The helicopter detachment that received the order immediately took off an OH6 reconnaissance helicopter, and the pilot was still Sandman’s eldest brother, after all, he was the oldest pilot.

Soon the OH6 helicopter flew to Standard Oil’s No. 2 drilling camp and picked Shepard up.

“See that road?”


Shepard said, pointing to the path that gradually led into the jungle.

“Then follow that path!”

“Are we in danger?”

Sandman hesitated and asked.

“Probably not, even if there is still you in danger, how can the ace pilot let me have an accident?”

Shepard picked up an M14 and pulled the bolt to check it, then complimented the other party.

And Sandman, who had a bitter hatred, sighed helplessly again.

“Having just fled Vietnam, I am now falling into the hands of African cannibals again!”

“It’s okay, Africans don’t like to eat white skin, the taste is too smelly, and you will have diarrhea when you eat it!” They like to cut off their heads and kick them as a ball!

Shepard’s comfort obviously did not make Sandman feel good, but after all, the salary was there, and Sandman still drove the helicopter very hard over the jungle. The

guerrillas’ route of action is not hidden, because they are also brigade operations, hundreds of people through the jungle and along the road are completely two concepts, so Shepard’s tracking began very smoothly, but as it went deeper and deeper into the jungle, the path below gradually appeared one by one, some disappeared into the jungle, and some zigzagged and spiraled forward, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty, and Shepard had no choice but to give up tracking along the road.

“Pull up, see if there is no one nearby!”

Soon OH6 rose from a height of tens of meters to hundreds of meters, and then Shepard looked at it for a while with a telescope, and finally saw some small blurry black dots in the distance.

It was a very small village, only about a dozen dilapidated thatched huts, the helicopter alarmed the civilians inside, many people came out of the house to look at the sky, Shepard could see many children shouting and jumping, and some adults were pointing at the helicopter, he thought about it, and then opened the cabin door.

Sandman on the side saw Shepard open the cabin door, his face flashed hesitation, as if he had something to say, but finally held back, and Shepard didn’t pay attention to the other party, he asked Sandman to lower his altitude, and then threw a backpack of canned food and candy down.

“Okay, let’s go!”


Sandman looked at Shepard, a look of guilt flashed on his face, and then said while raising the height.

“I blamed you wrong, boss!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I thought you opened the hatch to shoot those people below!”

“I have a disease in the brain, what are they doing with strafing them, bullets don’t need money?”

“But in Vietnam, the pilots and cabin gunners like to do this!”

“Those guys are just fighting the Vietnamese can’t take them, if there is an anti-aircraft gun, those helicopters would have flown far away!”

“That’s why I said, I blamed you wrong! But why do you throw candy?

“Of course, to bring the civil-military relationship closer, go ahead, go see something else!”

Soon Shepard looked at all the large and small villages within a radius of tens of kilometers, but only the first village lost sugar, and the other villages, Shepard just made a map mark.

After tossing and turning for a long time, Shepard let the helicopter return, and then he immediately found Hannibal and asked him to get a dozen boxes of canned food and candy and the like.

Hannibal wondered too, but wondering was one thing, carrying out a mission was another, and he quickly got the cans, which were simply not too rampant in the black market in Lubumbashi, which was the usual end of American aid.

After getting the can, Shepard immediately had the cans loaded on the plane, and then took off with a dozen or so people and a translator back to the village where he first threw the candy.

This time, instead of throwing objects from above, the helicopter landed on the flat ground outside the village, and then Shepard, wearing a bulletproof vest, grabbed a few bags of candy and jumped off the plane.

“After everyone is safe, the gun is down, there are no orders, no hostile acts are allowed, and things are screwed up, you will go back where you came from, understand?”

Shepard specifically ordered a vote of Koreans, after all, these guys do bad things, but they are not inferior to their masters.

And as soon as they heard that they were going home when they were screwed up, the employees immediately swore that there would be no problems.

Then Shepard took the lead towards the village, where the black uncles were in chaos, the men shouting the local language to form a useless line of defense outside the village, and the women were packing up and preparing to run, apparently having a bad experience with this kind of thing.

Looking at Uncle Black holding weapons such as hunting knives and earthen guns, Shepard stopped, first raised his hands to indicate that he had no weapons, and then took out the canned food and began to eat it, after eating a few bites, he showed the canned food in his hand to the black uncles for a while, and then threw a few more over, signaling the black uncles to taste it. The

black uncles, who noticed that Shepard was not hostile, carefully picked up the can, and after confirming that it could really be eaten, everyone was not so nervous, and then Shepard signaled the translator to speak.

“Ask their village chief, if the elder is there!”

The interpreter nodded, and then there was a burst of chatter in dialect, and then the men were also chattering, and then an old black man who was quite old, gray-haired, but fat and strong walked out.

“That guy is an elder!”

“Tell him we want to talk to him!”

Shepard’s words were conveyed in their original form, and after the old man listened to it for a while, the uncles who took weapons and threw them away immediately retreated and scattered, leaving only the old man in place.

“He said there was nothing to talk about with the army!”

“Then ask him, do you want to make money, Dao Le, us Dao Le!”

After the translator did so, the old man immediately stepped forward a few steps and said directly in French.

“White people’s money is never hard to earn!”

“But my money is still very good to earn!”

Shepard immediately replied in fluent French. “I came with sincerity, so

don’t let my sincerity turn into useless work, after all, I still have so many subordinates watching, it’s always okay to make friends for face, right?”

“Do I have room to refuse?”

Looking at the menacing dozen armed mercenaries, the old man smiled helplessly, and then said.

“Then let’s talk here, I’ll tell my people to back away and not go near your village, and you will tell your people not to be nervous?”

“That couldn’t be better!”

The old man nodded and agreed.

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