Lines of white light enveloped the blue crocodile, which exuded a strong breath of life, and quietly, the blue crocodile's body underwent drastic changes.

Under the white light, the blue crocodile's body began to swell and expand, and its short arms became longer and thicker, with rectangular scales protruding.

The whole body, the tail, claws, and the red tooth-like bone plates on the back have all undergone drastic changes, which is exactly the evolved form of the blue crocodile--- strong crocodile

!" "Actually evolved!" "

Compared to the short and naïve appearance, this appearance is worthy of the fierce appearance of the crocodile." "

Since crossing into this world, Su Ling is also the second time to watch the evolution of Pokémon head-on.

It can be said that no matter how many evolutions you watch, it is so novel!"

"Although the crocodile usually moves slowly and leisurely, when it bites its prey, it is too fast to see clearly, and although the body is large and it is difficult to support the body on the ground, it can also move quickly on land with its powerful hind limbs when it crawls down.

"Mighty Crocodile, let's fight back! "


Mighty Crocodile's form began to move rapidly, so fast that many afterimages appeared.

In just a few moments, a bunch of crocodiles surrounded the mosquito coil swimmers, and one of them was the body of the crocodile, and the other afterimages were also lifelike.

The mosquito coil swimmer nervously looked at the afterimages around him, and continued to use foam attacks on them, trying to find the Herculatil itself.

"Use Madness!" "

Crazy is a skill with less physical strength, higher damage, and the strong crocodile was hit by a bunch of damage by mosquito coil swimmers before.,Although it has evolved at this time,But the damage received will not disappear.。

In the midst of a bunch of afterimages, the real Mighty Crocodile suddenly jumped out, and the claws that had evolved to become extremely sharp were now emitting white light, rushing in front of the mosquito coil swimmer who was using the foam attack and slashed over, and the attack caused continuous damage.

This is not a joke attack, the mosquito coil swimmer's body was directly scratched, leaving extremely deep claw marks.

Looking at the claw marks on its body, the mosquito coil swimmer thrashed its body excitedly, this was exactly the battle it wanted, and it immediately held its hands forward, and the mosquito coil-like stripes on its body exuded strange fluctuations.

"Don't look at it, it's using hypnosis!" Su Ling recognized this move and hurriedly reminded the strong crocodile.

Su Ling's reminder made the strong crocodile successfully dodge the mosquito coil swimmer's hypnosis, seeing that the skill had no effect, the mosquito coil swimmer walked forward quickly, his right fist condensed a force, and he hit the strong crocodile violently, with its sandbag-sized fist, the posture was extremely terrifying.

"Burst Fist???This skill??This mosquito coil swimmer's strength is actually close to the high elite?"

I don't know, I didn't expect that the strongest in the lake is actually this mosquito coil swimmer?But this should be inseparable from its continuous fighting, and the continuous battle has made its strength improve rapidly.


!" Seeing the attack, the mighty crocodile was not ready to dodge, but grabbed the ground with both legs steadily, and held the mosquito coil swimmer's fist tightly forward with both hands, the powerful impact made the strong crocodile's body slowly retreat, leaving two long mounds of dirt on the ground, this scene was like two wrestlers fighting each other

!"Good job! Throw the mosquito coil swimmer to the ground and use the angry attack!" Looking at the scorching battle, Su Ling couldn't help but get excited, the Pokémon battle he had imagined before was in front of him at this moment.

Although the strong crocodile was briefly suppressed because of the burst fist, the strong crocodile did not use skills, and completely relied on its strength to catch the attack of the mosquito coil swimmer's burst fist, that is to say, the strength of the strong crocodile is stronger than that of

the mosquito coil swimmer! The strong crocodile's eyes were red, and the muscles on his arms instantly bulged, and then a powerful strange force arose, directly throwing the mosquito coil swimmer to the ground, leaving a big hole.

In the big pit, the mosquito coil swimmer collapsed inside and couldn't stand up, it seemed that he was unconscious, and the strong crocodile was about to punch it when he saw this, Su Ling hurriedly stopped: "Okay, the mosquito coil swimmer has lost his ability to fight, and this game is over."

Seeing this, the mighty crocodile obediently withdrew his fist, and continued to beat his body with both hands and roared to the sky.

"What are you shouting, don't scare other Pokémon. Su Ling stepped forward and said.

"Oluga. After

hearing this, the mighty crocodile stopped roaring, and then looked around, there were a large number of Pokémon looking at it around, most of them were Pokémon in the lake, but these eyes didn't seem to be fear, but worship, and there were many Pokémon trying to run over to get close to the mighty crocodile.

Whatever the kind, it is inevitable that the weak worship the strong.

"Well, it looks like I'm overthinking. Seeing this, Su Ling could only say.

"In the future, the lake will be handed over to you to take care of, and you must take care of it for me. "


Receiving the reply from the strong crocodile, Su Ling nodded with satisfaction, and then walked to the mosquito coil swimmer who had woken up, and it did not have a lost expression because of the defeat in the battle, but looked at it obediently.

"You seem to like fighting, I have a good job here, I can touch a lot of different kinds of Pokémon, and fight against them, how about it?"

"Button road, button road.

"Okay, you can mess with me from now on.

Su Ling took out the Poké Ball and put it in front of the mosquito coil swimmer, it pressed it without hesitation, and the Poké Ball opened it and emitted a red light to put it in.

"Okay, now that you've evolved, don't be like a fool before, after all, you still have so many fans watching now, be a good example. Su Ling patted the crocodile's arm, and it evolved from the height that was originally only standing next to Su Ling's legs to a giant.

"I'll leave first if it's okay, and if there's something you need, you can find the patrol wind speed dog to call me.

"By the way, if the Pokémon in the lake dig up a strange blue stone, you can collect it and give it to me, and if you are fine, you can go to the bottom of the lake and help me dig some, and I will send you as many energy blocks as you want." Su Ling suddenly remembered the location of the Water Stone that the mosquito coil swimmer had said before, and then said to the strong crocodile.

"Oluga. After

hearing the energy cube, the strong crocodile hurriedly nodded and agreed, since it didn't stay in the cultivation house, it eats the elf food sent by the robot every day, and it has not tasted the energy cube for a long time.

After saying goodbye to Su Ling, the strong crocodile ran directly to the lake and jumped down, what do you want to be a fan brother and sister, food is the most important.

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