It took another half a day to prepare these things that might be used.

In this operation, Shen Bai was only going to bring two people, Shen Chao, a super soldier who had been serving as his bodyguard, and a mercenary.

Ida Wang will lead seven other soldiers on standby on the periphery.

This time the operation is not to fight, and there is no point in bringing many people in, and in a place like this, weapons will definitely not be allowed, and the soldiers will follow in, which will have no effect, but it will be more convenient to move with fewer people, and some unnecessary troubles can be avoided.

The combat power of seven soldiers, coupled with the strategic talent and combat effectiveness of Ada Wang, even in the city full of corpses, as long as you are careful, there will be no danger.

After getting ready, Shen Bai took Shen Chao and the mercenaries and walked towards the municipal base.

In the empty street, three people suddenly came out, and in the blink of an eye, they were discovered by the soldiers in charge of patrolling and guarding.

With the enhanced vision, Shen Bai could clearly see that the soldiers on the watchtower gestured downward, and several soldiers gathered in front of the barbed wire fence in Shen Bai's direction.

At the same time, a megaphone horn sounded.

"The three people in front! Stop moving forward immediately when you hear the voice, raise your hands! Obey our instructions! If you behave out of line, you will be treated as infected zombies and shot directly! Please pay attention!".

When Shen Bai heard this, he immediately stopped, then raised his hands, and Shen Chao and the mercenaries beside him also behaved in the same way.

Seeing Shen Bai and them raising their hands obediently, the soldiers in the distance were obviously a lot more relaxed.

The biggest difference between zombies and humans is intelligence, and those monsters don't follow instructions to raise their hands.

This act alone has already made them let down most of their guard.

"Very good, now you can get closer, but you must move slowly, do not run, there is a checkpoint on the north side of the barbed wire fence for survivors to enter, you have to go there and get checked to make sure there are no signs of infection before you are allowed to enter!"

Shen Bai had actually noticed the location of the entrance a long time ago, but he deliberately chose this side, the main reason was that this direction was a main road, and as an ignorant survivor who came to seek refuge, it was most reasonable to appear in this position.

According to the instructions of the loudspeaker, Shen Bai and the three of them walked to the north, where there was an iron fence gate, and next to the door, outside the barbed wire, there was a military tent.

After approaching, Shen Bai saw the words printed on the military tent.

"Survivor Medical Examination: New survivors must enter the tent for a full body examination before they are allowed to enter. "

Entering the tent, there are a few tables and chairs in it, the other side of the tent is not fenced, but directly connected to the barbed wire, several staff wearing white coats and masks are standing behind the barbed wire, and next to them are several soldiers with loaded guns.

"Hello survivors, please don't be nervous, we are just doing a simple check on your physical condition, because the zombie virus has a strong ability to spread infection, and we must ensure that every survivor who enters the base does not carry the virus.

A staff member said, gesturing to the table next to him.

"Now, please put the contents of your backpack and the contents of your clothes on the table, including guns, knives and other weapons. Shen

Bai had already thought of this possibility in advance, and had left all the things that might cause suspicion or misunderstanding on Ida Wang's side before leaving, and they had nothing on them except for some necessities for survival, including firearms, and he only had a Type 92 pistol, and only two bullets.

Seeing Shen Bai and the three of them put everything on the table, these staff members recorded them one by one very carefully, and then said: "Now, please take off your clothes, we will check your body to ensure that you don't have any scratches and bites."

After a series of inspections, Shen Bai and the three of them put on their clothes again.

These were all things that Shen Bai expected, and he had prepared in advance, so the whole process was very smooth.

"Alright, you can put away the gear on the table, but the pistol needs to be kept, and no private people are allowed to carry dangerous weapons in the base.

"Later you can enter the base from the main entrance and register your identity at the registration desk, where you will be able to pick up the relevant code of conduct.

After that, the staff member pulled down his mask, smiled at Shen Bai and the three and said, "Welcome to the Nanxi City Emergency Rescue Base, I'm glad you are still alive." "

The process of being inspected was not pleasant, especially when you had to be stripped naked and looked like an animal, and the weapons you were carrying had to be handed in, but the subsequent attitude of the staff member, and the last sentence, did dissipate the resentment in the hearts of most people.

"Overall, it's pretty good......"

This is Shen Bai's first feeling about this Nanxi City emergency rescue base.

This proves that the base is still under the control of ZF, and that the people are still sane, and that they have not fallen into a state of lawlessness and madness after the end of the world like other survivors of the apocalypse.

In this way, this operation may be smoother than expected.

Zhao Nina's father is the secretary of the municipal party committee, one of the top people in Nanxi City, with a high position, and must be one of the key objects of protection for these soldiers, as long as they are not infected by the first wave of zombie viruses, there is a high probability of survival.

The three of them walked out of the examination room and came to the door, where a gap opened for Shen Bai and the three of them to enter.

Walking into the base, the soldier with a gun at the door pointed to a row of tents not far away and said, "That's the registration office, you need to go there to register your personal information."

Shen Bai and the three of them walked to the tent over there as they said, compared to the tent they inspected before, it was much better here, there was no barbed wire fence like captivity, there were several staff members sitting in the tent, and everyone had a table in front of them.

At this time, these staff members were still working, and there were dozens of people sitting in the seating area with waiting area signs.

The staff in charge of registration looked up at Shen Bai and the three people who walked in, and said, "Let's wait in line first."

Shen Bai was not in a hurry, and the three of Shen Chao's mercenaries came to the waiting area and sat down, observing the contents of these staff registrations.

Although it is an emergency rescue base in the last days, the contents of the staff registration here are quite detailed.

From name, ID number, age, gender, place of household registration, current place of residence, and job before the outbreak of the zombie virus, etc.

After the registration, the staff will also take a photo of the registrant, file it together with the registration information, and then issue the registrant an identity tag with a numerical number.

"This identity tag is your only status symbol in the base, and free lunch and dinner will be served every day in the base, and you need to show your identity tag to receive it. "

Your accommodation is in the tent area on the west side of the base, and the number on it corresponds to your ID badge, I wish you a happy life in the base. "

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