The warm yellow sun in Chicago earlier seemed a little listless. It hung on the top of the high-rise buildings as warm as a hard-boiled egg. The sun shone on me neither hot nor warm. The cold wind blowing from the lakeside earlier made me feel... People feel that it is a bit cold today, and the chill penetrates into the heart membrane as the light shines on the chest. People can't help but tighten the collar of their windbreaker and rush past the entrance of the North-South Memorial Hospital where the sirens are blaring.

On the thirteenth floor of the inpatient department, the elevator door opened with a jingle. Schneider stepped out of the elevator and stopped. He was stopped, not because of someone, but because of something.

A disaster that happened last night.

'It was like a subway train squeezed into this not-so-wide corridor, but we found no wreckage, only a body and a boy. ’

This was the exact words Ryder, the instructor of the freshman war practice course, told him on the phone. Judging from the current situation, this description was not an exaggeration at all. The ravines on the wall spiraled to the end, cracks were everywhere in the walls and every corner. Exposed thick steel bars, potholes like floors that have been splashed with strong acid, this level of destruction cannot be accomplished overnight. If it wasn't the Chicago subway that drove into the inpatient department last night, it must have been a professional demolition project. The construction team is gone.

Schneider stopped at the elevator entrance and was not shocked by the sight of ruins. He had seen many more cruel and complete destructions, but there was no scene like this corridor. Even after the precipitation of time, the air The remaining violence and ferocity still lingered in him.

Just breathing the air here is like smelling the smell of blood gushing out of the skin as the blade breaks through it. If you listen carefully, you can hear the howl of the evil ghost before death and the ruthlessness of the ghost slayer's blade cutting through the air. , a desperate fight took place here, no matter what the outcome, only one of them will survive in the end.

Schneider saw the last survivor. He was sitting at the end of the corridor, facing the sunny window. When he raised his head, he could see the naturally 'warm and cold' sun going down little by little, and the people's shadows were also lengthening little by little. .

He walked behind the boy and stood still without saying anything. He just looked at the corpse in front of the boy. Half of his body was leaning against the wall. The dry and colorless flesh and blood climbed all over the wall like vines. The gray bones Wings were embedded in the left and right walls, nailing the people on them like crosses. Only a blurry girl's face was hidden among the gray minced meat, hiding from the morning sun shining through the window above her head.

"Her name?" Lin Nian asked.

"Does it matter until now?" Schneider said.

"Yes." Lin Nian nodded, and after being quiet for a while, he asked, "Will all Deadpools be like this after their death?"

"Are you referring to a sense of religion?" Schneider looked at the twisted and coquettishly beautiful crazy art on the wall and shook his head: "Unfortunately, that is not the case. When most deadpools die, they just want a puddle of black mud to be scattered and ink to be splashed on the ground. Like smelly black oil.”

"Is she special?"

"It may be due to her speaking spirit. I heard from Ryder that you tested out her speaking spirit, Fudou Yu Ling. If it was this speaking spirit, her strong desire to survive may have given her flesh and blood before she died. Perception caused every inch of the body to want to escape in a different direction, and it finally evolved into this."

"What should you do with the body?" Lin Nian asked, looking at the mottled and crazy 'murals'.

"Burn it down. There is too much DNA left on this floor. Normally in this case we would destroy the bodies with a fire and then ask the relevant commissioners to pretend to be firefighters to check whether there is any remaining evidence for secondary destruction. proof," Schneider said.

"This is a hospital. Do you want to burn the hospital down?"

"If necessary, we can blow up this hospital. The reason for the fire is that the circuits are in disrepair and are aging. I think the guys in the Equipment Department will be happy to fund us some of the new bombs they are researching." Schneider said calmly.

Young Lin smiled a little, thinking that if this was a mission in the White House, there was a high probability that the White House would fall into disrepair and be blown up by the Executive Department.

He shook his head: "So this mission is completed?"

"It's done." Schneider said calmly: "In addition, Ryder said he was sorry. As the commander of this mission, he failed in his duty and made many wrong judgments and decisions, which led to the mission commissioner falling into a dangerous situation. .”

