Dumbledore subconsciously wanted to call the administrator Filch, but suddenly stopped. He looked at the musician's sincere face and nodded.

"Of course I'm happy!"

Wizard White temporarily handed over the matter at hand to Professor McGonagall, while he led Zhou Qi to find the office and dormitory.

"I believe that Professor Ivan will not forget his office for the past year, right?" The white wizard winked mischievously: "Or do you want to give me a surprise?"

Zhou Qi pushed open the door of the office and invited Wizard White in.

"Of course it's a surprise."

he said.

I saw the dim office, and suddenly a white light lit up, illuminating the surroundings and illuminating Dumbledore's surprised face.

"This..." The white wizard felt the fluctuation of magic power, but he looked around, there was no third person in the whole room, an unbelievable thought appeared in his mind.

He widened his eyes and looked at the smiling musician.

"Raging fire."

Zhou Qi chanted the incantation softly, the steam was steaming, and with a puff in the air, a flame the size of a fist burst out, and then lightly landed on his palm, mimicking a bird.

"Magic, I learned magic." Zhou Qi said.

Dumbledore looked at the white light above his head, and then at the firebird in the musician's palm.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and couldn't believe it: "Merlin's beard, Professor Ivan... Do you have a wizard blood, no, if you have a wizard blood, you should be able to use magic long ago!"

Any wizard can cast spells at an early age, and is then recruited into the Magic Academy.

There has never been an example of an adult awakening magical abilities.

What's more, Professor Ivan is not a wizard at all. He has no wizard blood at all, and he is not even as good as a squib. This is something that Dumbledore has confirmed.

"Professor Dumbledore, thank you for letting me study at Hogwarts for a year." Zhou Qi waved his hand, the firebird in his palm let out a screeching sound, and then took off, lighting the candle in the office with a crackling sound. , turned into flying sparks.

"Because of this year's study—"

Zhou Qi smiled at the shocked white wizard: "I have figured out the way that Muggles can learn magic too!"

The white wizard was shocked for a long time and was speechless.

His way of thinking, common sense and worldview are all collapsing. There has never been a precedent for Muggles to learn magic in this world, but the reality is in front of us. Professor Ivan is a pure Muggle, but he uses magic.

The reality and the three views are contrary.

Dumbledore looked grim, and even his eyes became sharp, staring at the musician with malicious intent.

"Professor Ivan, do you know what kind of turmoil this incident will cause?" His voice was a little low: "I would rather see today just a dream, I would rather you be just a descendant of a slow-growing wizard, I don't want, no Admit that Muggles can learn magic."

As his mood fluctuated, the elder wand was clenched in his hand and raised tremblingly.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you trying to kill me?" Zhou Qi calmly said.

PS: Thanks to Xuanyuan Huayu for the blade, thanks to ∑(O_O;) for the blade, thanks to Saint Luolan for the spicy bar, thanks to Amakusa Sanae for the blade, and thanks to Yujun Yiyue for the spicy bar gift package

This chapter has been revised, the previous plot is not very connected


Section 391 Chapter 33 Arcane (Subscription)

(The previous chapter has been modified, just refresh)

"The wizarding world will not accept a Muggle who learns magic!"

Dumbledore's expression was full of pain.

He held the wand in his hand, but he couldn't move it.

At this moment, he wished that Professor Ivan had no natural Occlumency, wished he could turn back time, and he did not invite him to teach at Hogwarts.

But even the time converter can only go back six hours at most.

Reversing time can't change the history that has happened, it will only make the wizard who used the time converter become history itself, which is the source of Dumbledore's sadness.

Arms are shaking, musicians are waiting.

In the end, Dumbledore slowly put down his hand, staggered against the door, and was short of breath.

"You shouldn't have let me know about this." The white wizard calmed down and said in a low voice, "If this matter is discovered, the magic world will regard you as an enemy, whether it is a pure-blood wizard or a half-blood wizard, you can't Tolerating Muggles can do magic!"

Of course Zhou Qi knew this.

The relationship between wizards and Muggles is quite complicated. They hate each other and fear each other.

Muggles once slaughtered wizards, causing wizards to be quite afraid of them. After the non-disclosure agreement appeared, wizards and Muggles were two separate social models. Hogwarts also has a Muggle studies class, and its professors often come Find Zhou Qi for Muggle life.

There are still wizards who believe that Muggles cannot live without magic, and that Muggles are murderous and barbaric.

This is the most fundamental conflict between wizards and muggles.

Wizards do not understand Muggle society, they fear and reject it. The British Ministry of Magic is fine, it still communicates with the Muggle government, but the American Ministry of Magic is completely hidden under modern society, completely hiding itself.

In today's wizarding world, wizards like Arthur Weasley who have a favorable impression of Muggles are extremely rare.

If wizards know that Muggles can learn magic, they will remember the fears of the Middle Ages, and the contradiction between the two will be further intensified.

"Professor Dumbledore, would you like to hear my thoughts?"

Zhou Qi used the mage's hand to bring two chairs and motioned for the white wizard to sit down.

Seeing this new magic that he had never seen before, Dumbledore's expression froze. He realized that the musician had superb magical abilities. Even if he wanted to attack at that time, he probably wouldn't be able to get any benefits.

What exactly is this magic?

Holding such doubts, Dumbledore sat in the chair and listened carefully.

"What do you think about the relationship between Muggles and wizards?" Zhou Qi asked himself and answered: "The signing of the International Wizarding Confidentiality Agreement makes wizards hide in the back of Muggle society. You reject Muggles and don't understand Muggles. We don't even know that humans have left the earth."

"Lights, cars, airplanes, satellites."

