I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 90

Shirou struck the cover again with his sword.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka -!"

The cover was even more torn.

However, Tokiomi's expression did not change. His reservedness has already brought him to the point where Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

Shirou narrowed his eyes, and saw Tokiomi raised his hand, ready to use Command Seals to summon Gilgamesh over.

A magus is definitely no match for a Servant, Tokiomi understands this very well. Therefore, even in the face of the possibility of Gilgamesh's fury, he had to forcibly pull Gilgamesh over.

However, at this moment, Tokiomi saw Kiritsugu running towards him quickly while holding a gun, pointing the gun at him at the same time.

Tokiomi's face changed drastically.


Never get hit by that bullet!

Tokiomi had no choice but to stop using the Command Seal, and launched an attack on Kiritsugu, but Kiritsugu used [Inherent Time Control] to speed up his own time, thus dodging past.



Origin bombs fly!

Tokiomi tried to dodge Kiritsugu's trajectory, but at this moment, Shirou shook hands violently.

"—[Illusion Collapsing]!"


The sharp sword that was blocked by the shield exploded directly, shattering Tokiomi's shield, and the flash of strong light caused Tokiomi to temporarily lose his sight, and his movements were deformed involuntarily, and at this moment, Kiritsugu shot— —

With a sound of "pong", a round-nosed origin bullet pierced through the flame-shrouded battlefield, spun in the air, and hit Tokiomi's chest.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

Tokiomi's magic circuit was short-circuited, and he was blasted to the ground by his own magic power.

With a bang, the Azoth sword in his arms fell out.

Tokiomi didn't notice. Struggling helplessly. Howled miserably.


No more elegance.

Kiritsugu didn't even look at Tokiomi, he was about to shoot Shirou with a twist of his wrist, never thought that Shirou was already on guard, as a follower, at a faster speed than him, he swung his sword and slashed——

With a sound of "cha", the sharp sword flashed a cold light in the air, and cut off Kiritsugu's favorite spear. It's just a pity that Kiritsugu, who activated the inherent temporal control in time, escaped this fatal blow. Shirou's sword only cut off Kiritsugu's love spear, and cut off a piece of flesh from Kiritsugu's face.

Shirou [projection] unleashes a pair of swords, taking advantage of the victory to pursue.



A piercing sound sounded in the air, and eight black keys pierced the sky, shooting towards Shirou and Kiritsugu.

Shirou had no choice but to swing his sword to block the incoming black key, while Kiritsugu was stabbed in the waist because of the backlash of the inherent self-control, which slowed down the reaction speed of his own body.

Shirou looked at the place where Kuroken shot, and saw Kotomine Kirei dressed as a priest standing in front of Tokiomi.

"It's over here, I won't let you hurt my teacher." Kirei said.

"Kirei... Kirei...!" Tokiomi struggled and stretched out his hand towards Kirei.


Kirei picked up the Azoth sword on the ground, took Tokiomi's hand with a smile, and then—


The hand raised the knife, and a black key directly chopped off Tokiomi's hand with the Command Seal.


Tokiomi screamed loudly, blood flowed out from the severed arm and scattered all over the ground.

He struggled. screaming. Neighing loudly. Eventually fell to the ground unconscious.

Dozens of Assassins appeared around, chasing and killing Shirou and Kiritsugu.

As a last resort, Shirou had no choice but to give up killing Kiritsugu for the time being, and ran away desperately.

One Assassin looked at Tokiomi who was lying in a pool of blood, turned his head to look at Kirei, and asked, "Master, this guy is still alive, do you want me to kill him for you?"

"Kill him? He is my teacher, how can I kill him?" Kirei asked back: "I am a priest, how can I kill him? Not only do I not kill him, I also want to kill him." Heal him. Let him live well."

Kirei smiled.

But this smile made Assassin feel chills all over his body, and he couldn't help but took a step back.

The hand with the command spell was cut off, the magic circuit and the family's magic imprint were destroyed by the origin bullet. For a magician, death is the only solution. However, Kirei actually wanted to let him survive.

Assassin shuddered. Such Kirei, such a Master, reminded him of those employers he served during his lifetime.

However, only such a Master can be called a Master.

Kirei healed Tokiomi's wound, and carried him on his back again.

Looking at Tokiomi's severed hand with the Command Seal on the ground, Kirei kicked it, and kicked it directly into the sea of ​​flames beside him.

The king who awakens himself, the self-centered king, is absolutely unexpected, right? He will become the first follower to be eliminated, and he will still be eliminated in his own hands.

Just thinking of this, Kirei's heart was filled with a kind of pleasure and pleasure mixed with morality and betrayal.


He laughed.

The firelight reflected his profile.

It was a tearful but extremely happy face.


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