Buckbeak let out a long cry of fear, and his speed increased again. A spectacle appeared in the night sky. A large number of flying beasts chased a flying horse and rushed to the end of the forest.

Harry could feel Buckbeak's heavy breathing, it had reached its limit, and it was all by will.

The flying beasts behind him are also close at hand.

Harry developed a fear of death, deeply annoyed by his reckless behavior.

"Rapid growth!"

A shrill chanting sound appeared, and the forest trees underfoot suddenly rose up, and the branches grew strangely upwards. Only the sound of bang bang bang bang was heard, and the flying beasts were stopped by the branches that broke through.


A short and fat man rode a broom and kept a parallel distance from Harry. He stretched out his hand anxiously: "Why are you here, leave me!"

The short and fat man opened the way ahead, and the magic rays shot down the forbidden forest creatures.

The screams were endless.

Harry's eyes widened. He recognized the squat man, the man who had rescued him from the Quidditch match.

"Follow him!" Harry patted Buckbeak. Buckbeak was reluctant, but he was not strong enough to continue flying down. It turned around, followed behind the short, fat man, and returned to the Hogwarts barrier. .

"There are many obstacles!"

The short, fat man waved his wand, and the obstacles raised on the ground caused the chasing animals to be delayed by the vines and mud.

"Okay, they won't be able to chase after a while!" The chunky man sighed in relief, looked at Harry reproachfully, and said in a shrill voice, "You really like to fool around like your father!"

Harry looked at the pudgy man.

"You know my father?" he asked in a low voice.

"I'm James' best friend." The chubby man looked lonely. "You should have heard of me, Peter killed by Sirius, Peter Pettigrew!"

PS: Thank you for calling me Shengren Hui, Xuanyuan Huayu, Sheng Luolan, the blade with a color-changing bow, and thanks for the spicy gift pack with a color-changing bow

There is one more chapter tonight


Chapter 435 Chapter 76 Lies and Truth

"Didn't you... be killed?"

Harry was not afraid, but asked boldly.

Peter Pettigrew smiled and explained: "It's suspended animation! I was worried about the revenge of the Death Eaters, so I kept my name incognito and hid in the world until Voldemort was resurrected and Sirius was released from prison. I was worried about your safety, so I returned to Hogwarts! "

Saying that, he covered his face and cried.

"I'm sorry, Harry! I didn't protect your parents, I mistrusted Blake!"

"It's not your fault!" Harry said seriously: "It was Sirius, who betrayed my parents! Pettigrew, I know that I have been protecting me, thank you!"

Pettigrew wiped her eyes and shook her head.

"You are James' son, I can't let what happened thirteen years ago repeat!"

He grabbed Harry by the shoulders and his expression became serious: "Listen, Harry! Stay away from Lupin, he's with Blake!"

Harry Potter's eyes widened suddenly.

He shook his head, never believing that he was gentle. Professor Lupin, who was always gentle to him, was in the same group as Sirius, who killed his parents, not to mention... not to mention that Lupin was a good friend of his parents.

But Peter Pettigrew is also a friend of his parents.

"I know you don't believe it, and I didn't believe it at first!" Pettigrew whispered, "I went back to Hogwarts to seek Lupin's help, but I saw him staying with Black. !"

"Why did Black hide in the castle, but was not found!"

"Because Lupin is helping him hide..." Pettigrew grabbed her hair in pain, "I don't know if he was bewitched by Black, or he was a Death Eater, but you must be wary of him!"

Harry stammered.

"Let's go to Dumbledore, he will definitely find Sirius!"

Having said that, he grabbed Pettigrew's palm and wanted to take him with him to Dumbledore. As long as Pettigrew's testimony was available, Sirius would surely be captured and the peace of the school restored.

Pettigrew grabbed his palm with a backhand.

"Do you think Dumbledore doesn't know about this?" He raised his voice: "Harry, you don't know the other side of Dumbledore, he is a man who does not compromise on his means!"

"Think about it, Harry, if you are not the savior of your destiny, why would Dumbledore bet on you!"

"He just wants you to grow up and fight against the Dark Lord!"

Harry pursed his lips, and his eyes were extraordinarily bright. He watched Pettigrew bend down gently and stroke his hair sympathetically.

"Dumbledore must have a purpose for leaving Sirius!" He said, "No one cares about your feelings, and will not avenge James and Lily."

Harry lowered his head, thinking back to his three years of experience.

Three years ago, he rejected the Hogwarts letter, and Dumbledore himself came to the door;

After Voldemort was resurrected two years ago, Dumbledore was impatient to let him join the Order of the Phoenix and train him to grow.

And the prophecy heard from Minister Fudge last year.

All the clues are linked together.

This gentle headmaster just regards him as an indispensable tool and doesn't care about his anger, hatred and hatred.

"Harry." Pettigrew said softly: "I know you can't accept it, but it is the truth. If you pay more attention to Lupin, you will know the truth... I will always protect you and face the enemy with you, Even Voldemort!"

Send the silent Harry Potter into the barrier, and Pettigrew stood on the other side of the barrier and said, "Harry, if you want to see me, you can come to me through the hole in the Willow tree, which leads to Hodder. The screaming shack in Mog Village."

Harry's mood was extremely complicated, he could only nod his head, and then saw this father's friend, walking happily, into the dark forest.

My father's three friends.

