Shen Bai nodded, followed Zhao De in the direction of the warehouse, and the soldiers followed suit.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao De glanced at those people in the distance, and finally someone walked towards Vice President Zhang.

"Vice Dean Zhang, are you okay? What did they do to you?"

"Team Shen, you've got me in trouble. Walking on the road, Zhao De suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"I'm afraid that the entire private hospital will think that I have become your pawn and join forces with you to occupy the private hospital.

"Is that a problem for you?" Shen Bai smiled and said noncommittally: "Now that the person who hinders you no longer exists, and the entire private hospital is decided by you alone, isn't it good?" As for me...... If you want to occupy this place, do you need to work together inside and outside?".

Shen Bai didn't mean to brag at all, these people in the private hospital, except for Zhao De, were all stinky fish and rotten shrimp, and they didn't even need to do anything, dozens of soldiers standing there with guns could make them frightened and surrender without a fight.

"Of course I understand, but why are you doing this?" Zhao De couldn't figure this out just now.

If you have to count it, it is he who made a promise to Shen Bai, even if it is not his original intention to break the promise, but according to the normal logic of thinking, the first object of Shen Bai's anger should be him.

But instead of settling accounts with him, Shen Bai gave him a big gift! Directly let him become the person in charge of a private hospital.

With Shen Bai's tiger skin draped on his body, Zhao De's status in private hospitals can be described as rock-solid, and no one can shake it.

"Why? There's no why, if you have to say it, I think you're more pleasing to the eye. Shen Bai smiled slightly and said something that made Zhao De quite speechless.

It's more pleasing to the eye, so it directly made me the boss of dozens of people in a private hospital

That's right, Shen Bai was indeed just a temporary idea.

For him, it didn't matter who the leader here was, but the high-minded attitude of the vice president made him feel uncomfortable, and he also prevented himself from coming to get the medicine.

Although Shen Bai doesn't attach great importance to the drug resources here, but in any case, it is also the reward that Shen Bai deserves for helping them exterminate the corpses, no matter whether he attaches importance to it or not, you are not qualified to say that if you don't give it, you won't give it!

Eating soft and not hard, this is Shen Bai's style.

The process of selecting and transporting drug resources is not complicated.

Shen Bai didn't know much about drugs, and most of the drugs he chose were ordinary drugs such as anti-inflammatory, and the amount he took away was not very much.

The main role of these drugs for Shen Bai is to be an emergency, once there is a serious injury or serious illness of the patient, the best way is to send it to a private hospital and hand it over to professional medical personnel to deal with.

This is also the reason why Shen Bai asked Zhao Delai to lead the group of people in the private hospital.

Although the relationship between him and Zhao De is not so good, the other party is a smart person, and dealing with such a person will be very simple and easy, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble.

For private hospitals, this is absolutely beneficial.

Although Shen Bai's actions are domineering, his strength is there, once he is involved with Shen Bai, if he encounters a crisis that cannot be solved in the future, he will still have a place to ask for help.

Just like the more than 5,000 zombies before, in the eyes of these people in a private hospital, it was simply a catastrophe, but for Shen Bai and his corps, it was only a matter of a few hours of fighting.

After carrying the medicine to the truck, Shen Bai and the others left the private hospital.

Before leaving, he also gave another order to Zhao De.

"Recently, I may have to go to the city, most of my subordinates will stay in the base and be on standby, if anything happens in the meantime, you can go to my girlfriend Nina Zhao.

Shen Bai's words were not only for Zhao De, but also for the base.

With Zhao De's wisdom, he could naturally comprehend the meaning of Shen Bai's words.

If he has something, he can go to the base to ask for help, and similarly, if there is something on the base, he naturally can't sit idly by.

Although the base has a newly built wall and a sentry cannon, which can be described as impregnable, Shen Bai feels that there is nothing bad about keeping an extra hand, what if it can really be used?

After leaving the hospital, Shen Bai was not in a hurry to return to the base.

Shen Bai took Zhao Nina around the ring road of Nanxi City twice, and inspected the roads leading to the city on the spot.

Soon, he will lead the elite team into the tiger's den to find the supply crate, how to enter the city, and which road to enter are very important.

As he thought, most of the roads are crowded with all kinds of vehicles, and it is difficult to pass, but fortunately, the road planning and traffic system in Nanxi City are relatively perfect, in addition to the motorized lanes, there are non-motorized lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the road, which are separated by fences or green belts.

With the performance of off-road vehicles, it can completely cross the green belt and drive along the non-motorized lanes and sidewalks, which solves the traffic problem to a large extent.

Of course, along the way, difficulties and troubles are not just congested abandoned vehicles, filling the streets and alleys, and almost ubiquitous zombies are the real troubles.

Shen Bai was preparing to pick out one of these roads with the fewest zombies and the easiest way to get closer to the destination.

After inspecting the situation of several roads, the sky was getting dark, Zhao Nina was a little tired, Shen Bai felt that the time was almost right at this time, and the team finally began to return.

"What's going on? Are we on the wrong track...... No, this is the base! How can this be?" Before she got close to the base, far away, Zhao Nina couldn't help but exclaim.

At this time, the base is completely different from when I went out in the morning!

What she saw was a tall and majestic wall!

The walls are three meters high, gray and white, and the color is like cement, and you can feel how hard they are just by looking at them!

As far as the eye can see, the entire base is completely surrounded by this tall gray wall, like a fortress!

Looking back at Shen Bai in disbelief, Zhao Nina muttered, "When you set off in the morning, you said that the base was going to carry out some small renovation projects...... Is that what you're referring to?".

"That's right. Shen Bai nodded, but a hint of shock flashed in his eyes.

Even if you have seen the transparent wall for a long time, you will inevitably be amazed when you see the majestic wall of more than 1,000 meters that has been lifted from the transparent state.

It's truly spectacular!

With such a wall, even thousands of zombies can't break through the base!

"How the hell is this done?".

Shen Bai couldn't answer Zhao Nina's question, but it seemed that she didn't dwell on this issue.

Shen Bai has a lot of secrets, and they all belong to the kind of strange secrets that can't be explained.

But Zhao Nina also understands that some things are not good to get to the bottom of things.

If Shen Bai wanted her to know this, he would naturally take the initiative to reveal it when the time came.

And if he is unwilling to let himself know, then even if he asks the bottom line, he will not get the answer, but will cause the other party to resent.

With her ice and snow intelligence, she naturally won't ask anything.

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