I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 77 Misunderstanding

"That's right, that's it, don't be afraid, it won't hurt, come on, take it off, I'll help you take it off—"

Outside a certain garden of site 17, Zhang Jue's voice kept ringing.

The voice was very provocative and seductive, and people who didn't know it thought he was tempting women to make a mistake.

Claremont watched Zhang Jue take off Cain's shoes, put them aside, and kept guiding him down the steps.

Claremont's face was a little strange, because he noticed that Zhang Jue had been holding Cain's hand since he came to the garden, and he never separated for a moment.

This level can no longer be said to be a coincidence or forgotten.


Could it be that Consultant Zhang is...

Thinking of a certain possibility, Claremont couldn't help but shudder.

He doesn't discriminate against certain special hobbies, but thinking of cooperating with Consultant Zhang in the future, he feels a little drummed in his heart.

If Consultant Zhang invites him to discuss something at night, will he go or not.

Do you really want to sacrifice your life for the SCP Foundation and for all mankind?


Claremont's weird expression was ignored.

Zhang Jue kept urging Cain to take the first step.

A few minutes later, Cain finally took off the special shoes made for him by the Foundation, and stepped on the ground with bare feet.

The soil was soaked in the middle of the toes, thin and itchy, and Cain hadn't experienced this feeling for many years.


Zhang Jue snapped his fingers, maintained the "invalid" ability, and continued to pull Cain forward.

"Come, come, pick that flower, it's not this one, it's that one, how beautiful that one is—"

Zhang Jue directed Cain to pick off a small red flower.

Looking at the flower in his hand, Cain's eyes were slightly red.

How many years, or rather, how many centuries.

He walks in the world with a curse on his back, and for those plants, he is a nightmare.

Not to mention picking off a flower, even getting close to it will make them wither and die.

He raised his head and looked at the person opposite.

Zhang Jue smiled at him.

"I see that your hair is quite long, come here, let me help you put flowers on your head."

As he spoke, Zhang Jue took the flower in his hand and stuck it in his ear.

Seeing that Cain was still not free from that emotion, Zhang Jue said with a smile: "Brother, it's outrageous to always have a sad face. As a gentleman, if you do something wrong, you will stand at attention and be beaten when you are punished. Come on, smile."

Seeing that the two of them had acted like no one else, Claremont had a chill and was about to slip away when Zhang Jue stopped him.

"Who is that, Claremont, if you're free, take a photo for us!"

Claremont said with a mournful face, "Okay."

Claremont got his camera and took a picture of the two of them.

In the photo, Zhang Jue finally let go of Cain's hand. He put his arms around Cain's shoulders and laughed arrogantly. The two of them are like good buddies in a university dormitory.

As if influenced by him, Cain also showed a smile for the first time.

After this photo was developed, Cain specifically asked for one.

He kept it on the table until a long time...


Zhang Jue's arrival made site17 lively.

Just like at site 14, the data in Zhang Jue's head drove these researchers crazy.

Normally, when Zhang Jue came out of this lab, he would be taken away by the people in that lab immediately, which was even harder than when he was at site14.

His original plan to explore all the humanoid SCPs in Site 17 had to be pushed back again and again.

To Zhang Jue's surprise, Cain sometimes came to chat with him.

It seemed that after what happened that day, Cain regarded him as a friend.

It is not easy for a person who has lived for thousands of years to regard someone as a friend from the bottom of his heart.

Cain is a witness of history and has the ability of photographic memory. Zhang Jue pulled him and asked him to talk about the history recorded in this world and how different it is from the real history. The two often talked late at night.

In Claremont's eyes, this situation naturally became the ironclad proof that Zhang Jue was who.

The person I admire turned out to be... Claremont spent a long time convincing himself not to mind.

Because of this incident, he often sighed, and when some courageous employees asked him what was wrong, he secretly stated his inferences.

Originally, Claremont only had a private conversation with a few acquainted researchers, but this kind of thing spread like a prairie fire, spreading throughout the site at once.

For a moment, everyone looked at Zhang Jue in the wrong way.

Most of the women stomped their feet secretly, and some male employees didn't dare to ask Zhang Jue any more questions after hearing about it.

And the few remaining male researchers seemed even more excited.

Every night in the middle of the night, someone would "inadvertently" pass by Zhang Jue's door, borrow his toilet, and even drop a bar or two of soap.

It's nothing to do it once or twice, but Zhang Jue can certainly feel the abnormality if the number of times is too many.

He asked the others, but without exception, everyone had a "you know" smile, as if he was a Wallfacer.

One night, after being harassed again, Zhang Jue finally broke out and pulled Hayer into his room.

He and Hayle walked together. In the entire site 17, apart from Harvey, the deputy station master who has not returned yet, Hayle has the closest relationship with him.

Seeing Zhang Jue's ferocious expression, Hayer begged, "Consultant Zhang, please let me go, I'm married and have two children—"

"What's going on!" Zhang Jue was a little annoyed, "Why do you all look at me as if I'm gay!"

Hayle gave him a meaningful look, but didn't speak.

Looking into his eyes, Zhang Jue was stunned for a while, and finally realized what the problem was.

"I'm stupid! You really think I'm gay?!!!!"

Zhang Jue's face was full of disbelief.

Who the hell spread the word? No wonder those girls stopped looking for him!

He grabbed Hayer by the collar: "Tell me, who the hell is ruining Lao Tzu's reputation, I must tear him to pieces!"

Hayir wanted to cry but had no tears: "Consultant Zhang, it's not that anyone is tarnishing your reputation. Now that the entire site knows about it, stop pretending."

"What am I pretending to be?!"

Zhang Jue was going crazy. He was holding Hayle by the collar. If he didn't have a trace of reason, he really wanted to kill this nonsense person with one punch.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and the person who came was the instigator, Clement.

The screen freezes.

The air suddenly became quiet.

The scene was once very embarrassing.

Seeing that Zhang Jue and Hayer were so close, Claremont immediately got goosebumps.

"Excuse me, you continue." He turned around and was about to leave.

"You fucking come back to me!" Zhang Jue yelled.

Claremont quickly waved his hand: "No, no, consultant Zhang, my orientation is normal, I don't want to join you—"

"Join your sister!"

Zhang Jue covered his head, not knowing how to explain it anymore, so he simply changed the subject, "Tell me, what's the matter with me."

Claremont looked Zhang Jue up and down. Seeing that Zhang Jue was about to lose his temper, he hurriedly said, "The receipt from the headquarters has arrived, and the experiment is allowed. Cain has been notified and is on standby outside." He glanced meaningfully. Hayle, disheveled, said: "We can start when you are done—"

Zhang Jue kicked his ass: "I'm busy with your sister! Go now! Immediately!"

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