After a moment of silence, Shen Bai looked at Zhang Zhen again and asked, "Then do you know who is in charge of the base now?"

"There are now four people in charge of the base, the secretary of the Nanxi City Party Committee, the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, the mayor of Nanxi City, and the deputy head of the special operations regiment. Hearing

Zhang Zhen mention the secretary of the municipal party committee, Shen Bai's eyes lit up slightly.

Zhao Nina's father is the secretary of the municipal party committee, named Zhao Qingze.

I didn't expect him to be alive and one of the people in charge of this base.

Think about it, a high-ranking and powerful person like this, once a crisis situation occurs, as long as he is not infected and turned into a zombie at that time, the probability of survival is very high, because there will be many people who sacrifice their lives to protect them.

The secretary of the municipal party committee, the deputy secretary, and the mayor were all alive, but the head of the special operations regiment died, and only the deputy head remained.

"There's one more problem. Shen Bai pointed to an area behind the municipal building, "What is that place over there?"

The direction that Shen Bai pointed to was where the coordinates of the supply box were located.

Zhang Zhen looked in the direction that Shen Bai pointed to, and then said: "That side is the military region, the soldiers of the army are resting there, and all the military materials and equipment are also stored there, and there is a forbidden area, and all ordinary survivors are forbidden to go near that side." "

Military region?" Shen Bai couldn't help frowning.

This is the worst outcome, his original plan was to sneak into the base, recover the supply box without alarming anyone, find out the news of Zhao Nina's father, and if he can, reveal the fact that Zhao Nina is still alive to the other party, and then leave silently.

But it's good to die, the supply box is actually in the military region, so you don't have to think about it, it must be put together as military supplies and other equipment.

Although Shen Bai has been injected with the strengthening of the gene and his strength has skyrocketed, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can silently infiltrate the military camp to steal things.

And he didn't want to be the enemy of this respectful army, which was a bit of a problem.

Seeing Shen Bai frowning, Zhang Zhen thought that his words made Shen Bai dissatisfied, and he didn't dare to make a sound in his cautious atmosphere.

Shen Bai casually threw the ham sausage to the other party, and said lightly: "It's okay, you can go." "

Okay, thank you, big brother!".

Zhang Zhen hurriedly picked up the ham sausage, nodded and said, then turned around and trotted away.

Shen Bai returned to the tent area, and the gangsters who were with Zhang Zhen were nowhere to be found.

By this time, the sky had gradually darkened, and many places in the base were lit up.

Most areas of Nanxi City have been without power, and the municipal side is no exception, but there are too many ways to get electricity, and the easiest way is a diesel generator, like a government building like a government building, there must be a high-power generator just in case, so it is not surprising that there is electricity.

Sitting in the tent area, you can see the lights in the municipal building from a distance.

Zhao Nina's father, Zhao Qingze, was there.

"Let's see if I can find a way to get in touch with Zhao Nina's father first tomorrow, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he may be able to help......"

Early the next morning, when Shen Bai got up, most of the people in the tent area were still sleeping soundly in their tents.

It's not that they don't want to get up early, it's really empty, and they have to endure the torment of hunger when they get up early, but it's better to sleep until dawn, and sleep directly until noon.

Some of the survivors who were already hungry and couldn't sleep got up and saw the three Shen Bai who were already dressed neatly, and their eyes showed envy.

Yesterday, the news that Shen Chao taught those gangsters a lesson had spread in the tent area, and everyone knew that these three people were not good at stubble.

But what spread more widely was that Shen Bai gave Zhang Zhen a ham sausage!

Obviously, Shen Bai and the three of them are not short of food!

Although the base will only seize guns, knives and other weapons during inspection, and the remaining things such as food, cash, gold and silver jewelry will still belong to them, but how many of the rescued survivors can carry enough food?

However, the strength of Shen Bai and the others discouraged them.

Even Zhang Zhen's gangsters can't be provoked, let alone them

Shen Bai and the three of them walked out of the tent area and came to the municipal building.

Before they could get closer, they were stopped by patrolling soldiers.

"Hello, normal survivors are not allowed here, if you are a special staff member, please show your ID card for inspection.

Hearing the other party's words, Shen Bai knew that it was not so simple to enter the municipal building.

He thought for a while and said, "This comrade, I have something to do with the secretary of the municipal party committee, I know the whereabouts of his daughter, can I be accommodating." The

patrolling soldier looked at Shen Bai with a very strange look, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, the army has an order, my task is to guard this place and prevent unrelated people from entering the municipal building, and other things have nothing to do with me." In

fact, since the establishment of the base, countless survivors have tried to infiltrate the municipal building, using a variety of reasons, not to mention others, just take this famous municipal party secretary as an example.

During this period, the distant relatives, cousins, old friends, old classmates, and even his own mother, father-in-law, and son of the secretary of the municipal party committee have appeared, but after careful verification, it turned out that they were all fake.

So no matter what these survivors say now, they won't believe it.

Shen Bai saw that this warrior's attitude was very resolute, and there was no room for maneuver, so he didn't say anything more and retreated.

After the complaint, he took another look at the military district located behind the municipal building.

This side is also strictly guarded, even more tightly than the municipal building, and it is impossible to sneak in easily, and even if it does, there is a high probability that it will be exposed because of clothing and identity tags.

Sure enough, it didn't go as smoothly as I imagined......

Next, the helpless Shen Bai took a turn around the place in the base that could be used by ordinary survivors to understand the situation.

At present, there are tent areas to the west and east of the base, with the gate to the south, the municipal building a little north of the center, and the northernmost military district.

In addition to this, there are a few other places in the base.

In addition to accommodation, there is also a medical area in the base to help those who are sick and survive.

The trading market area is where survivors can trade their belongings with the base officials to obtain more food or other resources.

In addition, the place where the most people gather is undoubtedly the restaurant area, outside the kitchen, there is a very large shantytown, neatly placed with a large number of tables, chairs and benches, and the free lunch provided by the base on weekdays is distributed here, and many survivors get up and have nothing to do, so they simply sit here and wait for the meal to start.

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