After Su Ze received the award here, he had a meal with Li Kai and them at noon, and went to the Chengbei Police Station in the afternoon.

As soon as they entered the office, Zhang Wei and Wu Kai excitedly surrounded them.

"Come on, come on, take out the certificate and show it to us.

"Show me too. Zhang Haoyu also immediately came over, "I haven't seen this kind of certificate yet, let me open my eyes too!"

Su Ze smiled, took out the certificate from his bag, and gave it to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei hurriedly opened it, "Tut, look at the person in this photo, he is so handsome!" Wu

Kai exclaimed after reading the words on it: "Hey, I also remembered a third-class merit, it's okay

!" Zhang Haoyu looked envious after hearing it, "Let me see it too!"

Wu Kai handed him the certificate.

Su Ze asked Wu Kai, "Did you go out this morning, did you have any gains?"

At the mention of this, Zhang Wei and Wu Kai immediately wilted.

Zhang Wei sighed, "Alas, there is no gain."

"I kind of get it, as long as you're not there, we're going to grab people.

"Don't talk about catching it, you can't even find it. "

I'm surprised, you say you have any tricks

, teach us!" Su Ze shook his head, "I don't have a trick, I want to teach, but I can't teach you just a glance!"

"Listen to it." Wu Kai smiled, "This guy, old Versailles!" "

Then do they have any arrangements for Team Xu this afternoon?" Su Ze asked again.

Wu Kai shook his head, "They haven't said where they're going yet."

Zhang Haoyu returned the certificate to Su Ze, "I guess I'll go on patrol in the afternoon." "


Qingzi received a call from their boss at about three o'clock.

"You guys have prepared sticks and sticks in advance, and I've already found out where that family named Su Ze lives. "

We'll go up and around him in a moment." "

After hanging up the phone.

Qingzi told Xiaojun and Gangzi what their boss had explained.

They hurried to the room where the groceries were kept.

"Qingzi, forget the sticks or something, if we all have those things in our hands, then if others want to see it, they will definitely be able to guess that we are going to fight!"

"yes, why don't we get a shorter tool."

"And is the boss's news reliable? Where did he get his connections, and he can even find out the address of the police

?" "Yes, does the boss know what time people get off work? If they don't come home, won't we just wait in vain?"

Qingzi shook his head, "How do I know where the boss got these news, I should not be wrong when I listen to his tone."

"As for the time to get off work, aren't the people they go to work basically the same thing, unless he works overtime!"

"The boss said, let us go to him first at half past five to find him, he said he borrowed a car, and we will drive there when the time comes." "

It's okay to drive. Xiaojun said, "If we drive, we can wait in the car, and we are not afraid that there will be no place to put these things."

"By the way, the hood we're going to wear?" Tsuyoko

laughed, "I've got the hood ready." "

I went to the street in the morning to buy it!"

"Okay, you're very efficient." Xiaojun praised, "What about the hood, take it out, let's try it first to see if it can be used." "

OK. Wait a minute, I'll go upstairs and get it in the sleeping room. After just saying that, he ran away.

Within a few minutes, Gangzi came down with his things.

Qingzi and Xiaojun saw Gangzi carrying a red plastic bag.

Gangzi pulled out the contents of the bag.

When Qingzi and Xiaojun saw what he was holding, they were directly petrified on the spot.

"You, you, you..." Xiao Jun pointed to the things in his hand, and his words were not good.

Qingzi was also very embarrassed, "I said Gangzi, didn't you say buy a hood, why did you buy three pairs of stockings!"

"Uh..."Gangzi saw that the expressions of the two were wrong, and quickly explained, "Didn't I find someone who sold a hood

!" "I thought about when I used to watch TV, some of the robbers put this on their heads..."

Qingzi's eyes darkened, "Can you stand this thing on your head?"

There's nothing unbearable about this, it's just the same effect as the hood. Gangzi said.

"I'm a mother-in-law, if the boss sees this thing you bought, he won't slap you two in the mouth. Xiaojun sighed with emotion, "Do you think the boss will take this thing?"

When Gangzi heard it, he seemed to feel that this was the case.

"If the boss wants to bring

it, won't we be done with it!" "If you don't use this, you won't be able to buy the right thing when you go out now!"

Qingzi is also out of line, "Okay, okay, then make do with this, wait and try it first, cut the length to the right, and cut out two holes where the eyes should be exposed." "


At half past five, the three of them arrived at their boss's place on time.

The boss went out and threw the car keys to Aoko, "You can drive it."

He gave Aoko an address, then pulled the door and got into the back seat.

After arriving at the place, Qingzi parked the car near the community where Su Ze lived.

"Boss, how long will this Su Ze come

back?" "Yes, boss, you see this is the time to get off work, there are so many people, if he comes back at this time, we can't do it!" The boss

lit a cigarette, "If he comes back early, you can go up with someone casually, see where he lives, let's go to his house in the middle of the night, as for unlocking or something, it's hard to get you?"

If he came back late, if there was no one around, they would have beaten him outside.

"By the way, didn't I let you bring the guys, why didn't I see it?"

Aoko pointed to the back, "It's all in the trunk." "

Boss, we didn't hold sticks, we thought it was too conspicuous, and we were afraid of being seen. "

And what did you bring?" asked the Boss.

"Ban'er bricks!" Gangzi blurted out! The

boss nodded with satisfaction, "It's okay, but it's a little measured when you start, don't make a fuss about people's lives, don't you know?"

Su Ze went to Yaojiazhuang with the big guy to sweep at night again.

Needless to say, with him, it is impossible to return empty-handed.

Although there were not as many people as arrested in the previous two days, three people were also arrested.

By the time I got off work, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and there was no one on the road at this time.

Su Ze was riding an electric donkey, and there were no people in sight on the road at the entrance of the community where he lived at this time.

As soon as the people arrived at the gate of the community, the radar gave an early warning.

Su Ze was overjoyed in his heart, and he was working again!

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