One of them came over to play the round, "Little brother, don't be angry with him, we are too tired to do this work, you can also understand us." We didn't mean to add your money, if you could get the security guard to lift the pole and let us in, and get to the door, we wouldn't add a penny. In fact, you are too young to understand the world.

There is a supermarket over there, and I used to buy two packs of cigarettes and let the sister security brother send them over, and the little girl is easy to do things outside, and she doesn't need to add money at all if she says a few nice words. "

This middle-aged uncle looks very honest, with a smile on his face.

Everyone who understands understands that after someone sings a red face, someone must come over and sing a white face.

But his words made Lin Yu unhappy, Lin Yu frowned tightly and looked straight at the other party.

"What the are you talking about? What cigarettes did my partner give to the security guard, and what did they say? How many times have I said that I won't let in, I have negotiated with your company and sent it upstairs, I am too lazy to ink here, and the money has agreed to be added, what are you talking to me here? The

middle-aged uncle hurriedly explained, "Brother, look at you, you are too young and angry, brother doesn't mean that, isn't that what you mean in society, you have to learn to do things, and get through a good relationship..."

The money can't be added, and the price is negotiated. The

middle-aged uncle in the back shouted directly out of his voice, and several items were originally moved down, but this time the goods were not moved down.

"How can you talk like that, look at how tired we are from moving, the weather is more than 30 degrees, it is so hot and sweaty, you are so far away... Why don't you know how to be considerate and considerate of others, you spend a few dollars, and we are not inferior to you!

Lin Yu waved his hand, "Don't talk to me about this, I don't say anything about who is higher and who is lower." Everyone has a job, I usually have a job, you do this, you earn this money, no one is easier than anyone, always talk about what people are sophisticated, what should be what is it. "

Lin Yu has never been the kind of character who spends money and treats himself as an uncle, he is usually polite to whom he interacts, not just with those who are more powerful than him.

A few days ago, the workers and masters who renovated the live broadcast room in the company, Lin Yu was not polite to them, and he usually bought them food and water, and he also shouted from his brother and uncle, and he also gave money and face.

Add a hundred or ten yuan, in order to calm things down, don't get angry when you first opened the company, Lin Yu also admitted to taking this money.

But now people.

It's a matter of face and money, and if you add more money, you have to say that he is good, and you have to preach and preach in turn.

In fact, these Lin Yu didn't care, he couldn't see anyone the next day, he didn't want to waste this tongue.

But what did you say just now, the little girl is easy to do outside.

Yes, Lin Yu does not deny that it is true.

Lin Yu is not so virgin, if they talk about others, it has nothing to do with him.

But he can go out and be a good little girl?

Who is disgusting when you say this charming man's way of doing things?

Seeing that Lin Yu was angry, he didn't give them any face, and the workers and masters were also angry, and they shouted there with their waists in their hands.

"If you don't add money, we'll give you something to throw here!"

Lin Yu's anger also increased with the other party, he pointed to the ground, "Come, throw, throw, throw this, I'll find the company again." You throw this at me, I can't give me a dime of your money, you just drive away......."

I'm afraid that half of the work will be soaked in the soup again, and the other one runs out to play a round, "Brother, we don't need to do this, we're all here....... I'll send you upstairs right away, let's make money in harmony. It's my brother who said the wrong thing just now, my brother has no culture, and he usually talks fast, so I'm sorry little brother. In

the end, there was a stalemate between the two sides, and the workers who moved the goods got their things far away, and they didn't want to go away.

And Lin Yu's attitude was not to let them move.

The breath in Lin Yu's heart didn't go down for a long time.

"I'll tell you to come down and talk to them." Zhao Jinghan grabbed his wrist and said.

Lin Yu shook his head, "No need to talk about it, let them unload their things and leave, I don't want them to move."

Zhao Jinghan didn't talk to Lin Yu anymore about this, and called Zhou Yihang directly.

Although she also has a feeling in her heart, the work schedule they plan every day is quite full, and now it is afternoon, and it is too wasteful to spare this time.

In the end, Zhao Jinghan coaxed Lin Yu upstairs, and Zhou Zhou Hang was called down and talked to them.


Lin Yu stood in the company for a long time, and finally leaned against the wall and sighed.

To be honest, Lin Yu is right to quarrel with them.

He's reasoning.

But to be honest, there's really no point in reasoning with them here.

At best, it's a reason, but at worst, it's a bit presumptuous and a little cynical.

After all, there are too many such things in life, and in a mixed society, as long as you deal with people, you will always encounter some bad things.

"Husband, don't be angry." Zhao Jinghan pulled his arm and shook it.

Lin Yu's brows furrowed, "These people... The money is all over, and you have to teach others

to be people, what are you talking about, what is there to do with them, what are the favors to talk about........"Zhao Jinghan hugged him and patted him on the back, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, you will meet more people like this, pay attention to the pattern, they are all people of no level, and it will be like that for a lifetime, husband, don't be like them." "

I don't mean to look down on the working people, but if people who can do business, people who can make progress, they will definitely not do things like that, and the level and pattern are really there, only caring about the immediate interests, and the development of a lifetime will see the end, although Zhao Jinghan's words are not good, but they are quite impressive.

Lin Yu eased up, "I know, I don't want to quarrel with them, it's useless, that's right..."

And let them move things up first, let's not delay this time, and then I can't get rid of that breath, call their company to complain, and it's over with a phone call to their company, and the money deducted is more than the money we made by moving over, don't you say?

Besides, didn't people apologize, don't be angry~"

Listening to his object's soft coaxing, his temper disappeared a lot, Lin Yu took a deep breath, he knew what Zhao Jing meant, their work arrangements and plans were all done, after finishing the company today, the recruiters will come over for an interview tomorrow, and they will recruit Internet celebrities the day after tomorrow.

There's really no need to waste time.

Lin Yu touched her head and said with a smile, "Don't comfort me, I was originally unhappy because he pulled the words on you, but you comforted me... But I really shouldn't have quarreled with them downstairs, I can't afford to lose that person with them..."

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