After this game is over, Li Pu will not enter the Qiyuan Canyon for a period of time.

Because judging from the map of Little Iceland that Red Claw gave him, the dungeon village is relatively remote.

On the way to the next, there will be no more large-scale cities and counties.

Although there is [Ice Escape Talisman], walking in the ice and snow is no longer a problem.

But Li Pu was really tired of leaving.

He misses the fleeting joy of driving a vehicle.

That's much faster than walking, and the key is not tiring.

In addition, it is still far away from the dungeon village, and I don't know how long it will take to reach it without vehicles.

So after thinking about it, Li Pu still found a four-wheel drive of Yuanli Snow.

Unlike the tracked track of the previous snowmobile, it is similar to ordinary vehicles and uses special tires.

There is no snow to drive smoothly, but the speed is much faster.

Li Pu's price for this 4WD is five times that of other snow 4WDs on the market.

It's not that there is anything special about it, it's just an ordinary snow four-wheel drive vehicle.

It's just that during the test drive, he exploded four cars.

Until this car was bought, there were no more accidents.

Stopping outside the city gate, Li Pu fondled the steering wheel lovingly.

Li Pu: "Let's call you lucky."

You Huo: "It should be called a survivor."

The grass man: [Grass! 】

Sitting in the co-pilot was You Huo.

The grass man is tied to the front of the car in the shape of "big".

A proper amount of high-quality grass can provide a good cushion when the vehicle encounters a collision.

This is a trick Li Pu came up with after repeated failed test drives.

It is also the real reason why the Lucky One can survive.

From another point of view, if the car wants to drive safely, it has to rest for 10 hours every 14 hours and wait for the strawman CD.

In this way, it seems that it is not necessarily more efficient than running at full speed.

But at least Li Pu thinks that when people come to this world, they should enjoy what they should enjoy.

Driving makes him happy.

And so, the journey continued.

The living environment in the Little Ice Kingdom is very harsh. Many monsters will choose to migrate to the next-door area with a relatively mild climate after breaking into foreign lands from the dungeon.

For them, even if they are suppressed by the power of the region, it is better than being frozen.

Only blessed monsters like long-haired pigs can settle in this kind of icy and snowy land.

When they go to other areas, they have to shave regularly or they may die from heat.

So along the way, Li Pu basically didn't encounter many monsters.

Occasionally, one or two are left alone, and they don't even have the desire to do it.

The gregarious ones have never even been seen.

In this way for almost ten days, Li Pu finally came to the vicinity of the Dungeon Village on his own feet.

As for the lucky number, don't mention it.

On the first night when the Scarecrow returned to the Scarlet Star, he couldn't hold back.

"It seems that there are monsters starting to move around here."

You Huo pointed to the footprints on the ground to remind Li Pu.

"What footprints are these?"

Li Pu opened his eyes and had some doubts.

The long and narrow feet are at least 50cm long, and they look like the footprints of arthropods.

The point is, only the left foot.

"One-legged monster?"

He couldn't tell just by a series of footprints.

Although You Huo has a wide range of knowledge and knowledge, the severe cold area is obviously her weakness, so she can't identify what kind of footprints it belongs to.

【Grass! 】

At this time, the grass man also discovered that about 10 meters horizontally from the row of left footprints was a series of right footprints.

"It's kind of weird."

Li Pu stroked his chin, lost in thought.

The opponent's footprints are very large, which means that the body must not be small.

But even if it is big, it won't be able to have a body width of 10 meters horizontally.

You have to know that if the body is 10 meters wide, it is more than a mechanical storm with a height of 30 meters.

The size of Mechanical Storm's feet is obviously much larger than this pair.

He would rather believe that the two sets of footprints were left by two different monsters.


"The hips are so big, aren't you afraid of pulling your eggs?"

Just imagining it made him feel impossible.

So the two continued on their way, and found that the direction of the footprints really pointed to the direction of the dungeon village.

After half a day, finally arrived.

"The scale of this dungeon village is much more impressive than that of Gao District."

You Huo habitually crossed his hips and looked ahead.

About 50 meters away is a stone wall covered in ice and snow.

From the faintly exposed stone surface and color, she deliberately identified it as a very strong stone.

It is not at the same level as the previous dungeon village that was simply surrounded by wooden fences.


But Li Pu frowned, and asked doubtfully, "Why can't I feel that there is a living person?"

The living people here generally refer to the existence including other alien races.

There is a breath of life.

All of them are monsters, and there are quite a few of them.

There is no one in the dungeon village, only monsters, what does this mean?

"I'm going to explore?"

You Huo has gotten used to the job of scouting Ji Ji, and proposes to go and observe first.

"Need not."

But Li Pu shook his head.

And the footsteps retreated continuously, and he walked behind a big rock to hide his figure.

[Crap! 】

A few seconds later, a strange cry came from behind the stone wall.

There is a giant egg rising from below, which is a monster.

Its appearance is just a giant egg.

With two very long insect legs, it can easily climb over the stone wall with one step.

Then the legs and feet were opened to the left and right, and he took a step in a very weird hip-pull posture.

"It's really bullshit..."

Behind the boulder, a black line appeared on Li Pu's forehead, he turned his head and said to the grass man, "Fuck it."

The opponent's aura is very weak, just a LV25 normal monster.

【Grass! 】

The straw man took the lead and rushed over excitedly.

"It's a grass-egg fight."

You Huo watched with relish.

However, the battle process was far less loud than the title sounded, and it ended in a short while.


When she turned her head, she found that Li Pu had stood upside down.

At this time, a set of inscriptions that had been dusty for a long time finally came into play.

[Blue Bat Moth] x5: Cerebral congestion symptoms reduced by 20% when standing upside down

While the straw man was fighting the monsters, he carefully perceived the strength of the monsters in the dungeon village.

The most powerful ones are no more than LV30 elites, that's all.

He didn't know why there were only monsters and no living people inside.

All I know is that now I'm going to start clearing the monsters.



【Crap Beast】(LV25)

Life D, damage C, armor B, magic resistance D, speed C

Explanation: You can't walk without talking, right?

[Egg Yolk Fragility]: When the movement speed exceeds the upper limit, the bullshit will die directly

[Too much to pull]: When the bullshit beast walks, there is a chance that it will split open and die directly

[Break out of the shell]: The scrambler has a chance to evolve into claws and become a shrimp scrambler

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