A Soviet military instructor was captured by mercenaries, which was obviously not something Kabila could handle, not to mention that the captured guy was still the leader of the team, and the Soviets, who were worried about making a big deal about the situation, reported the news immediately, and then the news was stopped again.

The KGB in Soviet times was an incomparably large organization, and its function was not only to engage in intelligence counter-espionage, this agency had more than a dozen branches, each agency was responsible for different work, and Major Ivanov, the First Main Directorate, came from the foreign intelligence reconnaissance department. The

person in charge of Ivanov’s work was Major General Beryukov of the First Main Directorate, and after learning that his subordinates had an accident, the first reaction of the major general was not to be angry, but to wonder if his subordinates were teasing him, until the other party repeatedly confirmed, the major general angrily threw his exquisite coffee cup against the wall.

“Ivanov this pig!”

Waving his hand to signal the female secretary who was going to come in to clean up, the major general irritably unbuttoned his military uniform, and then lowered his voice.

“What conditions did the other party put forward?”

“What? The other party wants a ransom?

Major General Beryukaov also experienced strong winds and waves in the wind and rain, and he also ran horses by the Berlin Wall and raced cars on Prague streets, what kind of enemy has not seen, but he did not torture people when he was arrested, but took the initiative to demand a ransom and release people, which is the first time he has seen them.

“What is the identity of the other party?”

“Mercenaries, Shadow Corporation?”

Intuition told the major general that the thing behind this may not be so simple, how dare a mercenary do such a thing? There must be a conspiracy here! But no matter what conspiracy there is, it is limited to this, the major general is not ready to report the news further, and even intends to press the matter down, the KGB is a

large institution, there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, naturally there is no lack of generalists, Major General Beryukaov is naturally facing great pressure, whether from above or below, the Soviet mother lacks everything, except for a KGB major general, for the sake of his own future, Beryukov is ready to quietly solve this matter.


The major general who put down the phone first called his secretary and asked the other party to summarize the information about the Shadow Company to him.

And the KGB’s intelligence gathering ability is not covered, and soon the major general put information about the Shadow Company and Pegasus in front of him, not many things, just a few thin pages, but pulled out Pegasus’s bottoms, from the establishment of Smith, to the dissolution of the company, and then the process of reincarnation into the Shadow Company was not pulled word for word, even Shepard showed his face in the information, but it was the part where he was shot in Yara’s ass.

“CIA, Shadow Corporation!”

After reading the information, the major general suddenly realized, and immediately smashed his second coffee cup.

“These guys!”

Major General Beryukov is angry not because of anything else, it is normal for intelligence agencies to fight openly and secretly, there are fights, there are losses and wins, but you can’t lose face in others and come to me to find a venue, right?

“Perseus punished you, you guys are looking for me to get angry?”

Although angry, the major general did not find anyone to confront him, it is very simple, he and Perseus are not the same people, the latter is a radical in the KGB, and it is not a day or two to stare at his position, if Beryukov goes to the other side, then he can honorably retire to Murmansk to retire! Because of the relationship

between Pegasus and the CIA, Major General Beryukaov also thought that the shadow company and the CIA have an inseparable relationship, then it’s okay, and there is no need for any VDV superman to help thousands of miles, everyone is engaged in intelligence, it is normal for you to come and go, the rivers and lakes are not fighting and killing, but human affection, the other party binds people just to seek wealth, then it is simpler!

Major General Beryukaov’s position was nothing else, but the external funds were large, and after much consideration, he signed several documents, and then a sum of half a million dollars was transferred to some secret aid project.

“I am Beryukaov! Pick me up Colonel Anatoly!

Because the matter is very important, the major general feels that it is better not to let the ticket under him do it, these guys kill and set fire to be a good hand, deal with peers, and have to come professionally!

Soon a middle-aged man in his forties came to the office of the major general, and after a few words between the two, the man understood what he was going to do.

“The KGB is embarrassed to this extent!”

The colonel leaned forward and back with a cigar in his grip, while Beryukov sighed helplessly.


“I understand, Comrade General, leave the matter to me and ensure that the task is completed!”

“Then please!” The

KGB colonel named Anatoly immediately got up and left, and soon he received a brand new document and passport, as well as a recent ticket to Africa, Beryukaov urged very tightly, the matter of the prisoner could not be delayed, it must be solved as soon as possible!

And Anatoly did not dare to slack, almost non-stop rushed to Africa, after several turnarounds, he finally arrived in Katanga province.

Then, Anatoly walked straight to the door of the Shadow Company and handed the doorman his fake documents.

“I’m going to talk to your boss, there’s a deal!”

Although the doorman did not understand what a Polish was coming to Africa to negotiate with the mercenaries, he quickly informed Shepard.

Shepard also does not know why there are Poles looking for themselves, but if there is business coming to the door, how can it not be done?

So he also took the guard directly to meet the other party, and after seeing that it was a hairy boy who came to greet him, Anatoly frowned.

“Why, your people are so afraid to show their faces, you have to let a guy with no hair in front, right?”

“That, Mr. Roland Kees, I am the head of the Shadow Corporation, so if you have anything to say, just say it to me!”

Although he didn’t quite understand what the other party meant, Shepard vaguely felt that there seemed to be some misunderstanding.

“Are you in charge?”

Anatoly was extremely sure at this moment that this incident must have been something that his CIA colleagues secretly did, so he let a hairy boy come out to block the gun.

“Yes, I am the person in charge, if you have any words, just talk to me!”

“Hmph, okay then, presumably our conversation is also listened to, then I will say it bluntly, I came for the Soviet and partisan soldiers you captured, I brought the money, that person, should you let it go?”

“This is natural, as long as the money is okay, people can leave at any time!”

Shepard was convinced that there was definitely a misunderstanding!

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