Originally thought that the dead Pettigrew was still alive.

Sirius, imprisoned in Azkaban, returned to Hogwarts.

Even Lupin, who he trusted so much, didn't know if he was deceiving himself.

Harry turned around heavily and looked at the brightly lit castle. There was no warmth in his heart. This school, full of beautiful memories, can't even find anyone he trusts.


Pettigrew's words were like nails, pierced into Harry's mind.

The more he persuaded himself, that Professor Lupin was definitely fine, he must be deceived by Sirius, the more he secretly paid attention to Lupin.

He didn't say anything about what happened that night.

Harry doesn't know who else he can trust. Professor Ivan can, but what's the use of telling him?

It will also pull Professor Ivan into danger.

The boy became more and more dull and withdrawn. He kept everything in his heart, even Ron and Hermione's concern did not open up his closed heart - Harry didn't want them to worry and be in danger.

The only luck is that the precautions during the Christmas holidays are not strict. He can pass through the tree hole of the willow tree to meet his father's friend Peter Pettigrew.

From this uncle who is as chubby as the uncle next door, Harry learned how his father and mother met, and that his father was also a lawless little bastard.

Mrs. Paplow still did not return.

I thought this was a special case, but there are more and more incidents similar to the disappearance of the person in the painting.

At first, the Daily Prophet took it as an interesting story, but in recent reports, the words have become more serious, and the space has become larger and larger, and even the latest issue has surpassed the ongoing Death Eater Magic War.

This shows that the seriousness of this matter has surpassed Voldemort.

Not only Europe, but the whole world was affected.

From the beginning, only the person in the painting disappeared, and now not only the person, but even everything in the magic painting—everything in the literal sense, the magic painting is only the frame and a piece of extra-clean white drawing paper.

Everyone at Hogwarts is in danger and fearful.

But I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The cases of disappearing magic paintings cover the whole world. The randomness is extremely high, and the frequency has become extremely high. Even two cases occurred in Hodemorgue Village-but Hogwarts, except for the first It never happened again, except for Mrs. Pablo.

For this reason, Aberforth Dumbledore, the owner of the Hog's Head Bar in Hodermogg Village, brought Ariana's portrait and personally came to the door, requesting that the painting be kept at Hogwarts.


United States - Arizona Magic Congress Branch.

"Transfer case, the first case of the disappearance of the magic painting happened in the area under your jurisdiction!"


The table shook twice.

The investigators from the headquarters stared furiously at the big and small senior members of the branch. These senior members stared at the ground one by one, as if there was something particularly interesting on the ground.

"The incident of the red alert has been judged by you as an incident of loss of personal belongings. Regarding your dereliction of duty, I will report it truthfully!"

Everyone began to shirk responsibility.

The responsibility was placed on the head of the Auror Minister.

Seeing that a black pot was covered and he had no way to deal with it, the Auror Minister suddenly remembered the Auror who had applied for a higher priority several times in a row. He invited the Auror into the office as if he had found a savior. .

The Auror seemed to have expected it.

He first unceremoniously pointed out the corpse at the top of the Arizona Magic Congress branch, and took out his notebook.

"I never gave up investigating this matter." He said calmly: "All of this came to light seven days ago at 15:03 on January 14. After that, I further investigated and found that that afternoon, Thirty-seven incidents of the disappearance of magic paintings have occurred in the United States!"

Speaking of which, he angrily slammed his fist on the table.

"But they are all classified as cases of loss of private property!"

Everyone here subconsciously avoided their sight.

Auror continued: "On January 15th, there were 89 cases in America, 32 cases in South America, seven cases in Europe, two cases in Japan, and one hundred and twenty cases in the African continent!"

"It has wisdom." The Auror closed his notebook and said to the investigator, whose face was pale from the horror of so many cases, "Judging from the law of its actions, the more ignorant a country is, the more frequent it will appear. "

"It?" The investigator noticed the meaning behind the word.

Not referring to the human she, but referring to the non-biological it.

The meaning behind this is terrifying.

Auror: "The case that happened yesterday can't be counted anymore. Its movements are getting bigger and bigger, and it doesn't even hide from us anymore. I think it should be ready."

"What preparations?" the investigator asked.

"No one knows." The Auror replied, "The only certainty is that this matter will affect the entire magical world."


France - Ministry of Magic.

When Voldemort listened to the Death Eater's report, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and the emerald green snake wrapped around his arm, and the snake vomited.

Even the Death Eaters were affected by the disappearance of the magic painting.

The main source of Death Eaters is pure blood family. The purer the blood family, the more important it is to honor. Their family has the portraits of all ancestors from ancient times to the present.

All of these portraits have been circulated for hundreds or thousands of years.

It is a symbol of the long history of the family.

But now, the symbol is gone.

The portrait is only a blank frame, nothing is left.

Death Eaters can only turn to their masters for help.

"Take out my oil painting, I want to see what it is, dare to shoot at me!"

Voldemort gave the order grimly, and he also made a portrait of himself.

The self in the painting also possesses his memory and knowledge.

The vampire Death Eaters quickly welcomed the portrait to the hall of the Ministry of Magic. Voldemort looked at himself in the portrait. Although it was a little distorted, it was almost the same as his current state.

Voldemort in the portrait is also full of confidence. He holds his wand upside down, and even his smile is as cold and crazy as his own.

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