Although the Winchester M70 in Plotry’s hands is not a standard weapon of the US military, this rifle is the favorite of many American snipers because of its good accuracy and the use of competition-level ammunition, which can easily allow the shooter to take the enemy’s first level hundreds of meters away.

At this moment, Plomli, holding this rifle, is like an invisible god of death, whenever his gun goes off, someone will always fall, and in the chaotic battlefield, the guerrillas do not notice where the bullets come from.

After being knocked out five or six machine gunners in a row, the guerrillas who were trying to meet friendly troops outside also had to shrink their heads and start shooting indiscriminately, and then, without suppression, the PMCs raised their heads again and began to harvest to their heart’s content, less than two hundred meters away, plus sights, the guerrillas were completely crushed and could not fight back at all, if they had mortars such fire support, they could still carry out a wave of counterattacks, but the guerrillas with only a few machine guns with heavy firepower could not deal with the opponent at the moment.

Even the commander of the guerrilla, because he ran away and did not forget to wear his red beret was also targeted by the shooter, and then an M14 and several M16s hit his legs almost at the same time, and then the commander directly slammed his head on the ground, and then directly fainted.

It was not without NCOs trying to organize a retreat, but PMCs included many experienced veterans, and whenever they noticed someone trying to organize personnel, these hapless bastards would always come under fire, and after several NCO officers were knocked to the ground by bullets in a row, no one did this again.

“Send a message to the boss, those guys have entered the jungle!”

Seeing that the remnants of the guerrillas had rushed into the jungle, Hannibal immediately ordered his men to signal Shepard, and he was the first to jump out of the bunker with his weapon in hand.

“Continue to pursue, the boss has an order, catch the live one, there is a great reward!”

Hearing the reward, the PMCs immediately screamed and jumped out of cover and began to pursue towards the jungle, and at this moment, the ambush team that had been waiting in the jungle for a long time also received orders from Hannibal. Although the number of people was small, the

ambush team did not have the slightest worry, because they also carried tear gas and grenade launchers, and coupled with the long-arranged fire lines, it was impossible for the fleeing guerrillas to gain a foothold. Soon the ambush

team heard the gunshots in front and the chaotic footsteps, when the first anxious guy broke into the ambush line, several PMCs immediately sounded the pull bomb they set in advance, because the time is urgent, the ambush team that has no time to arrange more powerful fragments and explosives can only use wood chips as a means of killing, although the effect is average, but there are still many unlucky eggs in the explosion, flying wood chips are like a life-killing bow and arrow poked into the fragile flesh at this moment, However, the black uncles still burst out with rare perseverance, and despite a wooden thorn more than ten centimeters long stuck in their butts, they still walked like a fly until another bullet hit their bodies.

Found that there were also enemy guerrillas in front of them fell into chaos again, many people tried to turn their heads and flee to the sides, and some people still drilled forward with their heads iron, because the number of people was limited, so the ambush force could only expand the defense line as much as possible, and there was often a gap of nearly 100 meters between each ambush group, so there were still many guerrillas who drilled out of it.

Some guerrillas did not want to leave their wounded companions, and wanted to take the wounded away hand in hand, but the result was in the arms of the opponent, these unlucky eggs who rescued the wounded often received more care, coupled with the flying tear gas, the black uncles could only continue to run with their heads covered in embarrassment.

For them, the jungle is their natural ally, and as long as they escape into the depths of the jungle, it means that they can escape the enemy’s pursuit.

After two consecutive ambushes, the remaining guerrillas numbered less than a hundred, a considerable number of them were still wounded, and almost two-thirds had lost their weapons, but for them, as long as they could escape, there was still hope.

Seeing that the gunfire has been left behind by themselves, these black uncles who have run for several kilometers in one breath immediately slack, many people even kneel on the ground and vomit madly, they have just eaten a lot of bread, and now it is a burst of intense exercise, it is strange not to vomit.

It’s just that this momentary respite is also fleeting, and just as some people are trying to rest for a while, the sound of propellers is heard in the sky.

Two Huey helicopters loaded with armed soldiers and an OH6 helicopter appeared over the jungle.

“Let’s go!”

Shepard, who was sitting in the first pilot of the OH6, raised his finger to the employee curled up in the small space at the back of the cabin, who nodded, pressed the switch, and the huge stereo hanging on the sides of the OH6 helicopter began to work. The

majestic Valkyrie March, composed by German composer Wagner, resounded over the African jungles.

This song, which left a deep impression on many local soldiers in Vietnam, left an indelible impression on many black uncles at this moment, accompanied by the sound of music, and machine gun fire from helicopters. The

shooters crouching on both sides of the cabin operated the M60 machine gun in their hands and constantly tilted the bullets towards the jungle below, directly killing and injuring the guerrillas was not their intention, driving them was the goal. The

black uncles, who had never seen this trick, immediately began to run wildly again, trying to avoid the pursuit of the helicopter like crazy, and whenever someone slowed down, bullets would rain down behind them, like a ghost.

People continue to fall headlong because of physical exhaustion, and those who are still alive run away in even more panic, until they also fall again due to physical exhaustion. Until the end, a dozen black uncles who no longer had strength knelt

helplessly in place, they no longer had the strength to run down, everyone could only keep panting and watch the helicopter hover above them, and then fully armed soldiers jumped from above, desperate black uncles could only close their eyes and wait for death, but what they were waiting for was not bullets, but a few cold butts.

“Pretend to die, get up, now you are prisoners, give me honesty!” The guide,

who spoke the local dialect, explained the words of the armed soldiers to the former, while the former looked at the guide in amazement, and then asked the people why they didn’t shoot.

“Our boss said that the Shadow Company treats prisoners favorably, so don’t play tricks, you hillbilly, give me the truth!”

The guide also did not know why these whites did not kill prisoners, but the boss gave the order and paid the salary, then it must be carried out unconditionally!

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