"Dragon?" Lin Nian said. Before he could react, Professor Manstein clapped his hands. At some point, Fingel, who had changed into the same school uniform as Lin Nian and Lin Xian and had been waiting next to the oil painting, shook his hand. , violently opened the canvas on the drawing board next to him!

Lin Nian instantly saw the ferocious figure hidden in the shadows. In an instant, it was as if someone pushed him and pressed him onto the leather seat!

That's the pressure of that painting.

On the picture, the sky was iron blue mixed with the color of flames. A single giant tree stood, and its dead branches extended in all directions, forming a dense network to support the cracked sky. The wasteland is covered with dead bones, and a giant black beast is rising from the depths of the pile of bones. Its wings are covered with skeletons, and it opens its huge membrane wings and spits out black flames. (Original text of Dragon Clan·Morning of Fire)


When he first saw the creature in this painting, this word popped into his mind. He could vaguely hear something roaring and roaring. Angry emotions flowed on the painting like lava. The golden color in the dragon's eyes It is dazzling like wet ink exposed to direct sunlight, giving people the illusion that the painting is alive.

"Dragon King Nidhogg, the culprit who gnawed down the World Tree in Nordic mythology, the end of all things, and the destroyer of the world." Professor Manstein stood in front of the scroll with a red wine glass and stared at it: "Thousands of years They are the goals that we have been looking for for countless generations. They are hidden in the shadows of human history. They were once the creators, pioneers, and kings of this world. They wrote the real history, and we humans played the most role in it as fire thieves and thieves. The role of a servant.”

"Is this a tradition? Did you originally call this entrance counseling?" Lin Nian couldn't help but whisper while looking at the shocking and beautiful picture.

Professor Manstein walked to the bookshelf on the side and said: "Didn't you ask what specific majors our college has? We can tell you now that our biggest topic is the study of "dragons", and derived from it He has studied countless majors, such as alchemical engineering, magic machine design, dragon clan ancestry theory and other different disciplines."

"Although our college is a regular university registered by the U.S. Department of Education, we all use self-compiled textbooks." Manstein took out a book and placed it in front of Lin Nian. Lin Nian picked it up and found the language on the cover of the book. It is still written in Latin.

"Why Latin?" Lin Nian ran his fingers across the uneven cover of the book to feel the traces of age.

"Because we believe that learning Latin is more conducive to understanding the language of dragons." Professor Manstein said.

"Latin is a dead language. No one speaks it as a native language anymore, so I can understand that the "dragon" you mentioned, professor, is also extinct like Latin? In fact, you are a group of people who are similar to the discovery of 'dinosaurs' Civilized archaeologist." Lin Xian took the book in Lin Nian's hand and looked at the cover carefully.

"Extinction? No, the dragons are not extinct, but they are reviving!" Professor Manstein said: "The book you are holding now is called "Dragon Genealogy", and the author is the president of our Kassel College , which is also an optional course for freshman, and the credits earned after successful completion are considerable.”

"Hilbert Jean Angers, is this the name of our principal?" Lin Nian found the author's silver-plated name on the back of the book.

"Yes, Principal Angers, the greatest educator, thinker and dragon slayer of the century." Manstein's face was full of praise, and Lin Nian could find the respect and admiration on his face involuntarily. It seems that Hilbert Jean Angers' reputation in the academy is not generally high.

But that's not his focus right now.

"You said our principal is a dragon slayer? Dragon slayer? Is that the word I thought of?" Lin Nian asked in a daze.

"Did I forget to say it?" Professor Manstein said with a smile: "The purpose of our search for dragons for thousands of years is not just to worship them or to prove their existence. The existence of dragons does not require We are going to prove that, on the contrary, we are going to obliterate them and eliminate them, so the biggest topic of our Kassel Academy has always been - slaying the dragon!"

Professor Manstein's words were resounding. When the words "slay the dragon" came out of his mouth, they resonated in the chest and abdomen. The sound continued to reverberate in the carriage, deafening.

After a long time, Lin Nian put down the book "Dragon Genealogy" and looked up at Manstein and said, "Before arriving at the Chicago train station, Brother Fingel said that you and another professor named Guderian were mental hospital patients. I didn’t believe it before, but now I seem to believe it.”

