After staying in Redknight for a whole day, Shepard, who was talking about his mouth was almost dry, finally left quietly in the other party’s reluctance, at this moment, Shepard, who was deeply hidden in his skills and fame, was full of thoughts about finding another PUA object to practice his hands, but unfortunately his faintly painful ass made him have to choose to return to the hospital.

Then, in the surprised shouts of the nurse sister, Shepard found that there seemed to be a small problem with the wound on his buttocks, but in fact, there was no problem, that is, the blood flowed a little more, staining his white and snowy casual trousers.

No wonder taxi drivers and passers-by look at me so strangely!

Shepard suddenly realized that when he took a taxi, the driver confiscated his money, but asked him why he didn’t go to the hospital earlier, it turned out to be the reason!

Looking at Shepard’s indifferent look, the nurses and sisters were distressed, and immediately stepped forward and pressed him on the bed with their hands up and down, and then changed the dressing and gauze, and finally did not forget to send a clean and hygienic healthy supper. As for the rest, that is, Shepard

has a weak heart, because his current situation, even if he goes to the toilet a little harder, can bleed, every time at this moment, Shepard can’t help but want to give himself two shots, ah no, it’s the guy with three shots pulled out to shoot for three hours, what is bad for you to hit, but you want to spank?

It’s a pity that he didn’t have a chance to understand who it was, and he didn’t even leave a warhead, except for knowing that the other party was a person from the 40th Airborne Army, he didn’t have any clue, and he couldn’t find anyone who wanted to take revenge.

Although there is no revenge, the first contractor job of the Shadow Company is directly approached.

“Mr. John Shepard, we would like to ask how much do you know about the DRC?”

The next day, while Shepard was still recovering from his injuries, two eldest brothers from the Ministry of Defense reported that they came to their home.

“Lumumba was removed by us!”

Such too straight words made the two big brothers of the Ministry of Defense almost like scolding their mothers, how can this kind of thing be known all over the world?

“Mr. John Shepard, this kind of thing has nothing to do with us, we are a free country, and it is all caused by the conflict between local warlords!”

“Understood, we said the same before!”

Shepard does not have the slightest respect for these two guys, after all, these two are not high-ranking officials, they just come to play the front station, in general, the work of contractors has to go to bidding according to the process, but I Great America as a city on the top of the mountain, a country of lighthouses, can rely on human favors who go through the process, of course, the outside world must be meticulous to follow the process, after getting the bid, then the Ministry of Defense will first come and reach some preliminary consensus with you on the contracting work, such as the work area, handover personnel and so on.

But this work was clearly assigned to Shepard, so this is not a negotiation, but a notification.

The two Ministry of Defense Calamiso sex no longer entangled with Shepard about the role of the US government in the Congo issue, this kind of thing, anyway, I don’t admit it!

“We came just to tell you that the Department of Defense needs a capable team to go to Katanga province to protect American businesses there, as well as the safety of American citizens, I don’t know, would you like it or not?”

“Uh, what does Mobutu do to eat, can’t even do the work of a janitor?”

Shepard got up from the bed with a smile, the two were stunned, and then turned their heads to the side together in a tacit understanding.

Shepard guessed that the two might have low self-esteem, and then lifted his pants and changed positions and lay on the bed.

“Since the country is in difficulty, then naturally I will not stand idly by, and I am very happy to lead my team to give the world a little shock to the United States!”

“Then, when you heal your injuries, we’ll talk about it in detail!”

After the Ministry of Defense left, Shepard immediately called back Plomri, who had taken a holiday.

“How many of us do we have besides our previous lives?”

“If you get rid of those who retire and do not work, those whose contracts expire, there are still 22 brothers left!”

“22? There are too few people, right?

“That’s what I’m trying to say, we need to expand our workforce!”

“Yes, especially if we are going to Africa in the second half of the year, then there must not be enough people!”

“Africa, where to go?”

Plomri did not yet know about the order of the Ministry of Defense, and Shepard immediately explained.

“Half a year, seven hundred thousand dollars, two hundred tons of fuel reimbursement, plus a company of standard equipment?”

Plomri was also stunned when he heard this.

“I guess there must be other special circumstances!”


Shepard did not hide it, and directly explained the situation in Katanga Province.

Located southeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Katanga Province is part of the Central African Plateau, located in the center of Africa, bordered by Angola to the west, Zambia to the south, and Tanzania to the northeast. This province has a large number of

unproven, proven mineral resources, cobalt, copper, tin, radium, uranium and diamonds, it can be said that it is simply a large treasury, after the United States overthrew Lumumba who tried to establish a pro-Soviet regime before, a large number of American companies poured in like bloody jackals, fighting a powerful backstage, these American companies even drove out their local counterparts from Belgium, France and other countries.

“You stop first…”

Rubbing his head, Shepard looked like he gritted his teeth when he introduced those companies that made money, and he didn’t know that he thought that those companies were robbing him of money!

“Our immediate priorities have not yet been solved, the first is personnel, there will definitely be a war there, you can’t recruit a group of civilians to go over, right?” Definitely have to retire veterans, or people who have served in the military!


“But if these people’s salaries are not higher, they will definitely not sign a contract!”

“I have an idea!”

“What thoughts!”

“First of all, it is impossible to recruit all the personnel, so the cost is relatively high! So only one-fifth of the backbone is needed!

“And what about the remaining four-fifths?”

“Go to our friendly allies and settle it!”

“Vietnamese, South Koreans, even Mexicans!”

Plomri nodded in understanding, then added.

“We can also add some additional conditions, such as proficiency in English and Russian! If these people die, we can even avoid funeral expenses and pensions!

“Then forget it, it is enough for us to pay wages according to the level of regional income, and then deduct money, what if there is a mutiny?”

“It is!”

Plomri nodded, then asked.

“What do you need me to do?”

“I’m not very good at veterans, so give me four-fifths!”

“Then I’ll get one-fifth!”

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