I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 59

I saw rows of police cars parked downstairs, the police were divided into two groups, some of them pointed their guns at the window, as if Emiya Kiritsugu would kill him as soon as he showed his face, and the other group pointed at the door of the apartment.

what happened?

Could it be that yesterday's action was caught by the police?

Emiya Kiritsugu frowned, looked through the front and rear windows, and found that both the front door and the back door had been blocked by the police.

I'm afraid there are already special police officers in charge of breaking through and arresting people.


The door was knocked open.

Do not. It's not that I'm afraid, but that we're already making breakthroughs and arresting people.

"Don't move!"

"Emiya Kiritsugu, a criminal from a transnational terrorist organization, blew up our city's residence last night and carried out a terrorist attack. According to the arrest warrant, I will arrest you!"

A group of police officers in charge of breaking through broke into the door, pointed their guns at Emiya Kiritsugu, and started to follow the formal procedure.

Emiya Kiritsugu turned around and raised his hands, giving [hint] to them, but the spiritual will of these policemen is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

[Hint] Failed.

Not only that, because of the contradiction between the superficial consciousness and the deep consciousness caused by [Hint], a slightly weak-willed policeman failed to control his gun and shot Emiya Kiritsugu with a "bang".

The bullet flew, and for a human being with a flesh and blood body, it was almost impossible to dodge the bullet, but Kiritsugu possessed a special magic called "Inherent Temporal Control", which allowed him to dodge the bullet.

This is the magic of time manipulation that the Emiya family has explored for generations, and the results are accumulated in the magic seal on Kiritsugu's back. The "time manipulation" that separates the inner side of a specific space from the "time flow" of the outside world and manipulates it at will is a kind of inherent enchantment.

However, this kind of magical way consumes a lot of magic power, and the preparations and rituals are very complicated. It is a kind of technique designed on the premise of performing great magic.

In order to effectively apply it in battle, Kiritsugu reduced the scale of the barrier's influence to the body, and the time of interference was within a few seconds. In this way, the interference of "world adjustment" on the inherent enchantment is minimized, making it a practical magic on the battlefield.

By accelerating blood flow, burning hemoglobin, and moving muscles, Kiritsugu can display physical skills that are impossible for ordinary people, just like dodging a bullet just now.

However, the disadvantage is that after the barrier is lifted, the world will correct the time difference between the inside and outside of the barrier, thus placing a huge burden on Kiritsugu's body.

Therefore, Kiritsugu knocked down these breakthrough policemen before the inherent temporal restraint was lifted.

Kiritsugu is a person who does good with evil hands. He can use all means to achieve his goals, and he will kill a few people without hesitation for the sake of the many.

Life to him is a quantity placed on a scale, and he is the bearer who decides to preserve and to destroy.

No matter what outsiders say, scold, or hate, he still goes his own way and practices his own creed of justice.

So in this situation, he didn't kill these policemen, he just stunned them.

Because now there are two sides of the scale of life, one is him, and the other is the majority of lives who arrested and shot him.

If not, he would have already dropped several bombs towards the policemen and passers-by watching the theater who surrounded him downstairs.

Kiritsugu has no nostalgia for his own life, but before he achieves his own justice, he will never allow himself to fall here.

In particular, the end of justice was right in front of him, and he would not allow himself to fall down just like that.

He escaped.

Using magic and [Inherent Temporal Control], he managed to escape at the cost of three shots in his right arm.

On the wall, on the telegraph pole... On the way to escape, Kiritsugu saw many notices with his arrest warrant.


What else could Kiritsugu who understood his own situation say? Only sighed that it was amazing to use the police to arrest him, and then analyzed who did it in his head.

He was very sure that it must have been done by a master. Because on the way to escape just now, he found that the leader of the police who held an important position was given a [hint].

This is obviously the master's hand and foot.

But, which master would do such a thing?

Those pedantic and old-fashioned magicians would never do such a thing, because for them, exposing mystery is something that they will never tolerate.

After thinking about it, Kiritsugu guessed it was Master Caster.

The master summons the servants to pay attention to a similarity. Except for Kiritsugu who uses holy relics for designated summoning, most of the randomly summoned servants will be closer to the master in character.

If Caster was randomly summoned, given the decisive strategy he showed last night, the Master is probably also a decisive person.

Yes. Shirou's behavior last night was treacherous in the eyes of Artoria, Diarmuid and the others, but in Kiritsugu's eyes he was decisive.

The reason for this difference is that Kiritsugu's character and value judgment are far different from those of Arturia and other knights.

Although he didn't know whether this was revenge from Caster's side, Kiritsugu didn't make any judgments until there was conclusive evidence, but only roughly speculated on Caster's side.

Kiritsugu first contacted Hisau Maiya, and temporarily returned to the base where Hisau Maiya was.

Hisau Maiya helped Kiritsugu remove the three bullets on his right arm, and then disinfected and bandaged him.

Kiritsugu did not rest, and after the medical preparations that should be done, Kiritsugu concealed his identity and investigated the police headquarters.

It was found that the leaders of the police headquarters were all [hinted], and the culprit had disappeared.

Kiritsugu did not cancel the [hint] of these leaders, but reversed another hint, searching for clues.

He called out the surveillance in the police headquarters to see if there were any suspicious persons worth noting.

However, he was shocked to find that the police headquarters and all the surveillance footage from 10:21 to 12:25 in the police headquarters for nearly two hours had been destroyed.

Obviously, the opponent is a magician who is as proficient in the rules of the world as he is.

Kiritsugu made a thorough investigation, but found nothing.

Kiritsugu didn't feel distressed about this, he had experienced the distress and faced too many difficult opponents, so he still wouldn't be overwhelmed by it.

Kiritsugu issued a [hint] to the head of the police to lift his arrest warrant, but this was inconsistent with the fact that Kiritsugu bombed Fuyuki City, and on the contrary almost let the head of the police subconsciously lift the [hint].

Kiritsugu had no choice but to guide [hint], thus changing "Emiya Kiritsugu bombed Fuyuki City" to "someone bombed Fuyuki City", and manifested the characters on the magician he had killed, and finally freed himself from being Wanted Dilemma.

And he reversed [hint], trying to learn from the head of the police who was the person who gave him the [hint], but found that the opponent had thought of this loophole earlier, and used [hint] to eliminate the head of the police and The other policemen expressed awareness of his perception.

Emiya Kiritsugu frowned, this opponent was more difficult than he imagined. The opponents have almost destroyed all the channels he can think of to get clues, just like a ball, smooth and without a breakthrough.

This proves that the other party understands the rules of the world better than him.

Among the magicians who are basically old-school, the one who can react with such a modern consciousness must be the work of the Master Caster whom he has never met.

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