Chen Yuan looked at the old man in front of him in astonishment. The white old man was in his fifties or sixties, much older than the fifty or sixty-year-olds in China.

However, probably because he had been working all year round, his body is still very strong, but his beard is a little gray.

"There is an abandoned church in the town. It can still be used as long as it is repaired!"

James said as he drove.

For James.

The appearance of Father Ryan in front of him also caused a great change in his perception.

"There has been a history of demon possession in Rainbow Town for decades, and I have also sought out a priest before.

But it only takes a few days for the devil to appear and disappear. "

There was a traffic light ahead. James stepped on the brakes and turned to the co-pilot Chen Yuan.

“Often the priest comes, but it’s too late.

The man possessed by the devil is gone, and before disappearing, he may attack and kill several people or animals.

After finally eating up all these prey, they disappeared. "

When the light turned green, he released the brake and continued.

“So, even if we found priests from other places in the past, they would always come late.

The reason is that you also know that there are no churches or priests in the nearby towns. "

Chen Yuan still couldn't understand this.

"So, you built a church and invited priests to come, but then why did it be abandoned?"

James just said that there is an abandoned church in the town, and it is a church that can be used with a little repair.

It can be seen that the church was abandoned not too long ago.

"Because that priest was also possessed by the devil, and all that was left was his bones..."

All right!

Chen Yuan shut his mouth and pretended I didn't ask.

James followed the police car in front again.

“The church was built by the whole town at that time. Except for those who could not move and children, almost everyone who could work participated in the construction.

Using the fastest speed, a church was built within half a year and a priest was hired from a cathedral in Houston.

Unexpectedly, less than half a year after his arrival, this priest encountered a demon possessing him, and then died in the other party's mouth without any incident. "

“I was still young at that time and had just finished my twelfth grade. Although my grades were not bad, I did not choose to go to college.

Farmers in Texas generally cannot get letters of recommendation from prestigious schools, and a cowboy child like me is unwilling to incur tuition loans that will take 20 to 30 years to attend some ordinary universities.

I went to work as a cowboy on John's family farm. John's father and my friend Jacques funded me with 80,000 yuan, allowing me to own the current farm.

It was because on that occasion, I was the first to notice something was wrong with Jacques's female companion and pulled him away.

Otherwise, it would not be the priest but Jacques who would be eaten.

Of course, I wouldn’t have the farm I have today. "

Chen Yuan understood.

But a few decades ago, a farm only cost 80,000 yuan?

Are farms in America so cheap?

“That’s when we realized that even if the priest came, it would be useless to face the devil.

However, I finally learned some news from the priest.

Devils don't like sunlight, and some devils are afraid of it.

Therefore, the last time I just realized that someone was possessed, I caught the person and exposed him to the sun, and finally expelled the possessed devil.

Damn it!

We thought at that time that the devil had been burned to death by the sun!

Only now do I realize that perhaps it was only a projection of the devil that was sunk to death.

Moreover, there is actually a gap from hell to our human world in the town, which is why there have been a steady stream of devils appearing over the years.

The length of time it takes for the devil to appear may be the time it takes for that gap to appear.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the devil appears every few years and irregularly.

Therefore, it has been determined that this devil will appear again in the future! "

When the old man said this, Chen Yuan knew that the drama was coming.


The old man continued.

“From the time the priest was eaten, people of my generation thought that priests didn’t actually work.

Unexpectedly, you can actually expel or kill the devil, even if it is just a projection.

It also has this magical ability, and it is really possible to borrow the power of the gods.

Because of this, we see hope!

So, I want to ask you to stay.

Seeing hope, the townspeople will worship and believe in your god.

I think the god you worship should also hope that the range of your gospel being felt should be as large as possible! "

James just heard the key point in the words of Father Ryan in front of him. His god has not been worshiped by anyone on this continent, so it has very little power.

Don’t be afraid of small strength!

After all, Father Ryan in front of him actually expelled the devil, and actually allowed a dying little girl to endure the bumpy ride from Rainbow Town to the county hospital for more than an hour.

This is the person who truly has magical abilities, this is the person who can truly fight against the devil, this is the savior of their Rainbow Town.


James then said what he had been thinking about for a while while driving the person back to the town.

What are you afraid of if you have little strength?

Isn’t it because no one worships and believes in it?

There are a thousand or two thousand people in Rainbow Town!

Chen Yuan was a little moved.

He came into contact with a magical realm, and according to the rescue methods he had discovered through his special powers, he actually turned himself into a heavenly soldier.

And it is a heavenly soldier independent of any system.

There is no boss and no heaven as a backer.

There is nothing, only an identity.

The identity of a heavenly soldier.

He doesn't even have much divine power. He only relies on his status as a heavenly soldier to give him the most basic divine power.

But this also opened up a corner of the mysterious world for him.

He used to think that his special powers were just a guarantee in the antique or collection world, but now he discovered that it was because of his narrow-mindedness.

There is a devil in this world.

There are gods.

There is hell.

There seems to be a paradise.

If we say that he used to call his insight-type special powers special powers.

After discovering another side of the world, he felt that his special power should be called the clairvoyance.

After all, every time he activates his special function, he has to close his eyes and then use his eyebrows to look at what's opposite.

This seems to be exactly the same as the position of Grand Master Wen or Yang Jian's Heavenly Eye, or is it the Eye of Cause and Effect?

It's just that unlike the horizontal and vertical eyes on their foreheads, I don't have those eyes.

But the effect is about the same.

Therefore, I originally thought that by virtue of my special powers, I could slowly start from scratch in this world, then accumulate a family fortune, and finally join the upper class society.

But I didn't expect it.

There is actually a deeper side to this world.

He has actually already set foot in it.

He was not sure whether his status as a heavenly soldier would pose any hidden dangers in the future.

But now this identity gives him a ticket to enter another world.

now that.

James extended an invitation, and Rainbow Town happened to be under his jurisdiction, so why not just follow the trend?

However, your own visa.

“James, my visa is only for one month!

So I can't stay at all! "

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