I’m Just a Pharmacist

Chapter 141: your choice

The tree of heaven and earth exudes a faint green light, which makes the whole cave waft with green colors. Wujing sat on a protruding stone pillar, watching all this, with a contented expression.

Occasionally glanced to the side, where Lin Jing and Ming Weiwan were trapped in a circle, and in that circle, air beads of various colors were floating, As long as the two meet, there will be all kinds of giant poisons she has accumulated over the years.

She looked at Lin Jing with a pity.

In fact, she didn't want to kill Lin Jing, after all, this person came from that world, and it was a different existence to her.

She didn't expect that Lin Jing was so ignorant, she even told her that she did everything, she didn't even have to bear the cause and effect, she just needed to receive the final fruit That's it.

The strongest killing formation and the most poisonous liquid medicine she knew were all thrown into that formation, she couldn't believe that she couldn't kill them.

Although Wujing felt it was a pity, but looking at their unfortunate appearance, I felt that Coke was not good.

Wu Jing sat up straight and looked over there expectantly. It's been so long since Tiandishu has moved, how could she not be surprised?

The soul bead exchange rate is like a lake, and gradually it seems that something is surging in it. Wu Jing had already stood up, and his eyes were looking in that direction with a good eye, but he didn't have time to pay attention to the direction of Lin Jing and the two.

Because she didn't pay attention, she didn't realize that, when she turned around, Lin Jing glanced in her direction lightly.

There are more and more soul orbs, the whole space becomes blurred, and figures appear one after another.

And what appeared with these people was a dark distorted space, and in the area, a big river faintly appeared. Those figures who came from the exchange rate drifted towards the river as if they had been tempted, and disappeared on the other side of the river.

Wujing stood up with excitement, and wanted to go along the river, but the scene was like a mirage, she directly penetrated the black fog and didn't touch anything.

Wujing was a little dumbfounded, wondering if the soul was not enough, and the Nether passage was not stable enough.

stared straight at her.

She thought it was because she was standing at the entrance of the passage, blocking the passage, so she moved to the side.

However, no matter how she moved, those ghosts stared straight at her, and, I don't know if it was because of the Nether passage bonus, those ghosts became more and more solid, and soon densely packed occupies the entire cave.

Thinking that these ghosts were all killed by her, Wujing felt a little guilty for no reason. Immediately, thinking that these people didn't even know that they killed themselves, he stood up straight again. She is a dignified cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, is she still afraid of these new souls who don't even know whether she is dead or not?

Wujing took out her magic weapon and swept the new souls, and immediately scattered those ghosts. Seeing this scene, she was slightly relieved. Immediately thinking that these ghosts were all collected by her with great difficulty, she felt a little distressed.

However, in these inexplicable emotions, she instinctively felt a trace of unease.

She didn't know why these emotions came, this faint sense of danger made her whole person become restless. After looking around, I didn't notice anything wrong. In the end, I could only look at the Nether River, comforting myself because of the anxiety of the upcoming new world.

Those souls became more and more solid, and Wujing finally knew where her unease came from. The Nether River became clearer and clearer, and those souls no longer walked to the Nether River, but still stood motionless in the cave, only watching her quietly.

The cave is not very big at first, so many souls are suddenly packed, it is naturally very crowded, so these souls can only be crowded together, and even overlap one by one.

I didn't feel it when I was phantom, but now that the ghost has become solid, the scene looks very infiltrating.

Especially these figures are still staring at her for a moment, Rao Wujing is not afraid of ghosts, but also feels creepy.

It's a very bad feeling, like something is about to happen that she doesn't think about, and she doesn't know how to avoid it. This made Wujing's hand move, eager to destroy everything he saw.

Among the innumerable ghosts, one attacked her.

Wujing's eyes froze, and the magic weapon was drawn directly. As she thought about it, such a small new soul, even with the bonus of Styx, at most it is a little insignificant It's just the ability, just like she just now, she can swipe away a large piece of it with a single wave.

As she thought, that new soul is indeed not her opponent, and the solid soul body was smashed by her hand.

However, the result was not as easy as she thought. Although the new souls around were affected a little, but after shaking for a while, they continued to pounce on her. Even the new soul that was directly attacked by her disappeared after a while.

These solid souls are much stronger than she imagined.

And such souls are densely packed in this cave, countless.

And they all looked at her with fierce eyes, and were rushing towards her overwhelmingly.

Wujing felt a chill on her back, and for the first time she had the urge to escape.

However, ghosts and humans are different, they do not only exist on the ground, they can float in the air, or even buried in the ground, Wujing is surrounded by ghosts in all directions, and they can't even escape direction.

When Wujing was surrounded by the ghost army, Lin Jing and Ming Weiwan had already walked out of the formation. Wujing can be poisonous, and so can Lin Jing.

Before entering the formation, she threw the spirit worm out. After being filled with countless spirit medicines, the spirit worm had already given birth to spirit wisdom and signed a contract with Lin Jing, It became Lin Jing's first spirit beast.

After Lin Jing made sure that she had entered the formation, she pretended to be in the formation with Ming Wei and wandered around in the formation, while letting the spirit insects monitor Wujing's every move, and at the same time not Vigorously activate the adapted version of the ghost soldiers refined by himself, and directly control those souls through the powder.