Ignoring Dumbledore's increasingly embarrassed face, Zhou Qi mercilessly uncovered the scar in the wizard's heart.

"You fear the power of human beings. With all due respect, the people killed by the so-called Dark Lord are less than a fraction of that of the First World War. The nuclear weapons dropped in the Second World War are already proclaiming that Muggle power is superior to Above the wizard."

"Grindelwald saw the inevitable conflict between Muggles and wizards. This was the origin of the First Wizarding World War. Unfortunately, he was stopped by you. Fortunately, he was stopped by you. If you let him It worked, and wizards were wiped out during World War II."

Dumbledore clenched his wand, wanting to be angry, wanting to justify.

But leaning slumped on the chair, he couldn't find any words to refute.

Unlike existing wizards, Dumbledore sees further.

He knew very early that the wizard was heading for a dead end, and he was trying his best to change all this, but with little success.

Wizards even reject intermarriage with Muggles. Most of today's pure-blood families have close relatives. If wizards continue to keep pure-blood intermarriage, they will inevitably go extinct.

"what do you want to say?"

Having figured this out, the white wizard seems to have aged ten years at a time. Even in the face of the Dark Lord, he will not show such a fragile attitude.

This is the trend.

It is also the ultimate fate of the wizard.

Zhou Qi smiled and then explained the magic system he created.

Whether it's meditation to improve mental power, or to unlock the mystery behind magic, or to use knowledge to construct a transformation model, Dumbledore's face is puzzled.

Is this still magic?

Instead of relying on blood, relying on knowledge, using Muggle knowledge to explore the mysteries behind magic.

This kind of deviant magic system made him unacceptable. It was not until Zhou activated his magic power to construct a simple magic model in the void and explained the connection between the magic model and magic that Dumbledore had a sudden realization.

"This is a universal magic system, a magic system that any human being can control through learning, regardless of Muggles and wizards."

"Wizards were the leaders of human civilization in the long past. Modern chemistry originated from alchemy, and modern mathematics is inseparable from divination and astronomy, but in the long development, wizards not only lagged behind the times, but also closed themselves. The source of the inherent conflict between humans and wizards."

"And after the implementation of the new magic, wizards and humans will merge because of this, regardless of each other, and you will wake up from a beautiful dream in a backward era."

Dumbledore was silent for a long time.

"A lot of people will die," he said.

Zhou Qi nodded: "Yes, many people will die."

Whether it is to promote magic or promote the integration of wizards and Muggles, it is not just talk, and it will cause global turmoil.

It might even lead to a third world war.

Zhou Qi continued: "But if you give up, one day in the future, one of the Muggles and wizards will die."

Dumbledore closed his eyes in pain.

"I'm going back to think about this matter, Professor Ivan, I beg you not to tell others about it for the time being, let me get ready, and I'll announce it at the right time."

Dumbledore still took a fluke: "I can tell the magical world first, Professor Ivan, you are a descendant of wizards, and after everyone accepts you, I will advance the new magic system."

Zhou Qi was extremely disappointed.

This old rabbit is getting more and more alive, do you really think this means of delaying is useful?

Forget it, I didn't have any expectations for him.

Zhou Qi showed a gentle and understanding smile on his face, nodded and said, "Of course, as long as you are willing to accept my proposal, Professor!"

The amount of shock and information Dumbledore received in a short period of time was too great. He got up in a hurry, walked out of the office in a state of despair, but turned around before leaving.

"Professor Ivan, please give this new magic a name. It is no longer magic as I understand it."

Zhou Qidao: "Since it takes knowledge as the bridge and the truth as the goal, let's call it - arcane!"


"Why is platform nine and three-quarters closed!"

Ron hurriedly drove the Ford car, flew into the sky, and chased the steam train.

He and Harry Potter missed the train to Hogwarts because they couldn't get to platform nine and three-quarters. In order not to be late, Ron could only sneak in his father's favorite enchanted car, hoping to Catch up with the steam train.

"Do you really know how to drive?" Harry clutched the handrail tightly, heaving like a roller coaster, his heart was about to jump out.

He almost screamed.

"Maybe!" Ron grimaced. "We have no other way, don't we?"

The car had already flown out of London, and an endless field appeared in front of him. Ron held the steering wheel with difficulty, and Harry lowered his head to look for the traces of the steam train.

But Ron's driving skills are really bad.

He literally turned the car into a bumper car.

Harry could only hold onto the seat to stabilize himself while looking down at the ground through the window.


A black shadow crossed the car, circled again, and returned to the car.

"What are you doing?"

An unfamiliar voice appeared in the ears of Harry and Ron. The two boys looked over in surprise. A young red-haired man was flying at a relative speed. What was even more shocking was that he did not ride a flying broom or use a phantom. Migrating, but fluttering lightly like a bird.

I can't think about it.

Ron hurriedly pleaded, "Sir, we are sophomores at Hogwarts and accidentally missed the train. Can you help us?"

The red-haired young man said in surprise: "The Hogwarts steam train, you are miserable, it has gone far!"

Ron and Harry were going crazy.

Under the anxiety and fear, Ron drove the car up and down for a while, and almost hit the bridge and tunnel. The flying red-haired young man couldn't stand it any longer, so he could only say: "I'm afraid you haven't passed the second test of your driving skills. , sit in the back and let me come!"

With that said, he opened the car door, threw Ron to the back seat, and sat in the driver's seat himself.

"Can you drive?" Harry, the co-pilot, asked in surprise.

Aren't all wizards now looking down on Muggle technology?

"Of course!" The red-haired wizard closed the car door, fastened his seat belt, and said to himself, "I am the **** of Qiu Mingshan, known as Fujiwara Takumi of the magic world!"

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