The CIA agents guarding the warehouse seemed somewhat reticent, and Shepard didn’t think about it, he came here to move things, and he didn’t want to know anything else.

And when several people carried all the weapons and ammunition to the truck and were about to leave, Adler, who had just opened the box and retreated to the corner, appeared again.

“Anything else?”

Shepard, sitting in the co-pilot, asked. “No, it’s


Adler raised his hand, put it to his mouth, and made a zipper pulling motion, signaling that everyone’s mouth should be tighter.

“Of course! The people here are solid and reliable, and you should trust these veterans who shed blood and sweat on the battlefield! And just as the trucks full

of weapons and ammunition drove out of the warehouse area, a large convoy came in, these heavy trucks were tightly wrapped, and there were military vehicles escorted in front and behind the convoy, and the trucks of Shepard and others immediately stopped on the side of the road under the requirements of security to make way for the convoy.

“What’s in the car?”

“It’s too tight to see, but I feel like a few cars are equipped with anti-aircraft missiles!”

“Gee, shouldn’t all of these things have to be sent to Yara?”


“How much money can these things add up?”

“At the very least, there must be millions!”

“Uncle Sam is really rich, when can you leak some of it to me!”

Plomri sighed, his monthly salary in the army was only a few thousand yuan, although it doubled after entering the company, enough for his family to live a more prosperous life, but who would be too little, especially if he was poor from a young age to a large one.

“Don’t worry, the bonus from last time hasn’t been paid yet!”

“This is, the brothers are working so hard, that Morgan can’t give everyone more?”

It was only after the convoy left that the truck hit the road again and went straight to the port, and after entering the dock, Shepard noticed that there was another huge freighter parked at the dock next to the Negrofish, and several workers were working to modify the ship’s port number and name.

“Santana? What are these names? No level at all!

“But I think it’s much better than your Black Fish!”

A security guard carrying an ammunition box did not forget to complain.

“What happened to the Blackfish?”

“Because in fairy tales it’s a mermaid, not a black fish!” You don’t understand fairy tales at all! The

accusations from several daddy employees did not make Shepard waver in his naming level, these people are still too young, you laugh at me for not understanding fairy tales, I laugh at you for not understanding America!

After carrying the weapons and ammunition to the ship, the employees could not stay in the hotel, but Shepard could still travel to and from Morgan’s estate, so he simply drove the other party’s sports car to the freighter to stock up on supplies, beer, drinks, newspapers and magazines, and even tapes.

In the period that followed, the Blackfish received a whole batch of new gadgets, including high-powered radios, generators, and even two UH1 Huey helicopters painted light gray on the deck.

In addition, the freighter moored in the next dock is also constantly loaded with dense containers, this secluded dock area is quiet to death during the day, but at night it is hot, just rush this abnormal situation, Shepard feels that it is strange if no one finds the abnormality, but there are fully armed company employees guarding the dock area, as well as patrol patrols, it is estimated that no one is bold enough to sneak in, but this movement, I’m afraid the Yala people already know!

It’s just that the reality is the opposite of what Shepard expected, when the dock was hot to prepare supplies, the former Yala government army entrenched on the island has begun to counterattack, and is a counteroffensive, Yala has a total of three large islands, five provinces, a total of fifteen regions, under the counterattack of the former government army, five have been recaptured, the size of the army is also like inflatable swelling, before the guerrilla attack was only a few hundred people, after the beginning of the counteroffensive, With the addition of a large number of landlords and people from other industries who had been deprived of their land, the number of troops instantly rose to more than 3,000 people, in addition to the population of almost 300,000 people in the area under their control, and the government army also had the qualifications to wrestle, it seemed that the day of the successful counteroffensive was just around the corner.

Such a good thing naturally greatly inspired the Americans on the other side of the ocean, and in this context, it seems that the United States has finally found a reliable ally worthy of trust, and even in the tabloids, already boasting of the admiral who launched a counterattack, the peerless admiral of Yala.

Seeing that the allies had achieved such significant results, the preparations on the dock were gradually perfected at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shepard, on the other hand, received a new assignment from Smith again.

“The Blackfish is not loading cargo this time!”

“What’s that? Pretending to be human?

“Yes, Morgan has collected hundreds of Yarra people there, has completed his training, and is ready to send them back this time!”

“Isn’t the ship a little modified?”

Shepard remembered the cargo hold of his freighter, although it was spacious enough, but people were not cargo, and they needed a more comfortable environment at sea.

“What kind of renovation, you can arrive in a day, you are ready to use dozens of empty oil drums for those guys as toilets!”

“Understood, when do we leave then?”

“Next Monday, the port should be almost cleared by then, and by then, we will go with three other ships!”

“Understood, but Uncle Smith, I still don’t think the situation is quite right?”

“You mean Yara?”

“Yes, in less than two weeks, the defeated soldiers who were still driven to the mountains to eat chaff-throated vegetables will be able to recapture one-third of the country, if the Yala army has such combat effectiveness, then we invite them to fight Vietnam?”

“But the war report of the front!”

“The battle reports on the front line are almost 10,000 enemies, how many people are the main force of the Yala government army?”

“Shepard, what you said is just your personal guess, so don’t say it outside!”

Smith is also from a regular military academy, and naturally he can see the moisture of the war report, but political tasks are not allowed to be questioned, so he must do it no matter what the situation is, but in order to ensure that the interests of his own people are not damaged, he still decided to listen to Shepard’s opinion first.

“We have to prepare a way out first!”

“Go on!”

“After sending off the personnel, the Negro Fish should immediately leave the port and wait in the open sea, and those two helicopters, since they are on our ship, should be assigned to us!”


“And I surrendered in Spanish, I feel that we should also practice!”

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