Chen Yuan did not show any arrogant attitude or emotion, and held the other person's hand with a spring breeze smile on his face.

"Hello, Director Anderson, nice to meet you!"

After shaking hands, Chen Yuan finally put on a serious expression: "Director Anderson, I understand your purpose of coming, and I also understand your misunderstanding of me!"

Director Anderson stated his conditions: "Get rid of these five death knights, get a bonus of 500,000, and solve the naturalization problem."

Chen Yuan shook his head and said seriously again.

"You should have checked my information before coming here.

It hasn't been long since I came to America, not even a month. When I was in China, I was just a collector..."

Director Anderson had no choice but to speak again: "1 million, plus America's nationality."

Chen Yuan shook his head again: "Director Anderson, it's really not about the price.

My belief in gods is just a folk behavior, and I can barely borrow the power of gods. I don't have much ability.

This time I came just to collect some antiques. By chance, I came across a devil possessing me, and I solved the problem of a little devil's projection possessing people.

But if you want to say that I have the ability to fight against the death knights from hell, I can only say that you think I am too powerful!

Those are the Four Horsemen of the Doomsday recorded in the Bible. Among them, the Death Knight, who brings the end and death, cannot be solved by a... wild man like me.

Moreover, according to my guess, there are five Death Knights, but it does not mean that the opponent really only has five people.

Only five people came out last night. If they come out again tonight, it might not be just five! "

Director Anderson left, a little disappointed and a little desperate, so he made a phone call while walking. Although the priest refused help, he still gave him the key information.

But the gypsy witch did not leave, but stayed, but only here.

Seeing the endless stream of people entering the church to burn incense, the Gypsy Witch looked at Father Ryan who was studying the 20-foot spear in his hand, and couldn't help but say something.

"You really don't care about this matter?"

Chen Yuan looked back at her and asked seriously without smiling.

"Madam, why don't you care?"

The gypsy witch quickly explained: "My abilities are prediction, exploration and divination, but I have no fighting ability!"

Chen Yuan also followed her words and said: "I am just a priest with a weak belief in gods, and I don't have much fighting ability!

If only one or two of those devils or knights come out, maybe I can still give it a try.

But he came out as a team of men, and he was a death knight who could not be harmed by pure physics. The death knight predicted in the Bible would appear in the end of the world.

What do you want me to do?

how to spell! "

The Gypsy Witch had no choice but to ask: "What about the residents of Rainbow Town?"

Chen Yuan pointed to the residents outside who had finished making incense and walked out to get in the car, and pointed to the pile of things in the back of their pickup truck.

"Maybe they know better than me what to do now!"

Although the National Guard did not advertise for the residents of the town to be evacuated, dozens of people in an entire FBI camp were killed by the Death Knight, causing everyone in Rainbow Town to panic.

And I heard from the priest that there are likely to be more death knights of that kind coming tonight.

In addition to following the advice, the residents of the town moved in time and moved themselves and their families to a place where they could avoid danger.

Wait a few days to see if the National Guard and FBI can resolve the issue.

If it can be solved, then they can come back again. Anyway, they come and go with a pickup truck.

If the serious situation cannot be resolved, what is the use of these people staying here other than to die?


Before these people leave, they will come to the church and burn a stick of incense under the guidance of James.

Because they heard about it, the church didn’t leave.

It's not that the church is a house that won't leave, but that the priest in the church, and James, who has recently focused all his work on the church, don't even listen to the persuasion of his own children, and are determined to stay in Rainbow Town with the priest.

There is also John, and Joseph, and of course there is one more, Alyssa who cannot leave Chen Yuan for too long.

Although she could only stay in the church because she needed to replenish her leather armor with divine power from time to time and was unable to take care of herself.

Even Joseph drove his family away.

Since the church is not leaving, almost all the residents, out of gratitude, will sincerely offer a stick of incense before leaving.

To be honest, if you can come and offer incense when you are about to escape, you must have sincerity, even if it is only a short-term sincerity.

By the time everyone finished lighting incense and left, it was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was getting closer to dark.

"Father, what should we do next?"

James, Joseph, John and the gypsy witch and the few remaining men who were armed.

Basically, they were all those who personally participated in the vigilance mission last night and became new believers today, and were determined to stay and protect their homeland.

Chen Yuan walked to the altar and saw the new incense burner he had just bought a few days ago and the incense burning on it.

[Incense ash in front of the altar of the gods: it has the power to exorcise evil spirits and purify. 】

There is also a piece of paper in Chen Yuan's left hand, on which he tentatively wrote down what method he should use in the morning to deal with the type of death knight he met last night.

On this piece of paper, he first listed the ways to use glutinous rice to fight ghosts.

His heavenly eye did not respond.

Then he listed the use of black dog blood to throw ghosts, but there was still no response.

Whatever he wanted, he wrote it down.

For example, in the end, I listed dozens of methods and tried them one by one with my eyes to see if they can be applied to fight against the death knight.

As a result, a few of them actually responded.

[Watching ghosts with willow branches refers to the weeping willow in the East. In folk myths and legends, the weeping willow in the East can hurt ghosts formed by the accumulation of yin energy.

Thousands of years of legends have passed down, and the will of all people has given the Oriental Weeping Willow the ability to hurt Yin Qi ghosts.

But there are no oriental weeping willows in America. The red willows here are not the same species as the oriental weeping willows.

Moreover, death knights are powerful monsters with extremely lethal power.

If it were a willow branch held by an ordinary person, it might have been hurt by the death aura on it before it hit the target.

For ordinary people, the breath of a death knight is enough to hurt or kill someone.

Ordinary willow branches will not cause too serious harm to this type of death knight, which has been passed down in Western civilization for a long time. 】

[The butcher knife, which has killed more than a thousand pigs, can cause damage to ghosts that are physically immune to changes in reality and reality.

If an ordinary person can hold on to the Death Knight's aura and insert the butcher's knife into the opponent's body before the opponent's weapon kills you, they can also cause damage to the Death Knight.

But it is not recommended to do this. Fighting cavalry with soldiers in close combat will do all the harm and no good! 】

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