I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 298 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Chips, and formulating research plans, etc..."

The superior nodded: "In this case, start research quickly. Also, re-arrange the Taihu Light supercomputer, make appointments with Tianhe No. 2, prioritize important scientific research projects, and make other business appointments first. Push it back a bit."

The higher-level leader said in a tired tone.

This is also helpless, nothing can be done.

Since we have chosen to use the power of the whole country to develop its own chips, it will have to pay a great price, especially in certain aspects, the price to be paid is very great.

But once it is actually developed, the help to China will be equally huge.

After that, in the chip field, China will not only not be stuck by others, maybe, it will be able to compete with technology companies in country m for the chip industry!

At that time, China will be able to reverse the neck of country m, so that country m can also feel the taste.

At this time, the superiors stood up and said in a solemn voice: "We are preparing to hold an announcement meeting. We lost on the chip, but at the announcement meeting, we must not lose!".


The high-level Chinese officials heard the words and immediately responded.

Then he walked out of the office.

At this time, in the office, there is only one superior leader, his face is full of sadness, and the whole person looks very tired.

The blockade of country m, in the current environment, is really-too ​​deadly.

This is completely intended to drive China to death.

Thinking of this, the superior leaders felt even more bored.


Soon, under the instruction of superior leaders.

The China press conference was held in the People's Hall.

Off the scene, all China's official media gathered together, and several well-known reporters were present.

All personnel are ready.

At this moment, Wei Wei took the lead on stage.

Then, the two old men also walked to the front of the stage with Wei Wei, their expressions very serious.

With the presence of the three people, the reporters in the audience were all attentive, and the notebooks in their hands were all open, ready to record the relevant opinions expressed at the announcement meeting.

Soon, Wei Wei came to the podium and glanced at the manuscript first.

Then, he looked down at the stage with a serious face.

"I believe everyone already knows that the restrictions of country m have been announced. The impact of this matter on us and the world is still relatively large."

"The announcement meeting held this time is mainly to express our views and opinions on this issue."

Then, Wei Wei waved his hand back and reached out to indicate to the two old men behind.

"Today, we also invited relevant experts in China's well-known chip field, Professor Hao, and Professor Liu."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Later, Professor Hao and Professor Liu will assist me in explaining the core chip professional field and some questions for everyone."

After that, Wei Wei retracted his hand and first looked at the reporters in the audience.

His face instantly became sharp, and there was a sharp look in his eyes.

"Next, we will first express China's views on this matter."

"In response to the blockade of chip patents in country m this time, I believe everyone knows that at present, technology companies in country m have made remarkable achievements in the field of chips. In the current world, the most advanced civilian, commercial, and so on. Most of the chips used in the field are produced by low-pass companies."

"The 5nm chip is also the first to be developed by Low-pass."

"But in our opinion, the low-pass company is just a technology company. The use of low-pass companies in country m to block external parties is not a good thing, nor is it a good thing."

"This can also make other people feel that technology companies in country m belong only to country m, and the high-levels of low-pass companies do not have any right to speak."

"A country that uses a technology company as a guise, uses technology from a technology company, and threatens others. In any case, it will be criticized and shameless."

"In my personal opinion, this kind of behavior is a means of power, a way to achieve the so-called goal, unscrupulously, for selfish desires, abandon technology companies, abandon all bottom lines, abandon morals, even the most basic courtesy. Abandoned."

"This kind of country, this kind of method, we think, is very shameful, but it makes people feel a little disgusting."

"Here, we will strongly resist the blockade of country m."

"At the same time, we will also vigorously develop our own advanced chip, code-named Hua-592, which is currently under development. I believe that soon, everyone will be able to see the launch of Hua-592 chip.

As soon as these words came out, the reporters in the audience cheered up.

When they came to the press conference, they heard that China was already working on developing new chips.

It is said that this chip will reach the same level as the 5nm chip produced by Low Pass.

Now, after hearing Wei Wei say this,

The reporters quickly recorded the news.

At this time, a reporter raised his hand.

Wei Wei raised his hand and pointed, "My friend, please."

When the words were over, the reporter who raised his hand immediately stood up, picked up the microphone and asked: "From the current situation, the blockade of chip patents in country m has a huge impact on China. It is said that the light of Taihu Lake and Tianhe II will have a huge impact on China. The core chips in the No. 1 supercomputer all use the technology in the blockade of country m. In this regard, how should China avoid the blockade of country m?"

When Wei Wei heard this, he nodded first, and then looked at the reporters in the audience: "This question is also a point I want to explain today."

"However, let's ask Professor Hao to help you answer."

0 ·······Find flowers·········

While speaking, Professor Hao stood up and walked towards the front of the stage.

Wei Wei stepped aside and let Professor Hao come to the podium.

Professor Hao stood still with a serious face: "In response to this problem, our response is to integrate all core chips, all

Came down,

It has become a self-developed chip. Although the computing power has been slightly weakened, the overall situation has not been greatly affected. "

"Moreover, those who were

We will also destroy the core chips that come down, and we will never let country m succeed! "

Professor Hao said righteously, the expression on his face changed from serious to angry.

One can imagine how angry he is now.

... ..... 0

Country m actually used this despicable method to restrict China, but it was really hard work, and it was really unexpected.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Hao changed his words: "However, this is good. Country m helped us discover our shortcomings in time, gave us time to make up for our shortcomings and speed up the process of independent research and development of chips. Generally speaking, It’s also a good thing."

After that, Professor Hao finished speaking and gave the position of the podium to Wei Wei.

Wei Wei took a step forward and took the stubbornly again: "At present, China is in a state of phoenix nirvana. When it is reborn from the ashes, it will be the time when China will truly rise! And our independent research and development, the Hua-592 chip, will be our bath. Symbol of fire rebirth!"

"I believe that once the Hua-592 chip is born, the impact on China will be infinitely huge! By then, China will definitely break through the so-called blockade, break the current situation, and successfully break through!"

"After so many years of ups and downs, this setback is no problem for China! I believe that after this incident, China will become stronger and more prosperous!"

"When the fire is reborn, when China returns!"

Wei Wei finished this sentence powerfully, with a very radical tone, fully expressing China's views on the matter.

Want to block patents? Yes, just block it!

But if one day, China will also develop a chip.

At that time, it is hard to say who will lose and who will win!

Not afraid of power, not afraid of hardships and dangers, go forward courageously! deficit.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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