"Here they are!".

In Boss Jiang's base, the sound of gunfire in the distance was like a signal, which made Boss Jiang's heart jump suddenly.

The familiar sound of gunfire was clearly the sound of the M4A1 firing! He listened to it all night last night, and he will never forget it anyway!

It's just that how could they kill so quickly! Could they really not wait for revenge?

"Everyone! Prepare for battle! The enemy is coming!".

Yelling at the busy subordinates in the base, Boss Jiang's eyes flashed with coldness, "Hmph! I don't believe it! I killed more than 5,000 zombies yesterday, how much ammunition do you have!".

Under the command of Boss Jiang, his subordinates hid behind the built bunkers, and many people hid in the surrounding houses and alleys, ready to take a surprise.

I waited quietly for more than ten minutes, but I didn't wait for anyone to be seen.

"What's going on? Did they just kill the people at the checkpoint and then retreat?"

Just when Boss Jiang was extremely puzzled, a black spot in the sky suddenly caught his attention.

"What's that?".

Squinting his eyes and carefully observing the sky, Boss Jiang was shocked to find that it was actually a drone!

"Drones! must be there to scout the terrain! Shoot it down for me!"

Boss Jiang angrily pointed at the sky and yelled, and many of his subordinates raised their muzzles and shot at the sky, and the gunshots crackled non-stop for a while.

However, how could the marksmanship of this group of rabble be able to hit a drone that was located at an altitude of nearly 100 meters and was still so small?

As if on purpose, the drone circled over the base several times, almost looking at the terrain of the entire base, and then flew back.


Boss Jiang's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Hmph, even if I let you see it clearly, with just a dozen of you, can you attack my impregnable base?"

In modern warfare, information intelligence is often one of the most critical factors.

This is also the reason why countries have spent huge sums of money to develop high-definition satellites and put great efforts to send them into space.

Using modern warfare to describe the battle between Shen Bai and Boss Jiang is really a bit of an exaltation for him, but obviously, Boss Jiang lacks the most important information right now.

He obviously didn't know the real number of people on Shen Bai's side, otherwise he would have chosen to run away at the first time, what was the looted material? Losing the materials was better than losing his life!

It's a pity that he doesn't have a chance anymore.

Shen Bai, who recovered the drone, already knew the situation of Boss Jiang's territory, and even knew where most of them were ambushed and prepared for a sneak attack.

Now, with the absolute advantage of numbers and equipment, the advantage of the opponent's geographical advantage has also been weakened to the greatest extent, just by virtue of Boss Jiang's chickens and dogs, they are not the opponents of the soldiers at all!

On Boss Jiang's side, although the location has been exposed, there is no way to replace it, and there is only so much space to change the place to hide.

What he was thinking about now was relying on the advantages of bunkers and defensive positions and numbers, and Shen Bai and a dozen of them would definitely suffer heavy losses if they forcibly charged.

But a few minutes later, watching one after another cars drive to the base barricade and stop not far away, everyone's eyes, including Boss Jiang, fell into a daze.

"What's going on, how can they have so many people!".

Looking at the soldiers who walked down from the car one after another, Boss Jiang's entire base was in a state of panic.

Originally, I thought they had a numerical advantage, but now there are more people on the other side than them!

What's more, these people actually have an M4A1 in their hands!

Look at the other side, and then look at your own side, most of them only have a pistol, and a few have trolls, birds, and other miscellaneous firearms ......

How will this battle be fought?

Getting out of a car, Shen Bai was not in a hurry to immediately let the soldiers charge, but took out a horn from the car and cleared his throat.

"Can you hear the people inside?"

The sound amplified by loudspeakers was clearly heard in every corner of the building ahead.

"I'm here today, mainly to find trouble with Boss Jiang, it's purely a personal grudge, I'll give you five minutes, if you give up fighting, I can consider sparing your life, but if you are obsessed and bent on dying with Boss Jiang, I will also fulfill you." "

Remember, you only have 5 minutes to think about it! When the time is up, we'll kill you!".

Shen Bai's words made the people in the base look nervous, and everyone holding the pistol looked at each other.

"Don't listen to him, that bastard is lying to you! Once you give up your resistance, you won't even have the slightest chance to live!".

Boss Jiang's eyelids fluttered, and he hurriedly comforted his subordinates loudly.

Regardless of whether Shen Bai's promise is true or not, he must stabilize the morale of the army, otherwise once his subordinates surrender their guns or turn against the water, he will die!

Boss Jiang's subordinates, look at me, I look at you, although they are all a little hesitant, they don't dare to surrender blatantly.

Although the enemy's position in front of them is very large, the prestige that Boss Jiang has accumulated over the past few days is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they know very well what the fate of betraying Boss Jiang will be, it is very miserable!

On Shen Bai's side, the reason why he said this was mainly to minimize casualties.

The call of a soldier, after all, is extracted by survival points, and he doesn't want too many soldiers to be lost because of this garbage.

In addition, although the soldiers have no emotions, Shen Bai still can't treat them as machines, after all, they are also flesh and blood, and they are loyal to him, if he treats them like mustard, he himself can't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Unfortunately, five minutes passed quickly, but there was no movement in the opponent's position.

Regarding this scene, Shen Bai could only sigh secretly.

In the final analysis, the strength is still not enough, if there are not nearly a hundred soldiers standing here today, but thousands of soldiers or a few tanks and armored vehicles, the other side will definitely be defeated.

Since the enemy does not know whether he is alive or dead, Shen Bai will not show mercy to his subordinates.

"The first, second, third, and fourth squads are ready to charge, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh squads are suppressing cover with fire!"

Before yesterday's battle, Ida Shen had formed these soldiers in small groups, each group of ten people, in order to facilitate the immediate dispersion of troops in skirmishes.

When Shen Bai commanded, he also used the name of Aida Shen's formation.

After receiving Shen Bai's order, the soldiers of the fifth to seventh teams raised their guns one after another, aimed at the base, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

"Da Da Da!".

The effective range of the M4A1 automatic rifle is 300 meters! The ultra-long firing distance allows soldiers to easily suppress long-range fire!

In contrast, the range of the pistol on Boss Jiang's side is usually less than 100 meters, and the range of the trolls is even shorter, so he is powerless to fight back at all, and he can't raise his head at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the forty soldiers of the four squads quickly rushed towards the enemy's position, and without any hindrance, they easily rushed under the position!

The defensive position of Boss Jiang's base is a rudimentary fence made of barbed wire, sandbags and abandoned vehicles, which is good for blocking zombies, but it can't stop experienced soldiers at all!

Several soldiers took the lead, accelerated their sprint, easily crossed the barbed wire, and tumbled to the ground and were already in the middle of the position!

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