Strange gray spikes.

Penetrating their bodies, both Itachi and Shisui were startled at this moment.

This strange gray spike contains very terrifying power.

The Susanoo of the two didn't seem to have dissipated because of Zhen Dun's attack.

Instead, it seemed that they were hit by this thing, which caused their Susanoo to dissipate instantly.

But what exactly is this.

It was able to erase their Susanoo instantly.

It was too late to think about Itachi suddenly felt his body empty.

Then he was enveloped by a suction.

The whole person flew out instantly.

Shisui on the side just saw Itachi flying out.

The next second he was also enveloped by this strange power.

Immediately after Itachi flew towards the distance.

Smoke was looming in front of me.

I can't see at all what is in the distance.

Of course they passed through the smoke the first time.

Yuichi was standing five meters away, controlling the gravity with her right hand to draw them in an instant.

A flash of lightning.

Truth-Seeking Balls emerged on both sides, and they slammed into their chests.

Being hit by the Truth-Seeking Ball, even Impure World Reincarnation's body cannot be recovered.

A sense of crisis of horror instantly enveloped the two of them.

Ferret frowned.

If this continues, both of them will lose.

Mangekyō Sharingan turned quickly.

Yuichi's Tenseigan's insight is definitely not lost to Mangekyō Sharingan, and he saw the change of Mangekyō Sharingan in an instant.

This sign is obviously going to activate the pupil technique.

The two Truth-Seeking Balls that flew out were controlled by Yuichi's mind in an instant.

Began to change the shape.


The Truth-Seeking Ball turned into a black barrier in front of Yuichi.

Amaterasu fell on the barrier turned into by Truth-Seeking Ball.

The black flame rose up.

But the flame soon went out. The Truth-Seeking Ball blocked Amaterasu's attack.

The Truth-Seeking Ball was restored to its original state and floated back behind Yuichi.

At this time, Itachi and Shisui had already jumped away.

"As expected of Uchiha Itachi, he was able to activate Amaterasu in an instant!"

Yuichi praised Itachi, but at this time in Itachi's heart, Yuichi was truly terrible.

The ability just now is exactly the same as Nagato's Shinra Tianzheng and Universal Pull.

Unexpectedly, Yuichi still possesses such power.

"Thank you Itachi!"

Shisui thanked Itachi.

And Itachi just nodded slightly.

The current dilemma is resolved, but Itachi knows that Yuichi's strength is very strong.

The next battle is really difficult.

It is too difficult to defeat Yuichi or they have no hope of winning.

There is an absolute gap in power, and this gap can't be overcome by any tactics.

And thinking of this, Itachi's inner emotions became heavier and heavier.

"Itachi! Then you find a way to delay me a little bit."

Shisui spoke suddenly.

He turned his head and looked at Itachi with a serious expression.

Seeing Shisui like this, Itachi was stunned for a second and instantly understood what Shisui wanted to do.

‘Are you going to use Distinguished Heavenly Gods on Yuichi! ’

Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods is the strongest illusion.

The pervert effect of this technique, no one in the world can compete with this pervert technique.

If he used Distinguished Heavenly Gods against Yuichi, even Yuichi would have absolutely no way to resist.

However, Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods should not be activated.

Because the ability of Distinguished Heavenly Gods is enough to get Shisui out of control.

Once Shisui has activated Distinguished Heavenly Gods, he can also use this technique Hypnosis himself to get himself out of control.

But now Shisui looks like this is definitely planning to use Distinguished Heavenly Gods.

How could he use Distinguished Heavenly Gods?

But no matter why, Shisui uses Distinguished Heavenly Gods to deal with Yuichi, which seems a bit... to Itachi.

Seeing Itachi's expression was a bit wrong.

Shisui also understood Itachi's thoughts.

"Don't worry! I just want to turn this Hokage into a better Hokage."

Wenyan Itachi raised his head and looked at him again.

Shisui means...

"Since I have nothing more than to persuade him to change his mind, I have to use the simplest and most direct method to change Lord Fifth Hokage's will."

Hearing this, Itachi thought it was pretty good, if only this was the case, then it was okay.

At least not for the purpose of killing Yuichi, so he can still help Shisui.

Using Distinguished Heavenly Gods to modify Yuichi's will to make him a better Hokage is indeed a good way.

However, the conversation between the two fell to Yuichi's ears.

Yuichi laughed disdainfully.

"What to say changes my will."

"In the end, didn't you want to make the world run according to your will?"

Although it sounds like Shisui is fighting for justice.

But Yuichi thought Shisui did the same.

They all let the world run according to their will, and the justice he thinks is only relative.

For the ninjas of the five great nations, maintaining the status quo may be the best situation.

However, for ordinary people who have suffered from war, Ninja World is still a terrible hell.

I heard Yuichi say that.

Shisui hesitated for a moment, but he hadn't shaken his determination.

He silently closed his eyes and started preparing for the launch of Distinguished Heavenly Gods.

Yuichi looked at them coldly.

The Truth-Seeking Ball behind him flew in front of Yuichi.

The Truth-Seeking Ball glowing with green light was raised by Yuichi.

The power of Five Escapes appeared around Truth-Seeking Ball.

Wind, thunder, water, earth, fire.

The power of five kinds of evasion lingers around the Truth-Seeking Ball, and Chakra is surging.

A terrifying storm raged towards the two of them madly.

Itachi turns on again, Susanoo prepares to block Yuichi's attack.

But Yuichi just smiled coldly.

After the Truth-Seeking Ball in front of him is ready to attack.

Yuichi raised his eyes and stared at the Itachi who turned on Susanoo. Susanoo held the Yata Mirror in front of Shisui.

"Can you stop it?"

Hearing that, Itachi's eyes sank, "Try it and you'll know."

"Hasn't you tried it already?"



A gray spike flew out of Yuichi's palm.

Seeing the strange gray spikes in front of him, Itachi's eyes shrank suddenly.

‘This is what it was before...’

When Susanoo touched something.

It immediately disappeared without a trace.

Susanoo was as crisp as paper in front of this thing.

Itachi stared wide-eyed at the gray thorns that were sorted straight towards him, quickly passing by his ears.

The complete Susanoo was easily broken in front of this thing.

Then Yuichi raised his hand and lightly flicked the Truth-Seeking Ball in front of him.

The Truth-Seeking Ball, carrying the power of five escapes, bursts towards the two of them.

Itachi's eyes shrink slightly, ‘Hurry up! Shisui. ’

Raise your hand to make a seal.

"Fire Style. Phoenix Fire Technique..."

Susanoo just dissipated, Itachi had no time to use Susanoo to resist again, and could only use ninjutsu in an attempt to block the Truth-Seeking Ball as much as possible.

However, his Fire Style has absolutely no effect on Truth-Seeking Ball.

The sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

The power of Five Escapes burst out.

Five different forces spread out instantly.

Storms, thunder and lightning, rocks, flames, torrents.

The five-colored Chakra surged, and Shisui's body was also being swallowed bit by bit at this moment.

Itachi sighed helplessly, "I tried my best, Shisui..."

Shisui seems to know this situation too.

When he was about to be completely overwhelmed by Yuichi's attack.

Shisui gritted his teeth fiercely and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Distinguished Heavenly Gods......".

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