Belgian mercenaries were organized in large formations of more than a dozen men, so they faced some uncomfortable problems when operating in narrow areas.

As a mercenary squad of the vanguard chased a sniper to the rear of the mountain, the leading sharp soldier holding the Mat49 submachine gun just poked his head out, and saw an M60 machine gun suddenly mounted behind.

The sharp soldier immediately shouted for his teammates to dodge, and several teammates behind him also heard it, and avoided it to the left in time, but the friendly troops in the rear did not notice the movement in front because they were exchanging fire with the enemy in other directions, so when the machine gunner swept over with the machine gun, several people in the rear were caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Because of the continuous firing, the machine gunner’s machine gun suddenly jammed, he did not even hesitate to drop the machine gun and retreated to the flank again, when the sharp soldier tried to pursue again, another person appeared from the opposite position of the PMC escape direction just now, and the same magazine was tilted and ran away.

This mercenary squad only penetrated two hundred meters deep into the Tushan area, and it had already lost more than half, and several seriously injured people climbed to the corner with difficulty, and before they could find a bandage to bandage their bleeding wounds, the grenade that inexplicably fell from the sky smashed again, and a few unlucky eggs had no place to hide, they could only scream in the explosion, and then leave everything to God to decide.

Belgian mercenaries hated the heavy fal rifles in their hands at the moment, in the rugged terrain, their reaction was seriously dragged down by heavy weapons, while their opponents were extremely decisive, the machine gun was lost after the bullet chain, the mercenaries were like bulls with their heads covered, ramming madly in the dirt mountains, although they killed a number of shadow company guys, but they suffered even more losses.

The mercenary commander ordered his men to scatter in pursuit, which caused his men to fight separately in the event of loss of contact, while the PMCs acted according to fire groups, each carrying a walkie-talkie, keeping a position and the situation of the firefight, responding to each other and covering each other.

After nearly twenty minutes of fierce fighting, the Belgian mercenaries sadly found that although they had advanced to the other edge of the Tushan area, and even saw the office area and smelting workshop a thousand meters away, their people were now divided and surrounded by them.

“Retreat, scatter and break through!”

The commander was already at a loss, he didn’t even know where his subordinates were now, there were gunshots in all directions, and even continuous explosions, desperate, he could only lead a dozen or so people around him to fight forward, and they also successfully broke through the Tushan area and entered the direction of the factory.

But before they could run a few steps, the ghostly snipers focused on these guys again, these snipers who received the order did not shoot the point, but aimed at the leg, so after a few gunshots, there were a few more wounded people holding their thighs on the ground and wailing, and the others were scared and did not care about rescuing friendly troops, trying to run towards a safe place, and then, the mobile team that had been waiting in the factory area for a long time directly along the main road. The

commander who ran in the front only looked to see if there were any bullets coming from behind the butt, completely did not notice the mud truck coming from the diagonal stab in front, and the companion shouted for him to dodge, he did not hear, and then, he was knocked out five meters away by the m20 of the emergency brake.

After a sharp brake, a Deser’s PMC immediately appeared from the vehicle-mounted machine gun position of the M20, and instead of firing, he ordered the intercepted mercenaries to lay down their weapons.

Two armed reconnaissance vehicles, plus a commander lying on the ground and constantly convulsing, the mercenaries decisively dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender like deflated leather balls.

And the M20 armored car continued to move forward, with the Apple detachment in front to continue to surround and suppress the fleeing mercenaries, François was anxious on the high ground looking at the battle situation below, he could hear that the gunfire was gradually stopping, but he couldn’t see his own people, not even the personnel of the Shadow Company, all he could see was smoke and shining fire.

It was not until ten minutes later that there was finally movement in the Tushan area, and a dozen mercenaries rushed down the hillside in a rather embarrassed posture, jumped off the riverbank, and even lost their weapons, they crossed the

corpses of their own people on the riverbed, crossed the burning hillside, and then fled back to the high ground as if they had lost their souls.

“What about people?”

“I don’t know!”

The mercenaries were dead in ashes, covered in smoky traces, many of them still had wounds, and they looked so embarrassed that even François understood that he should not demand anything.

At this moment, a deep sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart, and François looked at the mining area below and for the first time gave birth to the idea of leaving.

“Are we going to continue?”

“Let me think about it first!”

François shook his head, although the old partner did not blame him, but he was also embarrassed to face the other party, the Belgian mercenaries suffered heavy losses, it was caused by him, those people are also Ek’s old acquaintances, and now there is no one in ten.

Although Ek had a bad face, he did not blame François, after all, everyone had voted before acting, and he could only blame his opponent for being too cunning.

When the mercenaries fell into a slump because of heavy losses, suddenly, a beautiful and light music suddenly came from afar, and at first everyone thought that they were working hard, and suddenly the atmosphere was a little lively.

It wasn’t until someone looked into the distance that they reacted, and the music just now turned out to be played by the factory broadcasting system!

And it was soon recognized as the work of composer Schubert Trout.

So the atmosphere that had just become active suddenly fell silent again, and only the radio was still playing loudly there.

Ek stood on the mountain, his heart sad, but then he saw the commissioner of United Mining walking towards him.

“Ike, you guys must keep attacking!”

“I know, but we have to rest, our men have suffered heavy losses, and I have to regroup my troops!”

“I understand, if it’s because of this, we can help!”

The commissioner immediately looked pleased, and then said.

“United Mining also has two squadrons of mercenaries, as long as you nod, I can let them rush to support!”

“And the cost?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just that I think François is not suitable for any mercenary commander, I think, this position should pick a more capable person, such as you, how?”

“You want to take us in?”

“It’s just cooperation!”

Looking at the smiling commissioner, Ek shook his head after a few seconds of silence.

“But I refuse!”

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