the enemy comes, there will also be militia protection you……"


"When the barracks are built, farmers can change jobs and become militiamen!"

"At that time, you will be able to protect yourself and our village!"

Seems to be recalling something, the cute girl said happily.

[Farmers can change jobs to become militiamen! 】

After receiving an extremely important piece of information, Su Mu was a little excited: "Farmers can change jobs to become militiamen, so can militiamen continue to change jobs?"

The cute girl thought about it for a while: "Let me think about it... The militia is not in the mainstream and is not among the arms. After reaching level 5, you can transfer to the basic arms. After the basic arms reach level 10, you can transfer to advanced arms. Then there are the elite classes."

"It is said that there are hidden arms and special arms above the elite arms..."

Following the description of the soft and cute girl, Su Mu's eyes lit up.

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