Manstein was stunned for a moment and was stunned by these sudden words. After a while, he turned to look at Fingel and asked: "Did you really say that?"

Fingel was also stunned and replied subconsciously: "I just mentioned it casually. Last time, Teacher Guderian told me when he was drunk. He said you were his patient!"

"What patient? Damn it, did you know that such irresponsible remarks will cause the freshman's first impression of our college to collapse! Guidance for freshmen is already difficult enough, but you are still making trouble like this. I knew I shouldn't let it happen You came to pick up Lin Nian and the others! I should ask for leave for Mandy and come in person!" Manstein said angrily.

"Then the school girl won't be able to graduate, and her grade points will be deducted just because she's just living under you." Fingel said in a low voice.

"But professor." Lin Nian raised the "Dragon Genealogy" in his hand and said in a moderate voice, "I haven't said that I don't believe you at all."

"You mean you are willing to believe us?" Manstein was stunned for a moment and his expression suddenly softened a lot.

"No, believing in this kind of thing must be based on a certain basis. After all, what we are talking about now is too surreal. If I say that I believe in the existence of 'dragons', you will probably think that I am perfunctory. ." Lin Nian flipped through the books full of Latin and said: "But I assume everything you said is true. There really is a legendary species like 'dragon' in the world. I believe you should have 'examples' Or 'evidence' to convince me?"

"Yes." Manstein nodded: "After arriving at the academy, I can take you to see some cultural relics. Those cultural relics are the best proof of the existence of dragon civilization. After you see those perfect creations that humans cannot touch, You will completely believe in the existence of dragons."

"I need to verify this, but Professor, you said that the subject of Kassel College is dragon slaying." After digesting this information, Lin Nian raised his head and said, "Why?"

"Why why?" Professor Manstein didn't quite understand what Lin Nian meant.

"Methods for slaying dragons. Dragons are extremely powerful species no matter which fantasy literature they appear in. If you want to slay a dragon, you always need to rely on machine guns and heavy artillery? Or airplanes and tanks? So Kassel Academy is actually a military academy ? Is the United Nations or the Five Permanent People standing behind you?" Lin Nian asked, making inferences based on his understanding of the world and current hypotheses.

"I'm very happy that you didn't deny the existence of dragons outright, and you thought of so many things at once and then raised doubts about it. This means that you are a very calm and rational person." Professor Manstein nodded and said: "What's behind our backs It is not supported by the overall strength of the country. Our group of people is called the "Secret Party". The "Secret Party" used to be a family composed of "blood descendants". They have jointly held this secret secret for the past thousands of years, and We shoulder the heavy responsibility of slaying dragons and send future generations to the battlefield to protect the secrets of the dragon clan. We believe that once the secrets of the dragon clan are leaked, it will cause irreversible harm to the world."

"So you keep your secrets but don't reveal them. But it's stupid to do so. Cooperating with the United Nations can get the maximum human resources and scientific research power. Isn't the power of modern weapons still unable to deal with the so-called 'dragon'?" Lin Nian shook his head and said. .

"Don't think about a problem one-sidedly. In the words of your hometown, this is called 'blinding one's eyes'." Manstein raised a finger and his eyebrows were full of seriousness: "You don't know what kind of existence the 'Dragon Clan' is. , to deal with dragons, thermal weapons are naturally an indispensable aid. But thermal weapons alone are not enough, so we have developed more powerful alchemical weapons based on thermal weapons! But the most important thing is actually to use Arms man.”

"The students at Kassel College are actually a group of dragon-slaying warrior reserves?" Lin Nian came to this surprising conclusion.

"You can say that, but we collectively call ourselves the 'Secret Party'." Professor Manstein said: "What the Secret Party wants to find is these people who have the qualifications to slay dragons - you still remember how I commented before Is this yours?"


This word still came to Lin Nian's mind.

He suddenly fell into silence, and after a long time he asked: "When did you discover me?"

"I only received news about your existence recently. I didn't know you before, but some of us have been paying attention to you." Manstein said lightly: "Perhaps you feel that you have grown up "Gifted" is a genetic mutation, but it is not. There is only one word for people like us."

Looking at Lin Nian who was staring closely at him, Manstein said slowly: "'Hybrid'."

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