After collecting the supplies, Shen Bai was not ready to continue to go to the city, so he led the soldiers to return.

Sitting in the car, Shen Bai was still thinking about where to collect the supplies next, and whether to risk approaching the city limits.

At this moment, a dense burst of gunfire was heard in the distance, and then the convoy also stopped.

"What's going on?".

Shen Bai leaned in front of the car window and looked out, and saw several soldiers leaning out of the car window, shooting forward continuously.

In order to ensure his own safety, Shen Bai did everything in all aspects, even when a large number of soldiers went out with him, he would not sit in the front vehicle, and usually rode in a relatively safe vehicle in the middle position.

However, this also made it impossible for him to know the situation in the first place.

"Commander! A pack of dogs has been found ahead, suspected to be infected by the virus, and is extremely aggressive!".

A soldier who had already gotten out of the car reported loudly to Shen Bai.


Shen Bai didn't have time to ask carefully, he felt a flower in front of him, and the soldier who got out of the car had been thrown to the ground by a black dog!

This is a very ordinary Chinese pastoral dog, but what is not ordinary is its body shape! This is the body shape of a Chinese pastoral dog! It is clearly a calf!

"Don't get out of the car!Shoot from the window in the car!".

The incident happened suddenly, Shen Bai didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly yelled and ordered all the soldiers not to get out of the car easily.

The soldier was talking about a pack of dogs, not a dog! In other words, there is more than one monster of this size! It is a wise choice to hide in the car as a cover to fight them instead of getting out of the car and fighting them head-on!

"Da Da Da!".

The soldiers in the surrounding vehicles poked out their guns and shot at the mutant black dog that pounced on the soldiers.

Clusters of blood burst out on the mutant black dog's body, but to Shen Bai's shock, the terrifying lethality of M4A1 at close range had a very limited effect on this black dog!

The skin of this thing seems to be very tough, and most of the bullets only stay on the muscles on the surface of its body, and do not penetrate the muscles to destroy the vital organs in the body!


" The mutant black dog that had been shot dozens of times on its body screamed angrily, its bark was no longer the usual "Wang" sound of dogs, but more like the roar of a beast!

I saw the mutant black dog kick its hind legs violently, and rushed towards the nearest off-road vehicle like a cannonball.


After being violently impacted, the off-road vehicle was knocked to one side and lifted up directly! But fortunately, the weight of the vehicle was not light when it was full of soldiers, and it was not completely overturned!

"Made! What kind of monster is this?

Shen Bai was stunned by this scene, is this still a dog?

At this moment, the mutant dog on the other side, which had been yellowish, also jumped up, and its target was the off-road vehicle where Shen Bai was!


There was a loud bang! Shen Bai only felt the body slam violently, and the whole car was almost overturned!

"Damn, what the hell is going on!".

Fortunately, although the skin and muscles are extremely tough, it is not invulnerable after all, and the mutant black dog before was scarred by the intensive fire of the soldiers, and was finally hit by the vital point, and fell down with a scream.

At the same time, the gray mutant dog that hit Shen Bai's vehicle didn't last long, and was quickly shot!

In other locations, the intense gunfire continued for some time before gradually subsided.

Shen Bai got out of the car and looked at the off-road vehicle that seemed to have been in a car accident and the body had been seriously deformed, and his face was a little ugly.


Shen Chao, the super soldier beside Shen Bai, reported: "There are a total of six dogs that attacked the convoy, and all of them have been killed.

"What about casualties?" Shen Bai asked.

"Seven soldiers were killed and two were seriously wounded, one mercenary was killed and one was seriously wounded, four vehicles were so badly damaged that they could not be driven, and five more needed to be returned to the base for repairs.

Shen Chao's answer made the corners of Shen Bai's eyes twitch.

7 soldiers!1 mercenary!Heavy losses!

Even if the zombies were hunted on a large scale every day in the past few days, the casualties of the troops were only two in total, but in less than five minutes, eight people died!

The initiator of all this is actually just six dogs!

These dogs are clearly no ordinary dogs, as evidenced by their huge size, atavistic sharp teeth, and their bodies that are tough enough to withstand bullets!

"Is it a virus?".

Shen Bai took two steps forward, squatted down and carefully examined the corpse of a mutant dog in front of him.

Judging from the appearance of these dogs, they are very different from zombies, their bodies are not decomposed, and they do not seem to have immortal vitality like zombies, they do not need to pierce their heads, and they will die as long as they are fatally wounded in vital parts.

In other words, they still belong to the category of living things!

In other words, they are mutants.

Shen Bai has read a lot of post-apocalyptic novels, and many of them have creative settings for animals and plants.

This kind of creature is not a zombie, but it is in the last days, affected by viruses or the environment, and has further evolved in order to better survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic environment.

This is definitely not a good thing for human survivors!

Especially these dogs that appeared in front of Shen Bai!

He carefully observed each of the dogs, and found that all the dogs, without exception, were just Chinese pastoral dogs! And before the mutation, they were just the kind of small dogs that wandered on the street!

What would the big dogs look like? What would the big carnivores look like, like lions, tigers?

Shen Bai didn't dare to think about it anymore!

"Straighten out the team and bring the corpses of these six mutant dogs back to the base together!".

Shen Bai frowned and commanded the soldiers.

At this moment, his heart was extremely heavy.

In the past two days, he has become more and more relaxed, since he has a hundred-man corps, the threat of zombies seems to no longer exist, hundreds of zombies are not enough to pose a threat to him, and the evolved T2 zombies cannot break through the firepower network composed of soldiers, even in the face of tens of thousands of corpses, relying on the firepower of the soldiers is enough to fight their way out of the encirclement!

This made him feel that the crisis of the end times was nothing more than that.

But the appearance of the mutant dog made him understand that this idea was still too naïve!

Although the soldiers quickly killed all six mutant dogs, Shen Bai knew that this was nothing at all!

In recent years, pet dogs and cats have become very popular in the city, which is a fairly large base!

In the face of six mutant dogs, the soldiers can solve it quickly, but what if they encounter dozens or even hundreds of mutant dogs?

"It's still not fast enough!"

At this moment, Shen Bai once again felt this deeply!

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