I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 56

--Call the police!

He walked to the police headquarters in Fuyuki City, but before he entered the police headquarters, he met two people he didn't want to meet at all.

"Guinevere! Are you... are you Guinevere?" The blond girl in a black suit who looked like a knight suddenly clasped Shirou's shoulders, and Shirou's face was reflected in those holy blue eyes.

Shirou's heart tightened, this girl was none other than Arturia who swore to kill him with a sword last night!



ps: Just to clarify, the settings in this book are only valid in this book, so don’t get into your head~!

Also, stop! Robbery tickets ~! (?Д?*)?.

Chapter 41: Bravery has been opened, wisdom has been opened, only courage is missing


With a black question mark on Shirou's face, he couldn't help asking, "Auntie, did you recognize the wrong person?"

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake." Artoria said apologetically, her eyes darkened. She remembered that this was not her Camelot, but the modern age more than 1,500 years later, the wise princess had long since disappeared.

Shirou left with a puzzled expression on his face. Just now, I thought my identity had been found out, so I took a second look at the sun to confirm that it was daytime, and I couldn't fight.

"What's the matter, Saber?" Irisviel came over and asked aloud.

"It's nothing, I just thought I saw an acquaintance." Artoria replied seriously.

"Acquaintance?" Irisviel glanced at Shirou's back, and couldn't help laughing, "Could that acquaintance be the child of some knight?"

"No. It just looks a bit like that acquaintance's childhood." Artoria replied, and then walked away with Irisviel.



Shirou went to the police headquarters in Fuyuki City according to his established plan, but he felt inexplicable for a while.

Shaking his head, Shirou didn't think about these miscellaneous things. The most urgent thing is the Holy Grail War, and he must get over it!

Neon's police system is more interesting, and the system and title are also somewhat different from those of the Celestial Dynasty. For example, the police sub-stations in various places are not called the police station but the police headquarters. As for the police station located in the capital Tokyo, it is called the Metropolitan Police Department.

And the highest officers of each police headquarters are not called "police chiefs" but "heads".

Shirou came to the Fuyuki City Police Headquarters, and found that the headquarters he had visited before was very busy at the moment.

This is also normal. There was a terrorist attack in Fuyuki City last night. A rental house in an urban area was directly blasted by C4 bombs. The bombardment formed a sea of ​​flames.

Although the urban area was not demolished and rebuilt due to the economic downturn, and the rental house was a lonely one, so there were no major casualties, but the impact was very far-reaching.

The first to bear the brunt is the Fuyuki City Police Headquarters. As Fuyuki City's organization to protect citizens' safety, its prestige was greatly compromised when it failed to arrest the murderer before and later failed to contain the terrorist attack in advance.

For this reason, the entire Fuyuki City Police Headquarters was mobilized to arrest these terrorists.

However, the modus operandi of these terrorists is very sophisticated, and they have not found a single clue that can break through.

While in a hurry, Shirou brought a clue.

He roared first, attracting the attention of all the busy staff, then used [hint] to invade step by step, and finally invaded the office where the minister was, and used [hint] to control him.

"The one who used the C4 bomb to carry out the terrorist attack last night was a group of members of a transnational terrorist organization. The leader is Emiya Kiritsugu. He is a local neon man. Let's hunt him down. But this person has guns and bombs shipped by sea, which is extremely dangerous. , directly shoot to death when encountering it, there is no need to deliberately arrest it."

Emiya Kiritsugu almost bombed him last night, the so-called reciprocity, Shirou also gave Emiya Kiritsugu a big gift, and told Emiya Kiritsugu's signs step by step.

With the help of [hint] a professional image painter, he sketched out an image very close to Emiya Kiritsugu step by step, and then the head of the police headquarters who was [hinted] issued orders to implement a reward order.

However, it is estimated that this order is useless if it is directly executed. As an official organization, they must follow the procedures, otherwise they will act in violation of regulations and disrupt order.

"Contact the customs, and let such dangerous people enter the country with guns. What are they doing for food?" Under the circumstances of [Hint], the head of the police headquarters learned about Emiya Kiritsugu's information, and was very shocked and angry.

[Hint] It is equivalent to hypnosis. It can hypnotize the superficial consciousness, but it cannot change the subconscious mind and personality, so this is entirely a matter of the temperament of the police chief.

He didn't [hint] the entire police headquarters completely, because people would see the flaws, but he used [hint] to control the head of the headquarters, and then issued orders.

No one, especially these old-fashioned magicians, would never have imagined that a modern spy would be mixed into their war!

The first to be attacked by this modern spy was Emiya Kiritsugu known as the magician killer.

Shirou also had his own considerations for choosing Emiya Kiritsugu as his target first.

First of all, the other party really attacked him last night and almost killed him! Anger is one aspect, and the identity of reality and cognition is also another aspect, so that the [hint] issued in this way is not easy to be automatically deciphered by the brain and subconscious.

Secondly, Emiya Kiritsugu is also quite modern-minded, and he is the most dangerous to Shirou, and Artoria has already sworn to kill him, so there is nothing wrong with letting him out first.

As for whether those policemen can succeed? Ninety-nine percent of the time it won't work, but the bounty warrant issued by the police station can leave him with almost no place to hide.

Of course, he can also use [hint] like Shirou to hide himself, but it's enough to make him sick for a while.

Furthermore, a bounty arrest warrant was issued. In the context of the Great Depression, money can urge a more powerful force than magic, which is the power of mortals, called the power of the masses.

Especially when this incident became a big deal, as the customs intervened to allow dangerous elements like him to pass through, that was the real state machine in operation.

In fact, the first thing Shirou thought of after passing by Skahati was to go to the U.S. military base in Okinawa for a couple of laps to see if he could launch a few missiles and throw them at Tohsaka’s house for the golden king to give Be happy and happy.

But if you think about it carefully, the Xingyue world is a world full of mysteries, how could the scientific watch world not guard against these things?

Although the Fuyuki City Police Headquarters can use [hint] unimpeded, how could the army, which is the core violence of the country, be unprepared? If any magician could use [hint] to use the army to make troubles, wouldn't the world be in chaos long ago? Will there still be order?

Furthermore, even if the missiles are indeed found, the military will definitely investigate, and when the time comes, the entire state machine will be in operation, so it's not just a joke.

With this in mind, Shirou didn't take the time to send his family to Hokkaido to go to Okinawa first. Of course, this was also because he was afraid that Gilgamesh was staring at him at the time. If he really stared at him, he would be killed by Gilgamesh on the way.

After all, this is reality, and it is different from the dream where the whole world has to get used to oneself.

Last night's heart attack proved this point profoundly. Not only was it useless, but he was firmly targeted by the two knights.

In addition, Shirou has one more important thing to do.

Yes, a big deal in the true sense of the word!

Reporting on Emiya Kiritsugu is nothing compared to this matter.

However, Shirou, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, kept silent whenever he mentioned this matter. Finally, I mustered up my courage, but was frightened out of my courage in the aftermath of brain supplementation.

He stared at his right hand, his eyes hesitated.

If this thing is really done, then there is no turning back. Even if he survives the fourth Holy Grail War, the Magic Association, the Church of the Holy Church, and even the restraining power may end up killing him directly!

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