"On the twenty-first day, the battle outside gradually quieted down. Your door opened again. The village chief walked in, took you out, and then told you that if you can break through the outermost formation in the village, you will be able to do so." After letting you go, you came to the edge of the village and looked carefully, only to find that there is a large formation under this small village, which is the second formation you saw last night. You use The method of breaking the formation in the Tao Te Ching is useless."

"On the twenty-second day, you learned from the village chief that this formation is called the Great Formation of Fengtian, but the village chief didn't tell you anything else. One of the imprisoned people goes out, if you can't break through the formation, then wait to be killed..."

. . .

"On the twenty-fifth day, you have studied this great formation for a long time, but you have no clue. It is almost time to leave Novice Village. You are irritable and almost lost your temper."

. . .

"On the twenty-ninth day, seeing that you couldn't break through the formation, you thought about sneaking out, but who knew that before you escaped from the village, you were surrounded by more than ten people in the village. The village chief didn't even intervene, you were dismembered... you died..."

. . .

"This immortal cultivation simulation is over, you can permanently retain a talent for immortal cultivation and extract it to the real world."

"Cultivation simulation is over, this simulation time: 29 days, system cooling time: 29 minutes..."

"I'll go, I said this village must not be simple, I didn't expect it to be a village of monsters..."

Zhao Hao looked at the panel and said in surprise.

Then he took out his phone and started recording while there was still cooling time.

Most of the NPCs in the village are ghosts, their cultivation level is unknown, but from the fact that they can’t see any depth in the Nascent Soul stage, and they are trapped in the village by the Great Formation of Fengtian, it can be judged that they are at least in the Tribulation Stage powerful.

Before in such a dangerous situation, he could leave the village, but this time he didn't. It was obviously related to the three Confucianism and Taoism cultivation talents he carried, so Zhao Hao didn't extract the three cultivation talents.

Widow Zhang fought with Carpenter Li, and saw a big spider, accompanied by howling ghosts and wolves. It can be seen that there must be a spider spirit among these two people.

Unconsciously, Zhao Hao remembered the experience of being sucked alive by Widow Zhang once in a simulation.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder that my majestic Mahayana body was so easily beheaded by monsters. At that time, I almost thought I couldn't do it. I didn't expect that this widow would be used as a furnace."

With a sigh, Zhao Hao began to wait patiently. It was only about half an hour to cool down, and soon, the time was up.

"System, start the Immortal Cultivation Simulator."

"You can only choose three of the following immortal cultivation talents to start the immortal cultivation simulator."

There were already ten mediocre talents, but Zhao Hao randomly chose three talents that had nothing to do with Confucianism or Taoism. .

"On the first day, you came into the world with a golden core cultivation base. You knew that the small village was weird, so you didn't go out, but concentrated on practicing the Tao Te Ching."

"Second Rong, your cultivation has reached the Golden Core Realm, you have been paying attention to the movement outside the house, and found that the village has been watching silently at your door for a long time, and finally left."

"On the third day, you didn't choose to continue to break through. You planned to use the simulator a few more times to check the many villagers in the small village. You came to Widow Zhang's house and received warm hospitality from Widow Zhang. You While Widow Zhang was cooking, she secretly opened her closet and rummaged through it, but found nothing strange, but the fabric of those clothes was very strange, smooth to the touch, definitely not a villager You can wear it. However, you suddenly turned around and found that Widow Zhang was staring at you coldly. In order to dispel her scruples, you greedily took the clothes and sniffed at the tip of your nose, then pounced on Widow Zhang..."

. . .

"On the fifth day, you limped out of Widow Zhang's house, and you couldn't help but sigh in your heart. After all, you were defeated by this spider spirit after your dignified Jindan peak overhaul. Yes, you have already decided at this time, then A spider with a pattern of hundreds of feet must be Widow Zhang. Although you have never heard that spider silk can be used to make clothes, you are absolutely sure. Don’t ask. Widow Zhang is not a monster, I am a man of seven feet, how can I still lose?"

"On the sixth day, after a night's rest, Yi finally recovered his vitality. You have not cultivated. It is easier for the villagers to deal with this kind of state. You went to two nearby houses and found out unexpectedly that the two They are all ordinary villagers, and they all fell asleep after casting a spell, so you can judge from this that this village is a village where mortals and ghosts coexist."

"On the seventh day, you got up early, and suddenly remembered that in the east of the village, Butcher Zhang's house raised dozens of chickens. Once, because you ate dozens of chickens, you were hacked to death by Butcher Zhang. At that time, I had a foundation-building cultivation, and I added the Mahayana Holy Body, but I had no power to fight back. This butcher must be a ghost. You sneaked into Butcher Zhang's house and stole a chicken."

"On the eighth day, you didn't kill the chicken. Instead, you carefully observed what was different about this chicken, or found any clues about what kind of ghost Zhang Butcher was. You found a very evil blood on your body. You killed the chicken and planned to stew it to eat. When you were plucking the hair, butcher Zhang rushed into your house. Seeing the dead chicken, he cried out in pain and waved The knife slashed at you, and at the last moment, you suddenly discovered that the evil blood on the chicken seemed to be very similar to the aura that Butcher Zhang accidentally erupted just now, and you are dead."

"This immortal cultivation simulation is over, you can permanently retain a talent for immortal cultivation and extract it to the real world."

"Cultivation simulation is over, this simulation time: eight days, system cooling time: eight minutes..."

Looking at the finished panel, Zhao Hao opened the memo and started recording.

Widow Zhang is equal to a spider spirit, butcher Zhang and the chicken's evil blood seem to be of the same blood.

After recording, Zhao Hao began to close his eyes and rest his mind, quietly waiting for the cooling to complete.

Eight minutes passed quickly, and Zhao Hao hurriedly turned it on again.

"System, start the Immortal Cultivation Simulator."

"You can only choose three of the following immortal cultivation talents to start the immortal cultivation simulator."

Still without the red talent, Zhao Hao randomly chose three non-Confucian and Taoist talents again, and started to simulate.

"On the first day, you came into the world at the Golden Core Realm. You didn't choose to practice, but went directly to Butcher Zhang's house. Butcher Zhang was full of enthusiasm for you and asked you if you want to buy some freshly slaughtered pork. You But he said, you want to eat chicken, and you want to buy the chicken raised by Butcher Zhang, but Butcher Zhang was furious and kicked you out..."

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