Since she had long suspected that these souls were taken away, how could she not be prepared? I just didn't expect that Wu Jing's appetite was so great that he took away so many souls. Fortunately, the place here is only so big, and her powder is enough to surround the entire cave, otherwise her powder may not be enough.

Controlling the ghost to create a vision, which really caught Wu Jing's attention. At this time, Lin Jing let the spirit insects eat the formation, and she and Ming Weiwan walked out of the formation easily.

Then, she directed the controlled soul to attack Wujing, and she brought Ming Weiwan to the open Nether River.

Ming Weiwan looked at the river full of ghosts, her face full of shock, "What is this?" She felt that there was something very terrifying looking at it, as if ready to rush out at any time . There is a strong fishy smell in the nose, and the sound of running water seems to be heard.

Some, which made her look dignified, "Can't let this road open."

Lin Jing didn't know the consequences of breaking this seal, but the intuitive result would be very bad, so she didn't want to break it.

As for immortality and ascending to the immortal world...Lin Jing turned to look at Ming Weiwan next to her, she felt that she had no such obsession at all.

In her last life, she was obsessed with alchemy. Except for the initial practice, she almost all rose to the realm by alchemy. Later, she was ready to soar, also because she had almost finished researching the elixirs in the cultivation world. , so I want to go to Immortal Realm to find new medicine pills.

As for now, although she thinks the immortal world's medicine pills are still attractive, but in addition to medicine pills, these days are not bad.

She can still continue to study various medicines, and when she is tired from research, she can go shopping with her lover, watch dramas, and eat the love meal prepared by her lover for her...

She can have her own business, the job is easy, the salary is high, and the potions she makes are sold specially for her, and no one dares to reduce her money.

If it wasn't for Wujing making such a scene, she could have been living such a leisurely life, instead of being involved in that **** and unpleasant life.

Lin Jing had already made a choice in her heart, but... she turned her head, looked at Ming Weiwan, and said with a relaxed expression, "From here, you can go to another world, where There are countless blessings in the heavens, if you are lucky, it is possible to ascend in the daytime without dying.”

Lin Jing's tone was relaxed, but Ming Weiwan could see a trace of solemnity in her eyes. Ming Weiwan tilted her head and thought for a while, and only asked, "Is there you there?"

Lin Jing shook her head. She may not be a good person. She can collect dead souls from countless battlefields to refine ghost soldiers. She can also watch others die in front of her and remain indifferent... But she can't do it. For her own fairy path, let tens of thousands of people die. of ordinary people die.

This road, she will not take it.

Ming Weiwan shook her head without hesitation, "Without you, what's the point of living so long."

So, Lin Jing smiled. For the first time, she had the urge to kiss someone very much, and this person was right in front of her, so she leaned over without hesitation and put a deep kiss on her lips, "Okay, We've always been together."

Ming Weiwan was dizzy when she was kissing her. When she reacted, Lin Jing had already withdrawn. She wanted to come over and have another one. Lin Jing had already figured out how to practice The medicine pot is very invested in a bunch of materials.

Seeing this scene, Ming Weiwan couldn't do anything else, so she could only step back and watch.

Lin Jing's movements are very fast. If the potion is a little stronger than the alchemy, it is only the speed. Compared with the tediousness of alchemy, the refining of potions, which is very difficult in the eyes of ordinary people, is too fast for her. It took almost no time for a large pot of potions to be refined by Lin Jing.

She took the potion and poured it directly on the tree trunk of heaven and earth. Suddenly, it was like a pot of cold water plunged into the oil pan, and the ghosts around were like seeing something terrible, like a swarm of bees spread out.

There is such a big commotion here, and Wujing, who was struggling with ghosts, also found it. Wujing, who originally wanted to find a time to rush in, suddenly burst into tears, "Damn it. !what are you doing!"

She spent so much time and energy, just for this day! How could Lin Jing, how could he do this? !

Wu Jing rushed over, not even paying attention to the attacks of those ghosts hitting her, and rushed directly into the passage that was about to collapse.

The next moment, the passage collapsed, and all the anomalies disappeared.

Ming Weiwan frowned with a tangled expression, "She ran away."

Lin Jing looked at the blood stains on the ground and shook her head, "No problem. A mere cultivator of Yuan Ying just wants to break into the underworld? That's just courting death..." She said this, her heart moved slightly.

Since Wujing knows the cause and effect, she dares to do it, either there is some peerless artifact that can make her wash away the cause and effect, or...she is not ready to go to humanity.

Thinking of her wholeheartedly plunging into the underworld, Lin Jing felt that she might have guessed right.

She shook her head. Ghostly, that is a more difficult road than becoming an immortal. Wujing has been contaminated with so many causes and effects in the world, and she dares to enter the netherworld, so she is not afraid that she will be dragged into the netherworld and will never be able to climb up again?

No matter how you think about it, Wujing will not have a way to live. Lin Jing sees Ming Weiwan who is still tangled there, and can't help but walk over and kiss her on the forehead, "Be good, don't worry about it. Well, we still have a lot of things to work out."

I have to say, Lin Jing's kiss is really the best medicine, Ming Weiwan touched her forehead, smiled silly, and instantly forgot everything, darling Nodding, ummm!

The author has something to say:In my opinion, the text is almost here.

The rest are some closing questions and sweet side stories,

Also, Happy Lantern Festival (^O^)/

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