The humiliating defeat of the United States has become the biggest topic of international conversation in the past two days, and defense contractor John Shepard, who survived the shutdown and fighting dogs, has something to say about this failure.

The United States really doesn’t want to lose face like this, you look at how many leaders have changed the CIA one term after another, has it been changed? People MI6 also have something to say, what team I lead, that is Cambridge Five Masters, what team you led by the CIA, if you lose again, you will lose to Vietnam, North Korea loses Cuba, Cuba loses Yara, and if you lose again, the free world will be finished!

The above paragraph is actually just Shepard’s self-brain supplement lying in the special ward, because from the current point of view, Yala’s failure has not set off any storms at the top, it seems that the masters above have become accustomed to overturning. Of course, this operation

cannot be said to be without consequences, because the Russians captured a large amount of assistance provided by the CIA as evidence, so the United States is extremely passive internationally, so everyone who is directly involved must be silent about this, even Pergasus will be written off and shut down, as for extinguishing, this is not a movie, you do a black operation and kill it once, then who will give you dry and wet work?

In short, the attitude of the United States is to beat to death and not admit it, I will not listen to anything you say, all of them are framed!

But the noisy people above and the people below have nothing to do, just like Shepard, saying that unlucky is also unlucky, saying lucky is also lucky, why is unlucky, because this operation, he was injured, and lucky, because the sniper bullet only opened two holes in his butt.

At this moment, Shepard was extremely grateful to the cheap mother in this life, if it were not for the strong food that the other party had fed himself since childhood, maybe that bullet would not have been pierced through the meat in his ass.

After being injured, Shepard was directly admitted to the best hospital in Miami for treatment, and even Smith was considering whether to use his relationship to transfer Shepard back to the San Diego Naval Hospital, but in view of his minor injury, this plan was finally canceled, after all, it was just two more gun holes in the butt, and it would be fine for a few days.

Although he was lying in his hospital bed, Shepard was not idle, and on the day that Pegasus was written off, a new shadow company appeared on the list of contractor companies, and the newly formed company obviously did not have a single employee, but it had a bunch of assets under its name, including an ocean freighter, several helicopters, and hundreds of employees.

“So, you still want to work as a contractor?”

“After all, sometimes you have to challenge yourself, don’t you?”

Because the wound is on the butt, Shepard can only lie on his stomach and have to take off his pants, but fortunately, most of the male doctors who take care of him, he is not shy, men can’t expose their shortcomings, but the strengths are definitely no problem!

“Then if you have anything else for me to do, just say it, in a few days, I will go back to California!”

Smith sat at the edge of his hospital bed, holding his cigar and swallowing the fog while carrying a bag.

“I want to set up a gun factory first!”


Smith frowned, pressed his cigar, and then said.

“It’s not difficult for gun factories, but what are you doing here, making new guns?”

“No, what new guns, make gun accessories!”

“What accessories can a rifle have, a scope, a bayonet, a big deal plus an M203 grenade launcher, what good can this be?”

“It’s useless now, doesn’t mean it’s useless in the future, it’s just a pit, do you believe that in the future there will really be someone who puts a bunch of five hundred pieces on a gun that can’t actually be used at all, but just for cool things, just like a Christmas tree!”

“But you also said it was later! John, I know you have many, many ideas, but running a company is not a child’s business, the first thing you have to think about is how to keep it running, not to develop some new plan in one go, which will bring down the company!

“I understand, so what do you think I should do now?”

“First of all, business problems!”

Smith rubbed his cigar again, then sighed.

“Do you know what the company is making the most money at the moment?”

“Vietnam’s sea transport!”

“Yes, everything is paid for by the Navy, even if Yara this time, we failed, but still did not lose a penny, why do you think this is?”

“Because Uncle Sam pays for everything!”

“So, you get it?”

“Got it!”

Immediately the two began to laugh, Smith’s meaning is very simple, that is, the business should pick the kind of unjust to pay, self-responsible profits and losses must not touch, or less touch, this is the way to make a fortune.

As for to whose head the final cost was transferred, well, understand everything.

“But I still have to get a gun workshop, and I have to get technicians!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll pay for this money myself!”

Shepard saw that Smith was going to preach again, and quickly explained.

“Just toss it!”

Smith was helpless, but after visiting Shepard, he still made a few phone calls, his original intention was to find a small company on the verge of bankruptcy to buy, but somehow this fell into Morgan’s ears, and the old guy immediately laughed at his old friend’s pedantic cuteness.

“Why look for a company to buy? Can’t you invest in a small company?

This made Smith say a little, and then he found a company that was not yet a firearms company, the operator was called Radknight, his company was mainly commercial and civilian shooting equipment, but the company’s income was quite good, except for the current small scale, there was nothing wrong.

For the sudden door-to-door investment, the company’s operator Radnight did not feel bad, for him, the company’s business in the current Miami has become saturated, and cooperation with investors with military backgrounds to open up a new military market is very beneficial for everyone, so the joint venture hit it off, you and I willingly take it.

And Shepard didn’t know about it, and when Smith told him a week later, everyone else was dumbfounded.

“Wait, you just said that the operator’s name is?”

“Ridknight, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, I just think this name is very good!”

Shepard almost laughed, because without Smith’s intervention, in 1978, Ridnight would have chosen to establish a firearms company for military orders, and the company’s later business was actually just that, such as providing the US military with a million sets of firearms accessories, or building some silencers for HK.

“It doesn’t seem like a dream to become bigger and stronger now!”

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