I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 72

Throwing it strenuously to Spartacus, Shirou shouted: "Spartacus, use this weak sword to attack the oppressor!"


Spartacus took the giant sword and rushed into the army formation like an ancient giant, swiping the sword, and those who fell were either killed or injured.

Iskandar shouted loudly: "The phalanx changes four times! Defeat the giant blocking the way!"

In an instant, the [King's Army Power] changed.

The troops in heavy armor stood in front of Spartacus, and then the archers behind them shot at Spartacus with their bows and arrows.

"Oh oh oh oh--!!!"

Spartacus was covered with bows and arrows, but his face still had that calm smile of love.

The more seriously he was injured, the stronger the magic power brewed in his body. At this moment, the body has swelled to fifteen meters, not only that, but every time it swells, the [Mortal Wisdom] will increase its aura.

The heat emitted by his burly and huge body was like a steaming air current, making the air around him scorching hot.

Shirou's [projected] giant sword in Spartacus swung it like moonlight.


"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Accompanied by the screams, the heavy armor of those heavy-armed units was directly split by Spartacus's huge force, and swept out, unable to stop it even for a moment, they died on the spot!

The dead bodies mixed with the sea of ​​blood, forming a dead human grinding ground.

Shirou shuddered. Weber shuddered.

Neither Shirou, who is a mortal, nor Weber, who is obsessed with the narrow inner world, has never seen or experienced such a big world.

little by little. little by little. The great world of Iskandar, the rebellion of Spartacus, and the general battlefield where myths descend. A little bit. Little by little, the narrow inner world of two ordinary people is torn apart.

Shirou could feel that his humble and ordinary spirit was being torn apart step by step by this majestic army. trembling. Shocked. Then, little by little, he was infused with the vigor of conquest.

"Welcome to the real world of Heaven and Earth Contest!" Iskandar laughed loudly, then waved the sword of Cyprus, and said loudly: "The phalanx changes to eleven!"

[The King's Army] has changed again. The hoplites gave way to a direct path to Iskandar. Spartacus yelled and rushed towards Iskandar with great momentum.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot! How did you open the phalanx—?" Wei Bo was terrified, seeing the giant that had swelled to fifteen meters like a mountain, he was terrified.

Iskandar's expression did not change, and there was even a joyful smile on his face.


A strange sound sounded, and then "Ka Ka Ka", the earth collapsed, rushing to Spartacus in front of Iskandar, his body collapsed directly, leaving only a huge head.

It turned out that as early as when the heavy armored units encircled and suppressed Spartacus, there was already a corps that was trapping the quicksand in front of Iskandar.

Iskandar drew out his long sword, stepped on Spartacus' cheek, and pierced Spartacus' right eye with his sword.


Blood and tears gushed out like pillars, staining Iskandar's cheeks red. Iskandar said with a hearty smile: "This is my king's big world, my domination, and my conquest. A hero who manifests as a Berserker. Do you feel it?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

The magic power in Spartacus' body became stronger, and his body swelled to more than 20 meters. His hands stretched out from the quicksand pit, and he struggled to climb out directly. He wielded the huge sword and danced wildly, killing or wounding those who fell in it.

Corpses were strewn all over the field, blood flowed into rivers, visceral pancreases were crushed and ravaged into minced meat all over the place, and wherever one looked, they were all broken arms and stumps.

This is a barbaric world.

This is the big world of hegemony.

This is——, from ancient times, the original and the most real, the wild world of men!

civilization? Morality? Good and evil? ... All the false and false things that were praised disappeared!

Words are useless, praises are useless, strategies are useless... Only the most primitive wildness in the blood of men exists here!

Conquer—or,—be conquered!

"Hahahahaha!" Iskandar had long since left, laughing boldly under heavy control.

fight. bloody. Cruel... Through everything, the most real thing is the hegemony world called men!

Spartacus became stronger, like an ancient giant, killing a group of soldiers at every turn, and stomping a group of soldiers to death. Even the hot air exhaled was enough to blow the soldiers round and round!

However, no one could tell that he was reaching his limit.

Yes. It's almost the limit.

The magic power brewing in that body has begun to turmoil, and it has gradually approached the edge of self-destruction.

Can Spartacus' extreme self-destruction destroy [The King's Army]?

Shirou doesn't know because Spartacus never fought Iskandar to the death in Fate.

However, looking at the vast world, Shirou knew that this was probably impossible.

In this war, the only thing that can destroy this world is probably the sword that opened up the world.

Sword and shield cannot defeat Wang Zhiwei, who has conquered more than five million square kilometers.

A hero who set off a rebellion, let alone defeat an imperial overlord who dominates millions of kilometers.


There are not only swords and shields here, but also eyes and brains!

The sword and the shield protect the eye and the brain, and the brain and the eye protect the shield and the sword.

Shirou took a deep breath, then raised his palm.

"My body is the bone of the sword I hold..."

While chanting the incantation of [Unlimited Sword System], Shirou saw a lonely red figure full of large gears standing like a steel factory in a trance.

There is no doubt that this is the record that inspired the Heroic Guard in the spiritual base.

"Huh—? Is this—?" Iskandar frowned, and looked at Shirou, "Are you going to use a treasure, Caster?"

Chapter 51 I, already, am no longer alone! 【Second update】


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