Yala 1970 Although three

full years have passed since the massive revolution, and even former head of state Castillo was liquidated after the war, the army loyal to the former president is still engaged in the final struggle.

When the U.S. Navy blocked the entire sea area and did not allow any ships to enter, these former government forces, who were about to be strangled, finally got a respite.

Because the blockade is only aimed at the current government, the United States, which is afraid that the tide will sweep and spread, is determined to strangle everything, and these former government forces have become their allies!

John Shepard sat on the deck of the freighter and watched as several dinghys docked next to the Blackfish, and then the ragged Yara soldiers carried boxes of ammunition and supplies from the freighter to the dinghy.

“These guys are amazing, they can last in this place for three years!”

An old man in his fifties with gray hair held a rather small wine jug and poured wine into his mouth as he walked over to Shepard.

“This is just the beginning, they can persevere in the first three years, not necessarily the next three years!”

“How is it possible, we sent so many things, they will definitely be able to hold it, I have fought for so many years, I will definitely not be mistaken!”

“Are you sure?”

Shepard turned around, his expression full of ridicule.

“Starting from North Korea to Vietnam, how many good results can there be with American aid?”

Then, the veteran, who had participated in both wars, instantly rolled his eyes.

“If you were in the army, a guy like you would be punished by me to wash the toilet!”

“But your army kicked you out!”

“You brat!”

The old man almost jumped up as if he had been poked in a lung tube, in fact, it was about the same, he had been in the army for thirty years, and he had made countless achievements, and as a result, he was swept out of the house in Vietnam because he kicked the little brother of the idiot superior.

“Accept reality, old fellow!”

Shepard patted the other man’s shoulder, then shouted towards the busy flow of people below.

“David, how’s it going?”

A melancholy man with a ponytail turned around and raised three fingers and said.

“Three more boats to unload!”

“Hurry up!”

Shepard looked at his watch, although the visibility at dawn was not high, but it was still enough cannons to smash the Negrofish from the shore, although the former commander of the government army had sworn that his men had taken control of the coastline, but Shepard did not dare to believe this guarantee too much, if these guys could really fight as they said, they would not even lose the country!

As time passed, the sun had risen above sea level, and the sea reflected red sunlight on the deck.

Finally, before the sun fully rose, all the weapons and ammunition on the Negrofish were moved, and a bag of Spanish gold coins for payment was handed over to Shepard, and just when Shepard thought that all this was settled, the sailor lookout on the deck sounded the alarm.

“Patrol boat!”

Shepard grabbed his binoculars and ran to the other side, and saw an old gunboat coming, and behind the gunboat, a flag of the Republic of Yala was flying.

The gunboat also noticed the Black Fish, and through the binoculars in his hand, Shepard saw that the old 37 gun on the foredeck of the gunboat was turning in his direction under the operation of several soldiers.

“Damn, these stupid Yarra people, don’t they say it’s safe here?”

Shepard wanted to capture the commander who had left and beat him again, but the other party was also fleeing to the shore at the moment.

“Let the captain go full speed, old fellow, go and prepare the bazooka!”

As the nominal person in charge of this so-called humanitarian relief operation, Shepard was really at a loss at the moment, but he quickly suppressed the horror.

The freighter’s alarm bell sounded, the sailors rushed to their operating posts, and it was the security personnel who went against them.

“When I joined the company, the old guy didn’t tell me to go to war with gunboats!”

Although the old man who drank a little wine on the deck before was still cursing and cursing, the work in his hand did not stop for a moment, he rushed into the cabin, grabbed two M72 anti-tank rocket launchers from the arsenal behind the bridge and went to the deck.

Not only the old man, but a dozen armed men carrying long guns and short cannons rushed up, and soon an M60 general-purpose machine gun, a Stoner 63 light machine gun and several other light weapons were set up on the deck.

Shepard himself carried a Colt 607 carbine equipped with Colt’s triple handle, which was generally used in special units such as SOG on the battlefield in Vietnam, because the body of the gun was shortened and it was very flexible to use.

These fully automatic firepower, plus two 66mm M72 rocket launchers, it is okay to touch a company of infantry in the forest or in the mountains, but now the problem is, they are at sea!

And they may not face an infantry company, but a gunboat with three 37mm small-caliber guns, as well as an unknown number of heavy machine guns and armor protection! The Blackfish was

moving at full speed after raising anchor, and the Yarra gunboat was still approaching unhurriedly, the soldiers on the gunboat were ready to fire, and the soldiers on board were also calling the Blackfish on the radio, ordering it to stop and surrender.

“Have you contacted the boss?”

Shepard looked at the ever-decreasing distance, and although the Yarra gunboats were probably older than his father’s, the caliber was there, and the 37 gun could fire at a distance of two to three kilometers, which was simply crushing the Negrofish without any armor protection.

“It’s already calling, but Smith probably won’t be able to help us there!”

“And where’s that old thing?”

Shepard was referring to the employer of their cargo, a mysterious rich man with eyes and hands that could even mobilize naval patrol ships.

“Mr. Morgan’s side didn’t answer either!”

The radio man replied honestly.

“Fak, these guys!”

Shepard couldn’t help but scold his mother, why did others go smoothly after being reborn, beautiful women pretending to beat their faces continuously, why not do after they were reborn?

“Could it be that this will be arrested and sent to a labor camp?”

Shepard couldn’t help but feel a little sorry, he already knew that it was good to open a silver party in college, why did he listen to the old guy and run to work as a contractor?

“That’s right, old man!”


The veteran who was debugging the machine gun looked up and saw Shepard looking embarrassed.

“What do you say about surrender in Spanish?”

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