"Is this the first time that Instructor Ryder has assumed the responsibility of a commander?" Lin Nian asked suddenly.


"You put an unskilled commander in charge of a group of child soldiers."


"I probably understand what the academy means." Lin Nian sighed.

"Someone has to stand up, wave the flag of black sails, and be the first to set foot on the land of Troy, even if he will die according to the oracle," Schneider said.

"It's hard to believe that such words would come out of the mouth of the head of the executive department." Lin Nian was a little surprised. He remembered that he had heard this 'prophecy' in a certain class at the college.

"No, this is not what I said. This is the message the principal wrote to ACE before the war practice class started." Schneider looked at Lin Nian and said calmly.


"Not many people know what happened last night as the MVP and dazzler in the mission, so many people think that the ACE should be given to Caesar who responded quickly and controlled the field in a timely manner, but in the end, the ACE was given to you." Schneider nodded slightly. : "So now I will tell you this sentence."

"Maybe students will think there is something shady."

"Caesar has no objection to this. He has no objection to the person involved, and neither should anyone else." Schneider said: "The next CC1000 express train to take you back to the academy leaves in one hour."

"In such a hurry? I was thinking of staying for lunch." Lin Nian touched his stomach.

"As the ACE of the freshman war practice class, you are invited to have afternoon tea in the principal's office. According to the principal's character, he will prepare good black tea and exquisite cookies and pastries in advance. This should be considered a privilege among you students. I Guess you wouldn’t want to be late.”



"It seems that I have a very busy schedule." Lin Nian got up from the ground and dusted himself off. Schneider noticed that his clothes had many tears: "Are you injured?"

"No." Lin Nian shook his head.

"It's difficult to fight this kind of monster without getting injured, even with an 'S' level physical test score." Schneider tilted his head and looked at the boy in front of him with iron-gray eyes: "You used the spirit of speech."

He used affirmative sentences without a trace of doubt. The gaze he fixed on Lin Nian was like a hook, trying to pull out the boy's deepest secrets, skin and flesh. This is why most people are unwilling to look at the head of the execution department. .

"Play on the spot." Lin Nian walked past Schneider and walked a few steps in the corridor, lowering his head and picking up the handle of a short knife.

"The school board has recently been questioning why you, as an 'S'-level person, don't have the spirit of speech. It seems that this time you can silence them when you go back." Schneider turned around, and Lin Nian had already walked up to him and held the handle of the knife and a knife. Handed him the Glock.

"It's a pity that I broke the weapon of the execution department." Lin Nian said.

"No, it's a pity that the execution department did not issue you a weapon worthy of such a high-intensity battle." Schneider took the handle of the knife and the pistol: "It should be very difficult for you to execute the enemy without tools. In the end What did you use to end the fight?"

"Gun." Lin Nian said.

"But you should only have Frigga bullets."

"Frigga bullets are too gentle. I suggest that students be equipped with live ammunition in war practice classes in the future. Only when you know what is in your pistol can kill someone will you really need to make up your mind when you pull the trigger." Lin Nian said calmly. say.

"This is also the suggestion I made to the school board." Schneider sneered twice. He took out the sealed bag and put the knife handle and pistol in it, without asking where Lin Nian's live ammunition came from: " In accordance with the decision of the school board of directors, this task file will be sealed and moved up to the 'A+' confidential inventory. Your resume will also have an additional experience of completing the 'A+' task, but the rest of the freshman's The files will only be 'A', I hope you understand what I mean."

"Keep it secret, understand. Fighting the dragon alone shouldn't cause me any trouble, right?" Lin Nian cracked his neck. Maintaining this movement for a long time made his body feel a little sore.

"No, this is exactly what the school board of directors wants to see. A 'hero' or a 'The One' will emerge from ordinary people. What you should worry about is that there will be all kinds of complicated things in the future. You." Schneider sneered.

"for example?"

"A sudden special mission or something."

Lin Nian tilted his head and didn't express any opinion. He just patted his butt and walked towards the elevator in the distance. He raised his hand and waved it as a farewell, but he didn't know whether Schneider, who was standing there with other people, was still deeper. Something that has long since been lost.

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